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Topic: What was the thing girl notice about men when first time the
Bob's photo
Mon 07/22/24 09:57 AM
His eyes ... It will tell what he is up to from her :grin::grin::grin:

no photo
Mon 07/22/24 12:21 PM
What about what he wearing and how he present in front of you

what was the thing girl notice

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 07/25/24 05:40 PM
If he has a car.

Charles's photo
Wed 10/02/24 12:04 AM
THE first thing woman notice about a man his posture and how attentive he is(looks into her eyes when they speaks, asks her questions about her, paraphrases what she has shared with him opens doors for her pulls out her chair gives her his jacket if she is cold and offers her a handkerchief when needed..the last sign of chivalry

Eric Watson's photo
Wed 10/16/24 07:49 PM
That good

I don't know but I sure noticed you catinidaho

Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Thu 10/17/24 09:03 AM
If her other boyfriend is not around the surrounding.:eye:

LadyM's photo
Wed 10/23/24 12:23 PM
Everything, from how he looked after himself, to how he speaks, manners, lifestyle, attitude towards people. If he looks scruffy and every other word is a swearword, hmm, not my cup of tea.

RagnaaR's photo
Thu 12/26/24 11:17 AM
really folks?!?! let's be honest here and say what is the truth. the very first thing is physical appearance. cute butt, chiseled jaw line, the bulge in front (if any)
then they can meet and greet already knowing how the night will end...in the sack or awkward pleasantries and a peck on the cheek at the end of the night.

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