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Topic: Iran Provoking The US To Action
Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:57 PM
America needs a non-interventionist policy. We ignore other countries problems and focus on you own. Like Thomas Jefferson said - Commerce with all nations, Alliance with none.

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:05 PM

Yes, just like helping
the Afghan Freedom Fighters
(mujahadeen) in their fight
against the Russians helped
create the Taliban.

But that's all old news.

We're stuck with what
we got now.

The question is:

How best to proceed?
I dont think tis realy old news not to those who sufferd under either Tyrant. you have generations of iranians and iraqis who have sufferrd from our direct support of there dictatorships and then when we come in preaching democracy and freedom they must laugh at our hypocracy

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:10 PM
Sorry, I don't agree.

I think we need more cooperation
with other countries and find
better ways of resolving conflicts,
but there may be times when the U.S.
has to intervene.

What would have happened if we
hadn't intervened during WWI or

Germany (with Japan and Italy's
help in WWII) might have become an
Empire, taking over most of
the free world and we can't
ever allow that to happen.

There is a lot of instability
in places like Africa which
could lead to wider conflicts
of which we would have to intervene.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:17 PM
What I meant, madisonman,
is that we have to look
forward, not backward.

We have to keep the
past in mind but foremost
have to try to find
ways to keep conflicts
from spreading.

Like what's happening
in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Think of what would happen
to the region if Perez
Musharraf was ousted.

The Taliban would then
not only control both
countries, but also
have access to nukes.

So it does no good
dwelling too much
on the past when
the future is at hand.

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:25 PM
I agree with most of what your saying on this however those people over there do have legitimate grievences that need addressed before any meaningfull peace can transpire. If you wish to be intelectualy honest you have to look at the whole equation. americas reputation is probobly as bad as Germanys or russias in its glory. We propogate lies abroud and at home our media is little better than PRAVDA. Things are realy looking bad

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:33 PM
I agree that our reputation
in the world has taken a
few hits under the Bush

That is why the next
President will need
to do their best to
try to repair our
image in the world.

But that doesn't
mean we should
play patsy or
be a pushover
for countries
that sponsor
terrorism either.

We should try
to be nice to
the Taliban just
because we didn't
stay to support
the mujahadeen.

After all, terrorists
don't play favorites.

They will kill men,
women and children
of all races, colors
and creeds for their
cause and don't

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:34 PM
That was a typo.

What is meant was
we shouldn't try to
play nice to the Taliban.

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 09:41 PM

I dont think name calling is necessary at this point.

your realy getting moronic now and not helping your war mongering cause. realy why do you lust for war and waht branch of the service do you pretend to be in?

I'm starting to understand now... It's wrong for others to "name call" for a variety of reasons.

But when you do it, it is perfectly acceptable.

The fact is.. You are really the same as the sailor kid.. just on different ends of the spectrum. Both of your extreme ways of thinking are just that..extreme.

madisonman's photo
Tue 01/15/08 01:23 PM
Edited by madisonman on Tue 01/15/08 01:24 PM

I dont think name calling is necessary at this point.

your realy getting moronic now and not helping your war mongering cause. realy why do you lust for war and waht branch of the service do you pretend to be in?

I'm starting to understand now... It's wrong for others to "name call" for a variety of reasons.

But when you do it, it is perfectly acceptable.

The fact is.. You are really the same as the sailor kid.. just on different ends of the spectrum. Both of your extreme ways of thinking are just that..extreme. no you dont understand I didnt call him a moron....... the only thing in the middle of the road are dead Possums, so I will take the extreme as a symbol of your respecthappy

no photo
Tue 01/15/08 03:32 PM

so I will take the extreme as a symbol of your respecthappy
You keep tellin yourself that... maybe click your heels together a few times too...

madisonman's photo
Tue 01/15/08 03:50 PM

so I will take the extreme as a symbol of your respecthappy
You keep tellin yourself that... maybe click your heels together a few times too...
and you just keep sitting in the middle of the roadlaugh

96Stingray's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:01 PM
And I get scolded for being confrontational? noway

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