Topic: Social Security - Purpose & Benefits | |
I wish they would just do away with social security. I will NOT be expecting to get social security when I retire. It's why I'm in school to make my own living and save all I can for my golden years. Less government in my life. what about for all the children born with mental and physical attributes that prevent them from earning money? Every single cent they get towards assistance coems formt he social security fund when it is all boiled back to the beginning... Well, what about them? I'm suppose to pay for everyone elses misfortune? If you want that money taken out of your paycheck, then go ahead. But I don't want to add money towards something I will never see. thats cold girlfriend...a society's strength is how it treats its most needy (for lack of better word)citizens.But for the grace of God go bad accident could put you in need..compassion is getting to be a rare commodity it seems. It's not cold, just harsh reality. I have a son that has had some health problems and I don't expect anyone to pay for what happens to him except for me. That is why I'm in school and working hard so that I don't have to worry about him and his needs. |
There is a difference from harsh reality and complete unrealistic inempathy. Should you get into a severe car accident tomorrow (Please do not take this as a wish of harm it is not) be unable to finish school and be unable to support yourself or your children, you will turn to the government and hopefully they are more empathetic than you are at this point. Not all individuals on assistance or social security are there because they want to be. Life can throw curve balls and sometimes we all need to ask for help. I hope you never see that day.
Dragoness: "We created this problem by allowing the illegals for many many years and paying no mind to it. We the people of this country enjoyed the slave labor, this includes us normal people, not just the rich, so we are at fault here for the problem being what it is today. People can get as mad as they want but they need to kick their own butts first for paying no mind to it for the last 50 years or so. Then after they recover from kicking their own butt then they need to work on resolving the issue humanely. These are humans we are talking about not animals, although some would love us to think of them this way. We treat all humans with the respect and consideration we expect for ourselves first. Agree with you on most of what you say. See a post I have written about taxes on homes in PA. BUT, if these illegals were not here, they would be committing the crimes in their OWN county, not the US. I do not want to hear about the crimes certain citizens of the US commit. IT IS TOTALLY IRRELEVANT TO THE TOPIC OF ILLEGAL ALIENS. And you are wrong, they reap benefits from this country. They get free schooling, medical care, etc. Just check out California. I have No COMPASSION for illegals who disrespect my country, commit crimes and bring in their illegal drugs. DON'T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CAN'T DO THE TIME. Lindyy's message to illegals commiting crimes in the USA. So wanting a change is good, wanting to be hateful and spiteful and inhumane is not. Do you know the percentage of illegals that come to this country and commit crimes not of immigration? It is a small amount. Do you know how many of them work more then one slave labor job to make ends meet since they cannot get assistance? Most. Since the big hype on this subject we will see more of them committing crimes just to live as the employers are now being targeted. Not excusing it, of course, because even citizens commit crimes to live and I don't excuse them either. No compassion for another human is not something to brag about or post proudly. I would say it is a shameful statement and should be kept to oneself or only spoken with those of like ilk. My opinion of course. I understand the issues involved but I will not ever not have compassion for another human. I respect life too much for that. |
Sorry, just my opinion. Sure I'm not cold hearted. But I have money in the bank for my son in case something ever happened to me. My son won't have to deal with social security.
