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Topic: WHO STIRRED the POT - part 2
Dixie's photo
Tue 01/21/25 06:07 PM
Stirring the pot: how about those executive decisions...

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 01/22/25 02:50 AM
Quite easy to make decisions but will have to wait for results ....that's the true test .. IMO

Dixie's photo
Sat 01/25/25 05:47 AM
Looks like plenty is getting done. :sunglasses:
Stirring the pot: Chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla. Vanilla is a waste of money.

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 01/25/25 01:19 PM
Ice cream in winter is a waste of money , unless you have a cake to go with it ...

Dixie's photo
Sun 01/26/25 04:59 AM
without cake, life is a mistake... or is it a "missedcake?" :thinking::joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 01/26/25 03:19 PM
A party without a cake is just another boring meeting ..,

Cathy's photo
Sun 01/26/25 11:19 PM
And who doesn't like cake? ;)

This pot is still empty...

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 01/27/25 02:31 AM
Depends on the cake type!!!

Seems Dixie is the only one meeting real Minglers... at least 10 so far .... guessing she will be gone from here soon !!!

Dixie's photo
Mon 01/27/25 07:22 AM
Who am I kidding? I'll probably be on the next episode of "Web of Lies." I trust too many people... seeeend heeelp. :sob::sob::sob::sob::joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/28/25 03:17 AM
Gotta go find Web of Lies to watch and give up on watching Why women Kill ........

Dixie's photo
Tue 01/28/25 09:53 AM
Whaaaaat?! I'm literally watching Why Women Kill RIGHT now because my kids are watching it! :joy::joy::joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/28/25 10:30 AM
Nothing like starting them of at an early age huh !!!!
But now I found The Way Home ... so I will watch the first two seasons... but will continue to look for Web of Lies !!!

Dixie's photo
Tue 01/28/25 10:36 AM
Haha web of lies probably has ended already. gotta look for the old episodes. and my kids fast forward almost all of it. we were watching one story line. :joy:

Need to find new hobbies...

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 01/29/25 02:04 PM
No need to find new hobbies , just need to expand the scope and snag a friend to enjoy the same With !!!!

Dixie's photo
Fri 01/31/25 05:45 PM
The music in the background on this site, is enough to drive me insane. Does anyone know how to fix it short of turning your phone volume off?

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 02/01/25 05:38 AM
What music or background noises are you referring to ... and where do you get them .... surely not on the forums .....I am here a lot and don't hear nothing !!!!!

Dixie's photo
Sat 02/01/25 06:58 AM
I don't know! Maybe it starts when I am on the messages. And sometimes it plays and sometimes it doesn't. But it sounds like elevator music.

Dixie's photo
Sat 02/01/25 12:21 PM
Also... I'm gonna say it. It is annoying when guys "like" you on here, and their profiles have literally nothing about them :unamused:

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