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Topic: THE DAM GAME......... - part 7
no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:17 PM
Damn why was I loyal to that creep,now I don't have a damn date for tonight,I hope ya'll had a damn good day,mine sucked eggs.

ladyblack67's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:19 PM
< continued from this topic >
< part one of this topic is here >
damn eggs, they suck

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:20 PM
Dam another part!!! bigsmile

sassyma's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:22 PM
Damn its New Years already, about damn time laugh laugh

happy damn new year

ladyblack67's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:23 PM
damn number 7!!!

ladyblack67's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:23 PM
damn remote.

sassyma's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:24 PM
damn weather

katt2281962's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:27 PM

damn weather

I agree damnit

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:30 PM

DAMN cashmere sweater that is calling my name and I do not want to spend $150. for!grumble grumble grumble indifferent

ladyblack67's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:31 PM


DAMN cashmere sweater that is calling my name and I do not want to spend $150. for!grumble grumble grumble indifferent

damn empty account

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:37 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/31/07 02:38 PM
Damn all these interesting women are so damn far away

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:39 PM
damn this lonely hellhole

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:41 PM
buy the damn sweater anyway,happy damn new year ya'lldrinker

Lôôking4U's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:41 PM
DAMN ,, New Faces in the DAMN room ,,, Welcome damn it ,, ~~~laugh drinker drinker

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:45 PM
Looking4u put the damn shower pic up,it is damn funnylaugh

rayden11's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:49 PM
dam companys that dont pay on time

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:52 PM
Happy Damn New Year to Everyone!!drinker smokin

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:54 PM

another day off...

another dollar lost... drinker drinker

Clancybee's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:58 PM
Hey Tommy...How'd you get all these new faces in here??? That's damn COOL!!drinker bigsmile

lacileo1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:02 PM
DAMN I am so sexcited....THURSDAY...WoooooHoooo:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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