Topic: Are you believer?
Birdwatcher's photo
Mon 04/03/23 09:16 AM
Feeling good about yourself is NICE but it doesn't get you to heaven. I posted this a year ago, but feel like saying it again.

You can be a believer and still be a very bad person. Learn what the Bible teaches. The Word is final, your own opinion of if you are good or bad is not necessarily God's opinion.

no photo
Mon 04/03/23 10:50 AM
Good works comes after Salvation.
Works won't get you to heaven. Your faith and trust
In Jesus Christ ( God's Son) alone will.

Study your Bible for Truth.

Everyone has Opinions.

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 04/03/23 07:45 PM

Feeling good about yourself is NICE but it doesn't get you to heaven. I posted this a year ago, but feel like saying it again.

You can be a believer and still be a very bad person. Learn what the Bible teaches. The Word is final, your own opinion of if you are good or bad is not necessarily God's opinion.

Characteristics of the Christian believer is the entry of Jesus into his life. So his nature, thought, heart, spirit and conscience change. And his feelings, motives, goals and behaviour change too. How does he stay bad? The bad person is not a true believer, he is a believer in his tongue only.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 04/04/23 07:11 PM
“Those who disbelieve Our verses We will roast them in a Fire! As often as their skins are cooked, We exchange their skin with another, in order that they taste the punishment. Surely, Allah is Mighty, the Wise. As for those who believe and do good works, We shall admit them to Gardens underneath which rivers flow, they are there for eternity, and for them purified spouses. And We shall admit them into plenteous shade.”

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 04/07/23 01:31 AM

Does the "infidel" enter heaven?
According to Judaism
The righteous go after their resurrection to the Garden of Eden. The guilty are thrown in the valley of "G-Hinnom" [Hell], for the evils and sins they have committed.
The twelfth chapter of the book of Daniel "Many people who have already died will live again. Some of them will wake up to have life forever, but some will wake up to find shame and disgrace forever."

Christianity recognizes the existence of heaven, or paradise, and Hell.
The Bible says;
‘’But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

According to Islam
God sent the prophets, and they called people to worship God, so man became a choice between faith and disbelief.
The Quran says:
‘’Whosoever is guided is only guided for his own self, and whosoever goes astray it is only against it. No soul shall bear another's burden. Nor do We punish until we have sent a Messenger.’’
So whoever disbelieves in God and dies as an unbeliever, then he will be eternally in the fire of Hell, as the Quran says:
‘’Allah [God] has cursed the unbelievers and prepared for them a Blaze. Living there for ever, they shall neither find a guardian nor a helper.’’

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 04/07/23 01:44 AM

Good works comes after Salvation.
Works won't get you to heaven. Your faith and trust
In Jesus Christ ( God's Son) alone will.

Study your Bible for Truth.

Everyone has Opinions.

The Catholic Church teaches that both faith and good works are necessary for salvation: Protestants and Catholics agree that faith is necessary for salvation. The Bible clearly teaches that it is. Good works alone do not merit salvation.

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 04/07/23 01:57 AM
While the apostle Paul commands, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved," Jesus calls for deeds. Jesus continually calls for actions that include forgiving the sins of others, as conditions that must be fulfilled in order to receive God's forgiveness, to receive eternal life, or to enter the kingdom.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 04/08/23 06:54 PM
The Quran says: ’’The hospitality of those who believe and do good works shall be the Gardens of Paradise.’’

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 04/09/23 07:16 PM
The Quran says: ‘’But those who believe and do good works We shall admit them to Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and there they shall live for ever, the promise of Allah [God] is true. And who is truer in speech than Allah!
It is not by your fancies, nor by the fancies of the People of the Book. Whosoever does evil shall be recompensed for it, and he will not find for himself, other than Allah, a guardian or helper.
But those who do good works —whether male or female—and have faith will enter Paradise and will never be wronged ˹even as much as˺ the speck on a date stone.’’

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 04/10/23 06:13 PM
The Quran says
''O believers! Have faith in Allah, His Messenger, the Book He has revealed to His Messenger, and the Scriptures He revealed before. Indeed, whoever denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His messengers, and the Last Day has clearly gone far astray.''

