Topic: The Death Penalty | |
zapchaser..... re-read my post and you will find I said if a man takes another man's life, then his life should be forfeited. I never said anything about following all of those old laws. I zoned in on one of them. I guess I should have clarified my position as well. I am against the death penalty. There are too many instances where a person was wrongfully imprisoned or put to death. In the case of a person confessing to a murder and the evidence is obviously there, then I am still against the death penalty. I will admit that this is a very tough stance to take when it comes to murderous child molesters or rapists. |
Yes, I see that they are building lots of new prisons around the country, but for the wrong reasons.In my opinion, they are putting lots of innocent people in jail these days, for so called victimless crimes(non crimes). According to the Constitution ,if there is no victim ,then there is no crime, If you do not injure or damage someone, then you have committed no crime. Drinking ,smoking ,no seat belts,speeding , no driver's license ,and lists of so called crimes are not really crimes until you injure or damage someone. It is wrong to punish some one before he has damaged or injured someone. And yes, I think we now have debtors prisons again, which as one person said is un lawful practice, which means that our govt is breaking lots of serious laws, and it should be put on trial(the ones who are behind it),We have lots of treason in our govt these days against WE the people and against our Constitutional REPUBLIC!!!
I faced the death penalty in Arkansas in 1973.
I'd favor it if it was carried out. I'd favor it if it were televised. I'd favor it if it were any kind of deterrent. |
For it or against it? Let me know Thanks if caught in the act yes but otherwise no all evidence is taintable |
I am for the death penalty.
A Gallup International poll from 2000 claimed "Worldwide support was expressed in favour of the death penalty, with just more than half (52%) indicating that they were in favour of this form of punishment." A number of other polls and studies have been done in recent years with various results. In the U.S., surveys have long shown a majority in favor of capital punishment. An ABC News survey in July 2006 found 65 percent in favor of capital punishment, consistent with other polling since 2000. About half the American public says the death penalty is not imposed frequently enough and 60 percent believe it is applied fairly, according to a Gallup poll from May 2006. Yet surveys also show the public is more divided when asked to choose between the death penalty and life without parole, or when dealing with juvenile offenders. Roughly six in 10 tell Gallup they do not believe capital punishment deters murder and majorities believe at least one innocent person has been executed in the past five years. Above received from a Political Science handout from my son's college course. |
What about the death penalty being applied to juveniles? I'm sure that in the responses thus far what has come to mind is the hardened criminal. So I'm curious. What about the juvinile offenders? Should they also face the Death Penalty?
btw I am against the death penalty as there are too many errors made in the justice system. I'd rather see see someone locked up and released with a clean record, apology and restitution than have the family told 'Oops, we were wrong'. |
I'd rather say let the punishment fit the crime... if it's an unforgivable thing like molestation, they should lose every tool that helped them do it.. like their eyes, hands, what's below the belt... don't ever vote for me as a leader or you'll be seeing an eye for an eye kinda stuff... lol
I'd rather say let the punishment fit the crime... if it's an unforgivable thing like molestation, they should lose every tool that helped them do it.. like their eyes, hands, what's below the belt... don't ever vote for me as a leader or you'll be seeing an eye for an eye kinda stuff... lol EtherealEmbers..... With the above platform, I would vote for you. I am sick of cuddling criminals whether they are adults or juveniles. |
I'm against it in principle, but if there has to be one, I'd think the deterent factor would go way up if it was televised...Not to innocent folks, but only to violent offenders. They have cable tv in prisons now right? So my idea would be that instead of watching football or whatever, they have only executions and testimonies from victims and their families...all day, every day...
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I'm against it in principle, but if there has to be one, I'd think the deterent factor would go way up if it was televised...Not to innocent folks, but only to violent offenders. They have cable tv in prisons now right? So my idea would be that instead of watching football or whatever, they have only executions and testimonies from victims and their families...all day, every day... ![]() That is an excellent idea. There is something where they take potential juvenile offenders and give them a tour of the jail. That works on some. If your idea would work even on a small percentage, I say yes. |
I'm against it in principle, but if there has to be one, I'd think the deterent factor would go way up if it was televised...Not to innocent folks, but only to violent offenders. They have cable tv in prisons now right? So my idea would be that instead of watching football or whatever, they have only executions and testimonies from victims and their families...all day, every day... ![]() That is an excellent idea. There is something where they take potential juvenile offenders and give them a tour of the jail. That works on some. If your idea would work even on a small percentage, I say yes. yeah! could have the Cold blooded murder channel, the rape channel, the molester's channel, Cops, Dragnet (even re-runs),...more Cops, then more Cops....all day, every day...I say to heck with coddling them....It's way past time that we got back in THEIR faces... ![]() |
what about the ones that aren't remorseful at all... that are so far gone they don't care?
what about the ones that aren't remorseful at all... that are so far gone they don't care? oh least they'd have to get used to it's never ending blaring and maybe it might cause one or two of'm to rethink their lives... |