Topic: Emerald Eyes
Neelam's photo
Tue 09/13/22 03:15 AM
Your emerald colored eyes,
Beautiful as they could be,
Sometimes fiery and blazing like fire,
Sometimes icy cold like deep sea..

Sometimes color of nature,
Light and fresh,
Soft and clean,
Or with sunlight dancing on leaves,
Color appears forest green..

Or peaceful like a lake,
Bluish green and lying still,
Or mischievous and twinkling,
Flowing river,
But carrying a secret within..

Not of this world,
Such beauty is unmatched,
Almost bewitching,
I think they are magic,
Your magic is slowly working..

Your eyes more precious than jewels,
Always changing yet remaining same,
Will we meet for real someday,
Or just in dreams,
Continue playing this dancing game..

Vibes's photo
Tue 09/13/22 04:58 AM
Nice versions
Comparison galores
Customised flow
Eye to eye
Everything is high !

no photo
Tue 09/13/22 10:11 AM
Lovely flow of expressive emotions and it's even more admirable when nature's bliss gets portrayed with the love you hold for the Emerald Eyes :shamrock:

it's making me remember the stir of emotions I had when I wrote the poem - Adorable :eyes:

Glad to see a unique essence in your version that's perfect in your expressive style :clap::star2:

JulieABush's photo
Tue 09/13/22 02:10 PM
Nice poem:thumbsup: :wink: .

Laska Paul 's photo
Wed 09/14/22 01:08 AM

You must shine like a Diamonds in the Sky
Wish you best best , Best of Luck

Neelam's photo
Wed 09/14/22 02:03 AM
Thank you everyone :-)

Neelam's photo
Wed 09/14/22 02:06 AM
Lovely flow of expressive emotions and it's even more admirable when nature's bliss gets portrayed with the love you hold for the Emerald Eyes ☘

it's making me remember the stir of emotions I had when I wrote the poem - Adorable :eyes:

Glad to see a unique essence in your version that's perfect in your expressive style :clap::star2:

Thank you! that's exactly what I was trying to do..combine nature and shades of green get it each time what I'm trying to express :slight_smile::green_heart:

no photo
Wed 09/14/22 03:54 AM
Thank you! that's exactly what I was trying to do..combine nature and shades of green get it each time what I'm trying to express :slight_smile::green_heart:

:hugging: You express them from soul, it deserves to be treasured n valued ❤
Keep writing :blush:

Nick's photo
Sat 12/10/22 01:39 PM
Edited by Nick on Sat 12/10/22 01:43 PM
Thanks for sharing.

Nick's photo
Sat 12/10/22 01:41 PM
You write beautiful poetry. Continue to harness your creativity and your writing will get even better. :grin::kissing_heart: