Topic: Iran Provoking The US To Action
mrtxstar's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:29 PM

I saw boats not flying any particular flag, or military insignia, acting in a possibly threatening way. Sure.. maybe they were Iranian.. Maybe not. Maybe they were there for ill intent.. maybe not.

When a Destroyer is on alert.. You'd think that a small speed boat or group of small speed boats is hardly a threat to a modern Warship. Apparently they didn't get to close. If they did...they would have been blown out of the water.

So what?

Is this any more significant then any other conflict over there. The only thing notable and worth mention is no one was hurt!

Other then for the military, the people manning the ships and maybe their families...

This sounds like a whole lot of noise about nothing. Unless you are speaking about a crisis averted.

From the way the op was writing..I'm thinking that was not the intent of this thread.

Tell that to the families of the 19 sailors lost on the U.S.S. Cole.


no photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:32 PM
Edited by Jistme on Thu 01/10/08 05:33 PM

Ever hear about what happened to the USS Cole when an even smaller single boat got too close?
Of course I did.. and so did the crews on the Destroyers. That's my point! The Cole was taken off guard.

But I believe your point is to just use this event to further some other cause. I'm not buyin.

96Stingray's photo
Fri 01/11/08 03:08 AM

Lies, lies, it's all lies. Down with the "man". WTF?

If your agenda is to "see how many I piss off" then please refrain from posting on this thread. This discussion is for the distribution of information and opposing views. We can respectfully agree to disagree. But we can't have a pissing match... read the rules before you post.

Ok. My apologies. I didn't read the rules. I admit I do sometimes come out swinging. I'm used to discussing these things on cigar related boards. And let me tell ya. The notion that cigar smokers are predominantly rich, white republican men is no fallacy. And I have become used to a much nastier, take no prisoners environment.

And so with my tail between my legs, I promise to try to remain civil

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:32 PM

Lies, lies, it's all lies. Down with the "man". WTF?

If your agenda is to "see how many I piss off" then please refrain from posting on this thread. This discussion is for the distribution of information and opposing views. We can respectfully agree to disagree. But we can't have a pissing match... read the rules before you post.

Ok. My apologies. I didn't read the rules. I admit I do sometimes come out swinging. I'm used to discussing these things on cigar related boards. And let me tell ya. The notion that cigar smokers are predominantly rich, white republican men is no fallacy. And I have become used to a much nastier, take no prisoners environment.

And so with my tail between my legs, I promise to try to remain civil

Clinton enjoyed cigars with Monica, all the Kennedy's loved em, so I think your categorization of cigar smokers is inaccurate but hey, I am snipping an Opus X as we speak. Woo hoo! Where did you find cigar related boards? drinker bigsmile

96Stingray's photo
Sat 01/12/08 03:18 PM
Opus X hey? That's hardcore. Try It's run by the Fuentes. You'll see what I was saying. Although they've pretty much squashed political discussion.

madisonman's photo
Sat 01/12/08 04:03 PM
More strupidy from the right. How dumb do they think we are? The threatening radio transmission heard at the end of a video showing apparently harassing maneuvers by Iranian patrol boats in the Strait of Hormuz last weekend may have come not from the Iranian crews, but from a locally famous heckler known among ship drivers as the "Filipino Monkey."

While the threat — "I am coming to you. You will explode in a few minutes" — was picked up during the incident, further jacking up the tension, there's no proof yet of its origin.

The United States on Thursday lodged a formal diplomatic protest with Iran over the incident Sunday in which Iranian speedboats made contact with U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf.

Adm. William Fallon, the top U.S. military commander in the Mideast, said Friday that Iran runs the risk of triggering an unintended conflict if its boats continue to harass U.S. warships in the strait.

The Navy is sensitive about small boats because of the 2000 al-Qaida attack on the USS Cole as it refueled in Yemen, which resulted in the deaths of 17 sailors.

Also on Friday, a Navy official said that the USS Whidbey Island fired warning shots at a small Iranian boat that was rapidly approaching it in the Strait of Hormuz on Dec. 19 during one of two serious encounters that month.

In another incident that month, the USS Carr sounded a warning by whistle Dec. 22 after it encountered three small Iranian craft, two of which were armed, the official said.

Since Sunday's incident was announced to the public a day later, the Navy has said it's unclear where the voice came from. In the videotape released by the Pentagon on Tuesday, the screen goes black at the end and the voice can be heard, distancing it from the scenes on the water.

"We don't know for sure where they came from," said Cmdr. Lydia Robertson, spokeswoman for Fifth Fleet in Bahrain. "It could have been a shore station."

"Based on my experience operating in that part of the world, where there is a lot of maritime activity; trying to discern [who is speaking on the radio channel] is very hard to do," Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead said Friday.

Indeed, the voice in the audio sounds different from the one belonging to an Iranian officer shown speaking to the cruiser Port Royal over a radio from a small open boat in the video released by Iranian authorities. Asked if U.S. officials considered whether the threats came from someone besides the Iranians when releasing the video and audio, Roughead said: "The reason there is audio superimposed over the video is it gives you a better idea of what is happening."

