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Topic: Bullies
Luke's photo
Thu 06/01/23 06:10 AM
Are any women here attracted to bullies?

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 06/01/23 06:18 AM
So you are admitting that you are a bully? That ought to go over well with the ladies!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 06/01/23 04:23 PM
I consider the 'bully' mentality the same as a rapist or a domestic abuser's mentality.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 06/01/23 05:33 PM
With the baby face you posses, I suspect you were the one who was bullied.

Rock's photo
Thu 06/01/23 08:12 PM

Are any women here attracted to bullies?

Did some big, mean poopyhead
say mean things to you on the internet?

no photo
Thu 06/01/23 11:14 PM
Luke .. I am more interested in why you would ask such a question ? waving

JulieABush's photo
Fri 06/02/23 03:17 AM
I’m not:thumbsdown_tone1:. This world is full of them and it doesn’t need another one.