"No compassion for another human is not something to brag about or post proudly. I would say it is a shameful statement and should be kept to oneself or only spoken with those of like ilk. My opinion of course. I understand the issues involved but I will not ever not have compassion for another human. I respect life too much for that." Lindyy says: I have NO COMPASSION on an illegal alien who comes to the United States and murders, rapes, robs, terrorizes a fellow CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. I pose to you Dragoness, this question: WHERE IS YOUR COMPASSION FOR THE US CITIZEN THAT THE ILLEGAL ALIEN(S) HAVE COMMITTED ON INNOCENT U.S.CITIZENS?????????????????????????????????? Going by YOUR philosophy, we are to "pat on the back" the criminal illegal alien, oh, your poor, poor misunderstood baby, and SCREW the U.S. citizen and his/her family that you just murdered, robbed, raped, supplied illegal drugs to further demoralize our counry, terorized, and on an on. You want us to have compassion on illegal aliens who have done that to our U.S. citizens? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() YOUR MAIN MO IS TO FORGET THE UNITED STATES' CITIZENS. Lindyy |
Dragoness: "No compassion for another human is not something to brag about or post proudly. I would say it is a shameful statement and should be kept to oneself or only spoken with those of like ilk. My opinion of course. I understand the issues involved but I will not ever not have compassion for another human. I respect life too much for that." Lindyy says: I have NO COMPASSION on an illegal alien who comes to the United States and murders, rapes, robs, terrorizes a fellow CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. I pose to you Dragoness, this question: WHERE IS YOUR COMPASSION FOR THE US CITIZEN THAT THE ILLEGAL ALIEN(S) HAVE COMMITTED ON INNOCENT U.S.CITIZENS?????????????????????????????????? Going by YOUR philosophy, we are to "pat on the back" the criminal illegal alien, oh, your poor, poor misunderstood baby, and SCREW the U.S. citizen and his/her family that you just murdered, robbed, raped, supplied illegal drugs to further demoralize our counry, terorized, and on an on. You want us to have compassion on illegal aliens who have done that to our U.S. citizens? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() YOUR MAIN MO IS TO FORGET THE UNITED STATES' CITIZENS. Lindyy Quick cover your prejudice and inhumanity is showing. You are making it far more an issue of Nationality then of Humanism. One human commits a crime against another human it is a crime, regardless to nationality or background. So what you are saying is there are lessor humans than you? |
I commend you for your stand on wanting to pay your own way, going to school and working hard. ![]() ![]() BUT, as others tried to point out, one (1) accident can put you into bankruptcy. You can lose everything you ever had and ever want to have. You may end up cripled for the rest of your life just from one accident, then what? We do need insurance, medicare and medicaide, social security, and the other programs that are provided in case of some type of disaster and are there for the very purpose of helping in times of disaster or unfortuante circumstances. As someone else pointed out, what about the child born with disabilities so severe that she/he can never, ever work. Lindyy says: KUDOS to you for your positive attitude for wanting to help yourself. Lindyy |
Enter the no spin zone. You have no compassion for the US citizen that the illegal alien murdered, raped, robbed, terrorized, and on and on and on. THAT IS A TOTAL DISGRACE AND A BLATANT DISRESPECT FOR THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES. ![]() Lindyy |
Dragoness: Enter the no spin zone. You have no compassion for the US citizen that the illegal alien murdered, raped, robbed, terrorized, and on and on and on. THAT IS A TOTAL DISGRACE AND A BLATANT DISRESPECT FOR THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES. ![]() Lindyy I showed no such thing ![]() ![]() |
while researching this, yet another government welfare handout program, and its little off shoot programs.... can you tell me the purpose of freakin social security in the first place. add to that the life expectancy of the average american in the year that this socialist program was enacted(illegally) on the us people?
you weent expected to live long enough to receive any benies from the damn thing. or if you did it woldnt be for a prolonged time.... now its engrained itself as yet another "right"? screw that, needs to be abolished, theres enough welfare to go around,,, or if you cant stand to have your welfare taken away, how about we at very least- stop letting non citizens from receiving moey that should not be going to them. I do not recall having read or otherwise being taught anywhere in the constitution it being written or implied that non cits be "entitled" to everything equally or otherwise as a TRUE damn citizen. screw it Im all about isolationism, seal the borders(and i mean for flippin real, seal the damn things off), let the world police itself for awhile... you want your entitlements "my right to welfare" its about the only thing left to do.... of course there is the old mother russian way, nah you couldnt live with the communist tag placed on yourselves, forget the fact that that is what most extremist left or right try to steer the country towards. but do whatcha wanna do....... you're not really the ones paying for it anyway. pass the hooka doc |
First, the very first post I started this off with explains why social security was begun. Second, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I did immigration law, and saw what the people who wanted to enter this country the LEGAL way, what they went through to accomplish this PRIVILEGE, I said "not only do I vehemently feel the borders need sealed, secured, we also need to have, well, sorry, doc, I can't say, as I will get blasted to you know where and back, but a little more "force" needs to be put in place to secure our borders and protect the safety of the United States of America. ENOUGH of the disrespect these illegals give our great country! Lindyy |
Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these illegal alien defenders. Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, 'No! I like it here. It's better than my house. I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house). According to these illegal alien defenders: You are Required to let me stay in your house You are Required to feed me You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan You are Required to Educate my kids You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family (my spouse will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part). If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there. It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house And what a deal it is for me!!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of being cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior. Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me. Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 02/09/08 07:49 PM
Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these illegal alien defenders. Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, 'No! I like it here. It's better than my house. I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house). According to these illegal alien defenders: You are Required to let me stay in your house You are Required to feed me You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan You are Required to Educate my kids You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family (my spouse will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part). If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there. It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house And what a deal it is for me!!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of being cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior. Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me. Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But it was funny, I will give it that ![]() |
while researching this, yet another government welfare handout program, and its little off shoot programs.... can you tell me the purpose of freakin social security in the first place. add to that the life expectancy of the average american in the year that this socialist program was enacted(illegally) on the us people? you weent expected to live long enough to receive any benies from the damn thing. or if you did it woldnt be for a prolonged time.... now its engrained itself as yet another "right"? screw that, needs to be abolished, theres enough welfare to go around,,, or if you cant stand to have your welfare taken away, how about we at very least- stop letting non citizens from receiving moey that should not be going to them. I do not recall having read or otherwise being taught anywhere in the constitution it being written or implied that non cits be "entitled" to everything equally or otherwise as a TRUE damn citizen. screw it Im all about isolationism, seal the borders(and i mean for flippin real, seal the damn things off), let the world police itself for awhile... you want your entitlements "my right to welfare" its about the only thing left to do.... of course there is the old mother russian way, nah you couldnt live with the communist tag placed on yourselves, forget the fact that that is what most extremist left or right try to steer the country towards. but do whatcha wanna do....... you're not really the ones paying for it anyway. pass the hooka doc This post was all over the place but I will attempt to address the issues. For one our borders should have been secured all along. Long standing problem. Solution close the fr*cken borders and harbors and everything, which should have happened had baby shrub been any kind of decent president. Second the welfare state you speak of has been reformed in the 90s. Clinton instituted welfare reform then and I helped to create the new programs that are now in place. There is no sit on welfare and get benefits anymore. Thirdly, social security is damn hard to get, no illegals or anyone who is not really disabled gets this benefit. Fourth as I have stated continually throughout all of my posts, the federal government said no illegals get any benefits from the government and this was in place way before illegals became such an issue. Fifth, I pay my taxes and I want my taxes to help those who are in need of help, it is what it was meant for. Right now, it is helping the tornado victims and their families and I am proud of this fact. I do not have a problem with controlling the borders should have been happening all along. I do not have a problem with enforcing immigration laws should have been happening long ago and now the issue is larger than just controlling the borders and enforcing the laws. So now we must humanely, with dignity address the issues with the illegals. It is our fault they are here. |
"To bad, when they "broke in" 50 years ago and noone said anything and let them live and work and make a life while "broke in", now suddenly you realized this many years later that they "broke in" now you scream foul? "
Well I see you are not very informed on the issue. We have been trying to keep illegals from crossing the Mexican border for a long time...NOT JUST "SUDDENLY" as you say. The INS was trying to keep illegals out since about 1904...then the Border Patrol was founded in 1924 for the specific reason to keep illegals from crossing the Mexican border. But of course you will come up with some other quasi-liberal reason to fit your agenda for being "compassionate" about illegals ![]() |