In recent years, American ships operating in the Middle East have had to contend with a mysterious but profane voice known as the "Filipino Monkey," likely more than one person, who listens in on ship-to-ship radio traffic and then jumps in, shouting insults and jabbering vile epithets. Navy women are said to suffer particularly degrading treatment.

Rick Hoffman, a retired captain who spent many of his 17 years in the Gulf, said he was subjected to the renegade radio talker repeatedly during the so-called "Tanker Wars" of the late 1980s when Iran and Iraq were at war.

"For 25 years there's been this mythical guy out there who, hour after hour, shouts obscenities and threats," he said. "He could be tied up pierside somewhere or he could be on the bridge of a merchant ship."

Additional information from The Associated Press

daniel48706's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:44 PM

"All the lefties sure went on to blame the British when Iranian Revolutionary Guards oversteped international law and seized British soldiers, held them captive, and paraded them on TV for political games. So, based on that, I expect us US citizens to take sides, one in support of Iranians and against the US, and the other side to fully support the US, blame the Iranians, and say should it happen again to fire away."

I sure am glad to have you call the shots and tell me what I should and shouldn't support. Sounds just like the babyshrub bull that those who were against him attacking Saddam and Iraq for 9/11 were Terror supportersnoway Crap!!!noway There is always more to everything than that which is posted. I will hold my opinion for a while longer. We won't be attacking Iran like we did Iraq cause we know they are part of the nuclear (well in the words of babyshrub nucular) race.

I say maybe men need to control themselves. They get a little gun happy sometimes. Lets use our brain and not our brawn on this one so we do not make the mistakes of our pres, okay???!!!!

You are right about us not attacking Iran but that is because Isreal will. When Hillary gets in office do you think she will control herself when the radicals get their hands on Pakistan's nukes? Maybe, maybe not but India won't.

You can not honostly believe that Hilary isgoing to be voted into office, can you?laughlaughlaugh

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/13/08 09:32 PM

I was not aware of the
threats made by the
Filipino Monkey.

Just goes to show
how right-wing media
and their lackeys in
mainstream media
continue to deceive
the American people.

mrtxstar's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:37 AM

You can not honostly believe that Hilary isgoing to be voted into office, can you?laughlaughlaugh

Of course I don't but there are many that do. Why are you so concerned with what I believe?

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 02:19 AM
Edited by madisonman on Mon 01/14/08 02:20 AM


I was not aware of the
threats made by the
Filipino Monkey.

Just goes to show
how right-wing media
and their lackeys in
mainstream media
continue to deceive
the American people.
Its a rather bizzare episode for sure there you have Bush visiting in the middle east, one would think the last thing Iran wants is a war with america after all the horrors we commited in Iraq, then we the american public are treated to a pure propoganda piece to stir us up, just goes to show how easy some people can be manipulated

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 02:57 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Mon 01/14/08 02:59 AM
Yeah, it seems madisonman is quick to dismiss one part of his own article that would dismiss the Filipino Monkey theory. And, anyone so quick to blame the Filipino Monkey on the incident where Iranian boats encircled the US Navy ships likely has their own agenda.

Here is the segment you seemed to hope no one would catch on, from your own article:

"In another incident that month, the USS Carr sounded a warning by whistle Dec. 22 after it encountered three small Iranian craft, two of which were armed, the official said."

Oh, so they did it before, on Dec. 22 when three small Iranian craft got too close, two of them armed got far too close to the US military ships.

You are the propagandists Madisonman, one who skips over a segment of their own sourced article that provides evidence of the same thing occurring before, and recently, obviously has a certain agenda.

Madisonman has taken the new role as Tokyo Rose.

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:57 AM

I am sure most of you remember the Israel and Hezbollah war in the summer of 2005 when Hezbollah had missiles firing endlessly into Israel from the border of Lebanon. Israel responded and attacked back, attacking Hezbollah who fled into Beirut and elsewhere in the state of Lebanon. During this whole affair multiple times there were reports of Iranians assisting and being killed as they helped Hezbollah.

During the war a very hi-tech missile system was used, which launched an anti-ship missile that hit the Hanat corvette ship that was off-shore. This missile was a C-802, Iranian made but Chinese technology.

The attack did kill 4 sailors on board, hurt the ship badly, and another C-802 missed the ship and sunk a Cambonian merchant ship.

This missile is as powerful as the US Harpoon missile, and can be fired from small boat (like the ones used), or land. It flies incredibly low to the water and hardly detectable and defense manuevers are very iffy.

So, these small boats were a threat, not just because they could have been packed with enough explosions to do far worse damage than the USS Cole attack, but could have fired a missile capable of extreme damage.
So...what I'm hearing is...You think that these boats could have been carrying a few harpoon like Iranian made C-802 missiles... It all sounds sorta reasonable on the surface. Yet if you had actually studied the weapons history, use and strategic advantage, you probably would have picked a different weapons system to base your claim on.

