uk1971's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:31 PM
Edited by uk1971 on Wed 01/23/08 06:32 PM
This is the room for those of us who have stopped smoking, given up or are trying to quit.

Come on in and park your ash. bigsmile

uk1971's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:52 PM

This is the room for those of us who have stopped smoking, given up or are trying to quit.

Come on in and park your ash. bigsmile

Looks as if everyone must be smoking. ohwell

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:58 PM
I quit years ago .. smokin

Kravynn's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:59 PM
I smoked what I really plan to be, my last one, last night. Fortunately I think Im coming down with the flu, so the craving shouldnt be there the next few days.

uk1971's photo
Wed 01/23/08 07:08 PM
Careful it don't go up in a puff of smoke. bigsmile

Donnar's photo
Wed 01/23/08 07:14 PM
FU! We can't even enjoy our smokers freedome in JSH!!

uk1971's photo
Wed 01/23/08 07:17 PM

FU! We can't even enjoy our smokers freedome in JSH!!

that's why it says NO SMOKING ROOM:tongue: bigsmile