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Topic: Patriotism
smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:33 PM
A dual citizen would have allegiance and citizenship to two countries, which is truly probably not possible in reality(oxymoron). But a person could be openly a citizen of Russia on paper (outwardly), but his allegiance and real citizenship might be to the US and he secretly uses Russia to help the US. But What if one is openly a citizen of the US, and he is secretly a citizen of another Country? If he gets in trouble in the US ,he will immediately if he can flee to the other country. Russia has some like that that have escaped here, and we have them here that escape from here to other countries when someone gets hot on their trail. But I am specifically concerned with ones in our govt, that don't belong in there because of their obvious allegiance to other countries besides ours, and who will be escaping there soon,if they can, when enough people wake up to what they are doing. We have lots of outsiders taking our Country over, Start by keeping record of who is paying off our congress (corrupting )with bribes and goodies and who blackmails them with women and parties. It would not be hard at all to see who these people are , they are hiding in plain sight.Some even bold enough to appear on TV from time to time. They wear grey suits and pretend they are your friends.

smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:40 PM
The private folks who own the not federal, no reserves, non bank ,would be a real GOOD place to start looking for these non patriots.

no photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:42 PM
Smo... Nothing personal. This really sounds like so much conjecture at this stage.
Can you please help enlighten us with some evidence or maybe who you think these people are and why?

mnhiker's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:01 PM

I'm beginning to think
you might be a dual citizen.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:45 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/16/08 11:46 PM

You closed your diatribe with the words "Enough said". But it's not enough said. When you make your case for the problems you see today and do not offer any solution, you are doing nothing more than b*tching and moaning. I salute your service to our country. That is the essence of patritotism. When I read your words I get a sense that you feel betrayed by your country because it has not met your expectations. Being a fellow veterern of our armed forces, you have ever right to have high expectations for our country. Let me assure you the situation is not hopeless. This countries government is not what makes it great, it is it's people that make it great. The power of the people can fix what is wrong today. The solutions are out there among the people. I respect your opinion so be heard and offer solutions. You have identified the problem. What are you going to do about it?

Well, I have many of suggestion's and opinion's and would of offered them! But, I don't believe the topic called for that. It asked "what doest Patriotism mean!" and I was giving my overall opinion of what the ideal was and it meant. Word's and power are used to incite a society into action. Politician's use ton's of empty rhetoric everyday to get the masses to react. Patriotism mean's no more to most nowaday's than ever! Our leader's are the one's that abandon us. Few don't, most do. They are very self-serving and we have become that as a society. Why is that? Because we scrape and scratch to survive. We have been sold-out. Think is not just my sentiment's, but our countries. Did I think this prior to Bush, absolutely not! I served my country with gratitude and perseverance! I was a good soldier, who fought the good fight. I don't believe at this point there is a good solution. Bush has left us in dire straight's(recession). Clinton didn't! You didn't see gas prices at 3 bucks when Clinton went into Iraq. Well, I offer no solution and when I see one with the new administration and we pull ourselves out of this huge rut. Then, I shall come around again. Curt

mrtxstar's photo
Thu 01/17/08 12:16 AM
Fair enough Curt.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Thu 01/17/08 03:59 AM

Yes, Term limits , so that there could NEVER be such a thing as a career politician. Career politicians are not really :WE THE PEOPLE, They seem to be something else. The More often the elections the better, One year terms might even be better, it would remind them that they are temporary and are the servants , not the Masters. We The People are supposed to be the BOSS over them!!.They are supposed to be working for us, not the other way around.

Pretty funny considering Thomas Jefferson was a career politician. Are we supposed to make them volunteer politicians? Politicians have families to feed too and being a politician doesn't leave much time for a second job (unless they're not doing their first job).

Personaly I'm on the fence about term limits, on one hand yeah we need to leave it open to new blood, but on the other when we get a good presidant it'd be better to go with what's working;^]

no photo
Thu 01/17/08 04:54 AM

Personaly I'm on the fence about term limits, on one hand yeah we need to leave it open to new blood, but on the other when we get a good presidant it'd be better to go with what's working;^]
The only problem with that is the concept of: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".
We'd be more likely to end up with someone we would have to assassinate, then someone who would do us right.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Thu 01/17/08 07:11 AM
I actualy think the only reason term limits were introduced was because republicans hated FDR. If a president doesn't do right by us then we vote them out next ellection. I can still sort of see it though, I certainly wouldn't want to give Bush a third term. Bill Clinton, maybe;^]

no photo
Thu 01/17/08 01:59 PM

A dual citizen would have allegiance and citizenship to two countries, which is truly probably not possible in reality(oxymoron). But a person could be openly a citizen of Russia on paper (outwardly), but his allegiance and real citizenship might be to the US and he secretly uses Russia to help the US. But What if one is openly a citizen of the US, and he is secretly a citizen of another Country? If he gets in trouble in the US ,he will immediately if he can flee to the other country. Russia has some like that that have escaped here, and we have them here that escape from here to other countries when someone gets hot on their trail. But I am specifically concerned with ones in our govt, that don't belong in there because of their obvious allegiance to other countries besides ours, and who will be escaping there soon,if they can, when enough people wake up to what they are doing. We have lots of outsiders taking our Country over, Start by keeping record of who is paying off our congress (corrupting )with bribes and goodies and who blackmails them with women and parties. It would not be hard at all to see who these people are , they are hiding in plain sight.Some even bold enough to appear on TV from time to time. They wear grey suits and pretend they are your friends.

no photo
Thu 01/17/08 02:14 PM
Dual citazenship is possable. I think the most common example is children of U.S. citizens serving overseas. I knew a girl born in Germany while her Dad was Stationed there & she was a dual citizen until she renounced her german citizenship at age 18.

mrtxstar's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:31 PM
I know dual citizenship exists but I don't see how it is a problem within the government. Anyone with access to classified information has to have a security clearance which means they don't have dual citizenship.

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