Topic: Top Headlines in 2029 | |
Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia formerly known as California.
White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language. Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock. Baby conceived naturally. Scientists stumped. Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage. Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking. George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036. Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. 85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight loss. Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs. Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed, they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut. Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative. Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals, violates their civil rights. Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches. New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2036. Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal political contributions to campaign accounts. IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent. Florida voters still having trouble with voting machines. |
Dolphins win second game in 22 years!
full body armor no required for any activity out of the bed
as lobbied for by allanthemnationstatewideshield insurance company because some one may fall and get hurt thus creating a claim on their 5,550 dollar a month medical insurance policy |
99 Killed in Mars Bombing ![]() |
Minnesota Vikings win the Superbowl.
Rednecks go on a rampage in D.C. Demand fully automatic weapons for shooting deer, no waiting period for obtaining a gun, want Christianity declared the national religion, carrying concealed weapons into public places and a permanent ban on redneck jokes. The United States elects a female, non-white President. A leading fundamentalist conservative televangelist declares this to be one of the signs of the Apocalypse. Republican controlled Senate gets nothing useful done. Again. A Presidential candidate runs under the ticket of the Christian Neo-Nazi Party for the first time. Republican Congress passes law to make American Flag out of non-flammable material. Republican Senate legalizes fully automatic weapons for shooting deer, no waiting period for obtaining a gun, declares Christianity the national religion, legalizes carrying concealed weapons into public places and a permanent ban on redneck jokes. United States troops still in Iraq. Puerto Rico becomes 51st state. Rudy Guiliani's head runs for President. Republican Congress passes a law to ban televised coverage of congressional proceedings. United States still toady to China. Saudi Arabia runs out of oil. Panic ensues. More scandals at the highest levels of government. Republican Senate abolishes the IRS and legalizes debtors prisons. Someone proposing the Fairness Doctrine be brought back dies under mysterious circumstances. Osama Bin Laden dies of natural causes. |
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Wed 01/02/08 09:43 PM
Extinct Polar bear embryo successfully transplanted into Brown Bear...Gives hope for future re-instating of other species.
Amsterdam...the New Venice, becomes world leader in rooftop hydroponics. Sunlight seen for the first time in the Northern Hemisphere for 10 years! Australia says no to more aid for third world countries, such as US, and China. |
Canada finally gets World Bank and OPEC nations to forgive U.S. debt. U.S. finally accepted as Canadian province, except for territories returned to Mexico.
Chinese economy staggers as exports fail. All exports from China refused world wide as more carcinogens discovered in products. Japanese whaling fleet out of business. The last Japanese whaler returned to port with an empty hold. They were unable to locate any more whales. |