Topic: The 'why' of super power movies
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 08/21/23 03:14 AM
For years it has annoyed me, and I've been hoping and waiting for the fad to end: Marvel / comic book movies on people with super powers.
I didn't grow up with these comic books, I'm not a child, and I simply really don't like these movies, can't understand why people waste their money on making them.
Why not make something decent and worthwhile?

It turns out it's not a fad, it doesn't end. It's the new normal.

Then Greg Braden talks about this in one of his vids on YouTube... He addresses a lot of issues that are going on while remaining neutral. He brings the facts and leaves it up to the viewer to decide.

In any case... they -the ones in power- want to enhance our beautiful bodies with chips and technology. Apparently this is a big problem which I found shocking to hear. I thought that crap was still in the future, but it isn't.

If you then have tons of movies and series on having super powers, that are immensely popular, people are used to the idea. Young people and kids even want it! They want to be like their hero Superman, Captain Codpiece, and so on.

That means generations are being brainwashed to be more tolerant, and possibly even accepting of, so called enhancements of the body. Having chips implanted, facial recognition everywhere and so on.

If not mistaken China is a big player in this as well. Wasn't that clip on facial recognition at the pelican crossing that went viral in China?
Monitoring people 24/7, doing something government doesn't want earning you penalty points. Certain amount of points excludes you from getting mortgage, enrolling in study/school, and shops.
Total control.

And what if they can and will influence how you feel and act? Or maybe not feel at all anymore. Living & breathing robots.

But when they -the ones in power- succeed in putting chips and whatnot in our bodies the sky's the limit. Not for us. For them.

So is it cute when you see a child, your child, your grandchild, dress up as superman? Pretending to have super powers, wishing he/she actually had them...
Not cute at all. It means they've already been brainwashed and prepped to at some point be open and accepting of having bodily enhancements that we don't need at all!

The human body is the most perfect 'machine' in existence. I've said that for decades. It's so delicate, so intricate, so perfect when working properly. Unbelievably fine-tuned, capable of so much we don't even know!
Our bodies can easily live to be a few hundred years without aging! That does hinge on living a healthy life-style though. And the Western life-style -brought to us by the ones in power- isn't healthy.
The foods we eat more and more aren't healthy, too much (work related) stress, pollution, etc. etc.
Without all that our body wouldn't age. Not at all!

That doesn't change the fact that we already have super powers and a super body. Greg Braden calls it 'soft technology'.
As it is there's nothing that can top our physical bodies.
Our self-healing abilities are infinite. We have forgotten how to do it, although some still can and even teach how to do it.

In short we don't need whatever creepy shizzel they want to do with our bodies. And we certainly don't need movies on super powers as they are only part of the brainwashing scheme...

Maybe next time you see your (grand) child playing to be superman distract him and at some point talk to them.
We should educate our children entirely differently. They should grow up to know about and cherish the powers of their natural body.

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 08/21/23 12:42 PM
This a lovely thread, but I think it's too late, and even if the masses got together and had gazillion man/woman march, the government's of the world would probably ignore the masses...

It has been my understanding (very sad to say) that every leader in the world doesn't really give a hoot about the public in general, yes they will promise you the earth, just do they get your vote and they can maintain their high incomes...

And the whole trade system exists so that the masses can manufacture the high end luxury goods for the elite.... Because, after all, it's each person's financial standing that differentiates one from another.... And if you could not buy expensive high end goods, like yatch's private jet planes, dive under the sea (like the titanic sub disaster) then the what good are all your riches?

And let's be honest, the bulk part of the planets population is working class, so they (me included) are just fodder that feeds the machine...

If there was one leader of a country/state /area in the world, that genuinely cared, then that would be the guy that was head of a village in Paraguay at some time, I read he didn't even own a car but rode to work each day on a bike. And when the town donated money to buy a car for him, since he was their leader, he didn't accept it an auctioned it off then donated the money to the local village hospital...

Can you see our leaders doing that?

It's very sad, but I completely agree with your thread, but I honestly think it's too late now...

Just like the media shows all these alien & UFO documentaries, after years of governments denying any existence of them, confiscating evidence and after having possession of alien / extra terrestial technology... Just so that the government's can condition the masses in preparation for when they make public what's kept in secret right now...

And everything what you wrote is correct, at some point in the future, who knows when, 50,60, 70 years away or more or less, whenever they find a means of securing a global financial system based on a single currency then the things which point out in your thread will come to pass... And we (our kids, grandkids and great grandkids) will have to toe the line or risk getting "disconnected" from the system, so no healthcare, education or any of the many other things we take for granted, like driving sailing etc...

Just look at how covid affected the world, here the then priminister Boris the clown, and his people/party instructed the public that no more than 3 people could attend funerals, and children who wanted to present at their grand parents funeral were unable to go because of numbers attending would exceed 3, and all this while him the PM and his people partied behind closed doors, not caring a whit about the rules they enforce on us, total hypocrites... Do you think they will listen to the masses? Clowns like trump, Boris, put in... These are the leaders we place our trust because even though we live in a democracy it's not really a democracy...

For example, here in the UK the public thinks it lives in a democracy but it's not a democracy per se... Its PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY, so only the people who are in parliament live in this democracy, the rest of the country is just the fodder that feeds the machine that makes the luxury goods for the masses or works within the system to make the work and enforce the rules..

I feel like I've just wrote a whole book :joy: