Community > Posts By > CrazyJ

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:54 AM
Well now good morning potheads! I trust everyone is burning only the best! *lights pipe and jillaxes

CrazyJ's photo
Wed 08/29/07 09:30 AM
Theres no fish in my pics, but if it will help. . .

CrazyJ's photo
Wed 08/29/07 09:26 AM
Eugene OR here! hippievill!!! yea!!! LMAO!

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 08:12 AM
Thats what i am doing stepping out of my box, I have never looked for the ladys they always came to me, I think that is where I went wrong. I went for who ever whenever thats no good. I know that now. Thats why this is such a challenge for me. You are right Eugene is a crazy cool town! we party like no other we work hella hard we have pride in our town we know how and when to hold it down and when to let it fly!!!

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 07:11 AM
I used to work for the evil corp I know just how badly they treat the murch I know ha badly they treat there ppl EVIL I tell you!

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 07:00 AM
South west Nebraska has places that there is no wal-mart for about 100 miles I used to live there Now I live on the west coast and Love it!!!! Would never go back... I love the city life too much!

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 06:56 AM
We have four Wal-Marts here two of which are super centers...I guess I never thought about going to Wal-Mart to pick up chicks but then again I have never had to go out and find em before so this whole thing is new to me...

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 06:41 AM
LOL @ sage! good stuff man! yea the ladys even out number the men her 3 to 1 but still I have issues. . . I just don't want a "hoe" or a "dumb blond" I want someone who is smart knows who and what she is. Does not have a problem saying how she feels when she feels it. I want her to be able to take care of her self I don't want to be a "sugar daddy" I am done with those game I played and lost I want to win now damn it LOL

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 06:37 AM
Use torrent reactor, I have never had any issues with ANYTHING from there. No One I have ever talked to has had issues with then either(now of course someone will say how bad it is just cause I am talking so highly about it) N E way how have you been whispers?

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 06:34 AM
Whats up? I help ya before why stop now? LOL

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 06:31 AM
I live in a town of about half a million ppl

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 05:47 AM
Thank you, but I am not a newbie here. I have been on jsh for a while. It's just that I am ready to go back out into the "real" world and make some new contacts out there. LOL sounds like I am in outer space. Anyway, I am just kinda shy after what my ex did, I have a fear of the emotional pain that women can create. I know not all or not even most are like that. I just don't want that kind of pain again. I will not dip into the honey where I make my money so thats out. Even though there are over 1,500 ppl that work there LOL. NO. As for being a gentleman, no I will be me. If I have to act like something I am not then that would be starting a relationship on a lie, not willing to do that. Now please don't take that the wrong way either, I am a very nice/polite guy, I open doors I bring flowers I am what my grandmother calls a traditional romantic. I just don't kiss butt if you know what I mean. I feel if I show who I am and that is good enough then good, if not then too bad, sorry thats all I am. Does this sound wrong?

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 05:30 AM
Looks like you have more coming though be careful

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 05:22 AM
Where is a good place to start looking? Please don't tell me bars, those are nothing more than meat markets and I don't want a one night thing...

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 03:55 AM
What kind of phone is it?

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 03:39 AM
Box o rocks LMAO

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 02:48 AM

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 02:46 AM
history = MY ex (LMAO)

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 02:39 AM
LOL using your phone huh? yea you must be bored!

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 08/24/07 02:24 AM
BORED!!! where are all the ppl who we used to debate with? and don't say sleeping this was what time we had some of the most heated debates...

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