Topic: Things to do when it is raining. A-Z - part 4 | |
Inundated water engulfed all over. Hold the hands intact to avoid slipping down.
Just simply clicking through all the channels trying to find a retro film (anything with Streisand in it will do)
Knocking on her door to let me in from the rain ....
Let me check who's knocking... Stranger danger is real
Master keys given so actually knocking is unnecessary.... stranger s in the night and really wet out there ...lethal combo.....
No ways you have the master keys, this is not KitKat's house.
Oh! Thought I was trying to get out of the rain into the first available house... yours !
Pouring rain makes me a little paranoid...
Quietly standing in a safe place till the rain receeds
Run for cover!
Relax... you don't have to water the grass or flowers today.
Sooo... You're happy just chilling with "R's", then?
taking turns at the fire place to warm up my cold butt !!
Unlocking the next level in a winning streak of Tetris
Open your umbrella ☔
When all else fails....could we sing in the rain?
Verify which house is Merry's so I know which door to knock on next time it rains.
We may need to review the alphabet
Xcited because we are going to have a rainy week
Xplore the possibilities of "A-Z" while we are at it