Armydoc: First, the very first post I started this off with explains why social security was begun. Second, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I did immigration law, and saw what the people who wanted to enter this country the LEGAL way, what they went through to accomplish this PRIVILEGE, I said "not only do I vehemently feel the borders need sealed, secured, we also need to have, well, sorry, doc, I can't say, as I will get blasted to you know where and back, but a little more "force" needs to be put in place to secure our borders and protect the safety of the United States of America. ENOUGH of the disrespect these illegals give our great country! Lindyy As for the disrespect they show our country some of them appreciate this country that hates them more than the citizens here do. They understand coming from where they do the advantages we have here. The propaganda has all of them being criminals and such. They are for the most part hard working people who saw a chance to better their lives and took it. One has to understand this position. Now laws have to be followed but if they have not been followed for 50 years and suddenly "people" notice this, the issue becomes more complex then just enforcing the original laws. We must be humane, considerate and empathatic to the other humans of which we speak. |
Dragoness...your very last statement
"It is our fault they are here." says it all about your flawed logic. I don't remeber ever hearing about our troops going into mexico to force these people at gun point to come over and break our laws by crossing the border ILLEGALLY.So how does all this become OUR FAULT ???? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dragoness...your very last statement "It is our fault they are here." says it all about your flawed logic. I don't remeber ever hearing about our troops going into mexico to force these people at gun point to come over and break our laws by crossing the border ILLEGALLY.So how does all this become OUR FAULT ???? ![]() ![]() ![]() Illegals have been here for a long time. The elite hired them on purpose for their household jobs and such. We knew this or at least the informed knew this was going on. We knew they were here and turn a blind eye to the fact. Allowing them to live here unhindered and in some cases protected by the rich who hired them. Now some want to jump on this bandwagon of hatred to scream about the "problem of them being here". We all knew they were here. We all turned a blind eye to the problem. We are at fault for this action of non-action that we all did. We helped create a bigger problem. Has nothing to do with liberalism unless liberalism means we see our own responsibility in our world and non liberals do not. |
Armydoc: First, the very first post I started this off with explains why social security was begun. Second, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I did immigration law, and saw what the people who wanted to enter this country the LEGAL way, what they went through to accomplish this PRIVILEGE, I said "not only do I vehemently feel the borders need sealed, secured, we also need to have, well, sorry, doc, I can't say, as I will get blasted to you know where and back, but a little more "force" needs to be put in place to secure our borders and protect the safety of the United States of America. ENOUGH of the disrespect these illegals give our great country! Lindyy As for the disrespect they show our country some of them appreciate this country that hates them more than the citizens here do. They understand coming from where they do the advantages we have here. The propaganda has all of them being criminals and such. They are for the most part hard working people who saw a chance to better their lives and took it. One has to understand this position. Now laws have to be followed but if they have not been followed for 50 years and suddenly "people" notice this, the issue becomes more complex then just enforcing the original laws. We must be humane, considerate and empathatic to the other humans of which we speak. I would agree with that last sentence, with the exception of those who break our laws other than being here illegally. Any illegal convicted of a felony should be kicked out of the country, period!!! Don't pass Go, don't collect 200 dollars. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. You have the Mexican Mafia selling meth in this country and they have mules, right? Someone buys the meth from them, not necessarily an illegal alien. Other crimes (done by people high on meth or doing crimes to get money to get more meth) result from this. So not only does there need to be a crackdown on the supply, but also the demand. |
Armydoc: First, the very first post I started this off with explains why social security was begun. Second, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I did immigration law, and saw what the people who wanted to enter this country the LEGAL way, what they went through to accomplish this PRIVILEGE, I said "not only do I vehemently feel the borders need sealed, secured, we also need to have, well, sorry, doc, I can't say, as I will get blasted to you know where and back, but a little more "force" needs to be put in place to secure our borders and protect the safety of the United States of America. ENOUGH of the disrespect these illegals give our great country! Lindyy As for the disrespect they show our country some of them appreciate this country that hates them more than the citizens here do. They understand coming from where they do the advantages we have here. The propaganda has all of them being criminals and such. They are for the most part hard working people who saw a chance to better their lives and took it. One has to understand this position. Now laws have to be followed but if they have not been followed for 50 years and suddenly "people" notice this, the issue becomes more complex then just enforcing the original laws. We must be humane, considerate and empathatic to the other humans of which we speak. I would agree with that last sentence, with the exception of those who break our laws other than being here illegally. Any illegal convicted of a felony should be kicked out of the country, period!!! Don't pass Go, don't collect 200 dollars. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. You have the Mexican Mafia selling meth in this country and they have mules, right? Someone buys the meth from them, not necessarily an illegal alien. Other crimes (done by people high on meth or doing crimes to get money to get more meth) result from this. So not only does there need to be a crackdown on the supply, but also the demand. |