Topic: what does this mean ?
yvory's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:44 AM

it's a tatoo on the middle lower back.
where abouts can you be precise

That is pretty precise. It's right above the girls ass. Also known as the "bullseye"

an inch away from the crack.
tramp stamp.

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:44 AM

Fine. =[ I'll leave. But I do not cheat!

And I know choreplay cuz I loooveee watching a man clean. =]

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:45 AM

Sexual arousal from household chores. =]
you are officially banned from this are either extremely inteligent or a bloody cheat.!!laugh laugh ill have no more left at this rate..your not allowed to ansa anymore now!!:angry: :angry:
I think i better start cleaning my house again!!laugh laugh laugh
me too!!laugh laugh laugh

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:49 AM
No one else is answering now so I have to say remasculate means to restore strength.

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:52 AM
you just said that to make me feel better didnt you?laugh laugh

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:53 AM
Lol. I have fun with this. and I can't stand to see it go ignored!

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:54 AM
oh ok you can play did you have time to look it up?laugh

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:56 AM
Lol. Give me one that I have to look up and I sure will!

chuck366's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:57 AM

oh ok you can play did you have time to look it up?laugh

itchy bum

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:58 AM
it means to grow ones balls back after they have been shruken by an especially effeminate activity!!

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:59 AM
Lol well! Guyss.. remasculate then!

misty_57's photo
Wed 01/30/08 11:59 AM

its breakfast at IHOP's.. bigsmile
laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:01 PM
next one...cunnybunny

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:03 PM
Now that one I don't know for sure. But I'm guessing it means something to the effect of a lesbian, as a carpet muncher.

Totage's photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:05 PM

next one...cunnybunny

slutty lesbian

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:06 PM

Now that one I don't know for sure. But I'm guessing it means something to the effect of a lesbian, as a carpet muncher.
how old are you?? jesus even i didnt know what these know too much young girl!! wheres your mother i want a word with her!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

trueokie2's photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:06 PM
a cute little fuzzy wabbit.. :tongue:

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:06 PM

it means to grow ones balls back after they have been shruken by an especially effeminate activity!!
Awwww...poor guy...laugh i think the medical term for that is "testicular atrophy"!laugh laugh

drtbkrach's photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:06 PM

Now that one I don't know for sure. But I'm guessing it means something to the effect of a lesbian, as a carpet muncher.
how old are you?? jesus even i didnt know what these know too much young girl!! wheres your mother i want a word with her!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Haha. I'm eighteen. But I am familiar with all these slang terms!

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 12:06 PM

next one...cunnybunny

slutty lesbian
are you two cheating together or are you both lesbians??laugh laugh laugh