Topic: What are you doing? - part 14
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Thu 07/20/23 03:52 AM
Taking a break from sleeping :sleeping:

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Thu 07/20/23 07:08 AM

Taking a break from sleeping :sleeping:

Hopefully not a long one! All that beauty sleep is making you irresistible to the Mingle ladies!

OT: Drinking coffee with Mark while we play on our laptops.

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Thu 07/20/23 04:15 PM
Winding down after working all day

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Sun 07/30/23 05:42 PM
Painting my fingernails.

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Sun 07/30/23 06:02 PM
Checking out the newbie.

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Mon 07/31/23 02:06 AM
Drinking my coffee and trying to finish waking up

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Mon 07/31/23 02:12 AM
Glaring at ZoeCat.

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Mon 07/31/23 02:29 AM
Still waking up

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Mon 07/31/23 08:52 AM
Backing up the internet - almost done!

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Mon 07/31/23 09:22 AM
Sitting at the table with Mark, both of us on our laptops. I've been trying to get stuff ready for the new school year. I return to work on August 14!

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Mon 07/31/23 04:03 PM
Cooling down and winding down after working all day

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 08/02/23 09:02 AM
Getting ready to go to the florist and pick up a bouquet for my sister's birthday. What a thoughtful brother I am. surprised

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Wed 08/02/23 03:16 PM
Taking a break while I decide how to rearrange the living room area

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Wed 08/02/23 03:20 PM
^^^ Dont you mean talking me out of jumping on the condo until I spend some more time in Pennsylvania? laugh

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Wed 08/02/23 03:26 PM
^^^ Yes, that too! Which is why it's taking me so long to finish my living room grumble laugh laugh laugh

I suppose if I didn't make such a mess, it would have got done quicker biggrin

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Wed 08/02/23 03:31 PM
Watching a hummingbird collecting nectar from a Hollyhock outside my kitchen window.

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Wed 08/02/23 03:33 PM

Watching a hummingbird collecting nectar from a Hollyhock outside my kitchen window.

Cool, I love hummingbirds.

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Thu 08/03/23 06:56 AM
Drinking another cup of coffee and slowly waking up.

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Thu 08/03/23 07:20 AM

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Thu 08/03/23 08:32 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 08/03/23 08:34 AM
Doing an all-nighter because i gotta do a early early airport pickup from Sydney - because that's what brothers are for.

Heading up to the city circa 5am.. its either i stay up and go, or get them to wait until i normally get up, at 8am XD