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Topic: who's up besides me?
poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:41 AM
good morning, sorry no witty comeback this morning...

I'm up , but only in body...mind is still in lala land!!!

theronin75's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:52 AM
i know the feeling poison. but good morning to you too.

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:53 AM
mornin' Leader" up early or out late???
if you say yes to both,we're in trouble man....C.C.P.&ME.

theronin75's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:54 AM
good morning to you bot ccp and michael

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:55 AM
morning guy...just getting up and trying to shake the cobwebs out

theronin75's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:57 AM
"passes around the fresh brewed coffee" hope this helps.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:59 AM
Well if you would use the damm thing more often,

you would'nt have cobwebs down there!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Good morning my three musketeers!!!!!

theronin75's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:01 AM
morning T. there's a cup there for you too

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:05 AM
Goooooooooooooooooood Morningggggggggggggggg!!

Hey now speaking of cobwebs never mind LMAO

Hummm better go get my Dr.Pepper before I get sent to my corner this
morning !

Hey Rick, T & Ronin

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:05 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh and Micheal lol

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:06 AM
You pps are way to kind, thanks THE, I'll get you one friday.

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:09 AM
I want to crawl back into my It was so warm and cozy.

theronin75's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:09 AM
hey txs. good morning to you too. ok T i'll be there.

stephenB's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:10 AM
been up all night but the brain stays in la la land.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:11 AM
Morning Whisper.

Hey T did you not get any of my mail last nite it is showing you never
opened up any of the mail I sent ya like 5-7 of them?

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:12 AM
Anothere 3 cups of coffee and I should be functional...LOL.

theronin75's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:12 AM
another long shift stephen??

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:12 AM
Morning Txs.

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:13 AM
Mornin Y'all how is everyone?

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:14 AM
Morining crazy. I am ok thanks. And you?

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