Topic: Problem: Ten blondes...
OrangeCat's photo
Sat 01/05/08 05:07 PM

Ten blondes and a brunette were hanging onto a rope that was tied to an airplane. They knew that one of them needed to let go because the weight of all eleven of them would tear the rope and they would all die.

So, they argued back and forth about who was to let go. This went on for a few minutes, until the brunette finally said, "Ok, I'll let go!"

The brunette gave a little speech about why she would go and said her farewells. All of the blondes were so touched, they started clapping.

Problem solved.

popcornncoke's photo
Sat 01/05/08 08:58 PM

Suzanne20's photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:58 PM
laugh laugh laugh

chevylover1965's photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:59 PM
lmao drinker

no photo
Sat 01/05/08 11:40 PM
BLONDS AWAY!!!laugh laugh laugh

looook's photo
Sat 01/05/08 11:53 PM

thecoolyman's photo
Sat 01/05/08 11:55 PM
oops my bad bro

OrangeCat's photo
Sun 01/06/08 12:14 AM
hey there cooly how are ya bro

thecoolyman's photo
Sun 01/06/08 12:34 AM
hey bro just chillin getin & givin some laughsbigsmile

OrangeCat's photo
Sun 01/06/08 12:35 AM
thats what lifes about bro