1. The C-802 is a supersonic anti ship weapon who's maximum operating range is 250 km (155+ miles). Even the earlier generations were used for targets at a minimum range of 15 km (about 9 miles).
At launch current technology is powered by a rocket booster that drops off in a few seconds. Then it maintains cruising speed by a turbojet. During this time, it's guidance system is seeking its target...
2. This system is dependent on kinetic energy to pierce armor. It could not build up enough energy in the fraction of a second it took to fly even 1000 yards to be effective. In other words, this weapon sounds like it might simply bang against the side of a target harmlessly if shot from a platform within visual distance of it's intended target. Let alone engage its targeting system at all.. just splashing itself....
3. The standard water craft platform for this weapons system is a Fast Attack Craft. A much larger vessel then the observed speedboats in the video. At a physical weight of 1650 pounds without the launch rail or tube.. It would most likely be very apparent if mounted on a small water craft...simply because that craft would not be in trim and a capsize waiting to happen, even before it left the dock.
4. Strategically.. If our Navy is under threat (and I'm sure they are)of this missile system.. They would probably be looking at land, air and sea born platforms not within viewable range.
5. You reference a report that the two attacks that hit the Hanit and an Egyptian merchant ship.. as opposed to a Cambodian craft... were achieved with the C-802 weapon system. However.. the damage done leads analysts to believe that a much smaller warhead was used. They also speculate that the missile defense systems such as the phalanx was not enabled due to bad intelligence and friendly aircraft in the area.
6. The C-802 does not carry a warhead 'as powerful' as a Harpoon. It is estimated to be 1.5 times smaller.
7. According to my research.. Iran may have 60 land based and 20 Chinese Military Patrol boats equipped with the C-802 systems.

So.. Nice try. I'm not sure where you got your information... but give it a bit more thought next time.

I do commend your creative writing skills though.

This event.. While I'm sure was stressful in its reality for those on the destroyers, probably does not need your exaggeration, sheer hyperbole to make it more of an event to further whatever propaganda you are trying so desperately to push in these forums.

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 01:38 PM

Yeah, it seems madisonman is quick to dismiss one part of his own article that would dismiss the Filipino Monkey theory. And, anyone so quick to blame the Filipino Monkey on the incident where Iranian boats encircled the US Navy ships likely has their own agenda.

Here is the segment you seemed to hope no one would catch on, from your own article:

"In another incident that month, the USS Carr sounded a warning by whistle Dec. 22 after it encountered three small Iranian craft, two of which were armed, the official said."

Oh, so they did it before, on Dec. 22 when three small Iranian craft got too close, two of them armed got far too close to the US military ships.

You are the propagandists Madisonman, one who skips over a segment of their own sourced article that provides evidence of the same thing occurring before, and recently, obviously has a certain agenda.

Madisonman has taken the new role as Tokyo Rose.
I dont think name calling is necessary at this point. I love america thats why I hate to see its named dragged through the mud our constitution waterd down and our country bankrupted by endless war.In my book your a blood thristy war monger who probly never served in the military,,unlike myself.

KerryO's photo
Mon 01/14/08 04:33 PM

Madisonman has taken the new role as Tokyo Rose.

That's way out of line. Rick Santorum tried using the technique and you see where it got him with the voters.

You're probably a bit too young to know about Godwin's Law, but I suggest you Google it apply yourself to logic and reason instead of the polemics of treason innuendo. If you're not sure how, ask a moderator or try reading the rules.

-Kerry O.

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 04:41 PM
I would hate to see a war with iran more innocents killed and for what? so halliburton can get more no bid contracts and the gas prices shoot through the roof.....we cant take another victory like iraq:::angry:

mrtxstar's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:08 PM

I would hate to see a war with iran more innocents killed and for what? so halliburton can get more no bid contracts and the gas prices shoot through the roof.....we cant take another victory like iraq:::angry:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Don't worry about us getting into a war with Iran. That's what Isreal is for. Besides, as you know... our government is too busy plotting more conspiracies against us to attack Iran. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:21 PM
your realy getting moronic now and not helping your war mongering cause. realy why do you lust for war and waht branch of the service do you pretend to be in?

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:31 PM
Any war, whether it's between us
and Iran, or Iran and Israel is
something to be avoided at all costs.

We all know that Iran interferes in
the region and supports Hezbollah,
but another war would lead to yet
more instability in the region,
which could escalate into a
World War.

Besides, we can't afford it.
We're already in debt to China
up to our eyeballs as they are
helping us fund the Iraq War.

All it would take is a mistake
on either side to escalate, and
we can't afford to be making
stupid mistakes.

Which means we should be careful
to find out who is really making
the radio threats, the Iranians
or someone like the Filipino

Would it have been published
in the Navy Times if it wasn't
at least a possibility?

That's probably why Bush
is appealing to the Arabs
to rein in Iran instead
of declaring war.

madisonman's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:46 PM
I think the whole Iran mess needs to be put in historical perspective. alot of people have chosen to forget how we supported the shaw and how he brutalized his people in Iran. MUch like saddam. the Cia rigged elections etc etc......though we in america arent reminded often of our utter failures this is one of them that should be as its one of the reasons we have the mess in Iran now

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:52 PM
Yes, just like helping
the Afghan Freedom Fighters
(mujahadeen) in their fight
against the Russians helped
create the Taliban.

But that's all old news.

We're stuck with what
we got now.

The question is:

How best to proceed?