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 04/12/23 12:26 AM
The Quran says: ’’Surely those who deny Allah and His messengers and wish to make a distinction between Allah and His messengers,1 saying, “We believe in some and disbelieve in others,” desiring to forge a compromise, they are indeed the true disbelievers. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.
As for those who believe in Allah and His messengers—accepting all; rejecting none—He will surely give them their rewards. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’’

LUNG1954's photo
Thu 04/13/23 06:43 PM

From the Quran:
‘’The Messiah would never be too proud to be a worshiper of Allah [God], nor would the angels nearest to Allah. Those who are too proud and arrogant to worship Him will be brought before Him all together.
As for those who believe and do good, He will reward them in full and increase them out of His grace. But those who are too proud and arrogant, He will subject them to a painful punishment. And besides Allah they will find no protector or helper.’’

no photo
Sat 04/15/23 02:54 AM
You are good to you and others, that are very best. Find your soul, its source, its eternal destination, for your best rewards in this life and hereafter.

no photo
Sat 04/15/23 03:03 AM
right works alone will not get you to heaven, salvation, surrender to your creator can guide and lead to eternal peace. know who you are from who created you in a sophisticated and safe place in a mothers's womb. One book has full description about it. It says the details about human birth before the modern medical science discovered anything regarding this issue. You will find the truth if you search, you have that wisdom to differ between the truth and not truth.

Don's photo
Sun 04/16/23 10:24 AM
No I'm not a believer. I am free.

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 04/16/23 06:35 PM
from the Quran
You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews and polytheists and the most gracious to be those who call themselves Christian. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not arrogant.

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 04/16/23 08:01 PM
How People Become Atheists
Testing three theories of religious non-belief.
Religion is a human universal. Every society that has ever existed has had some form of organized religion that has dominated its culture and often its government as well. For this reason, many psychologists believe we have an innate tendency toward religious belief.
And yet, in every society, there have also been those who have rejected the religious teachings of their upbringing.
If religiosity—the tendency toward religious belief of some sort—is innate, as many psychologists have speculated, then how can we account for such a large number of non-believers? This is the question that British psychologist Will Gervais and his colleagues explored in a study they recently published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Why Is Religion Nearly Universal?
According to Gervais and colleagues, there are three major theories explaining the seeming universality of religious belief. Each of these also has an account for how some people become atheists.
Secularization theory
According to this view, religion arose to serve new social needs as humans developed civilization. For instance, it helped enforce morality by inventing ever-watching gods that punished misbehavior in the next life if not this one. It also provided a means of assuaging existential concerns of the common people—that is, the worries we all have about the health and happiness of ourselves and our loved ones. It’s comforting to know that a god is looking after our best interests.
Secularization theory also formulates a prediction about how people become atheists by examining the so-called “post-Christian” trend of Western Europe since the last half of the twentieth century. As these countries have developed robust social safety nets, universal health care, and a stable middle class, religious attendance and affiliation have dropped precipitously. According to this view, a government that provides for the good of the people needs no divine sanction. And because the people no longer have existential concerns, they have no need for religion either.
Cognitive byproduct theory
It contends that religion arose from innate thought. Humans are very good at intuiting the thoughts and emotions of others, and it’s this “mind-reading” ability that makes us so successful as a cooperative social species. But this ability is “hyperactive,” leading us to also “read the minds” of inanimate objects or hypothetical unseen actors.
By this account, any self-reports of atheism only go “skin deep,” in that non-believers would have to actively suppress their innate religious feelings at all times. As is often said during war, “There are no atheists in the foxholes.” Such an attitude is based on the assumption that religiosity is innate.
Cognitive byproduct theory predicts that some people become atheists because they have strong analytical thinking skills, which they use to critically evaluate their religious beliefs.
Dual inheritance theory
It maintains that religious belief comes from a combination of genetic and cultural influences, hence the name. According to this view, we may have an innate tendency toward religious belief of some sort, but specific beliefs have to be inculcated during early childhood.
While dual inheritance theory recognizes the existence of innate religious intuitions, it also maintains that those intuitions need to be triggered by actual religious experiences. Thus, it proposes that people become atheists when they aren’t exposed to religious beliefs or practices as children.
If Religion Is Universal, Why Are There Atheists?
To test which theory best predicts how people become atheists, Gervais and colleagues collected data from over 1400 adults who composed a representative sample of the American population. These participants responded to questions intended to measure their degree of religious belief as well as the various proposed pathways to religious disbelief. These included feelings of existential security (secularization theory), analytical thinking ability (cognitive byproduct theory), and exposure to religious practices in childhood (dual inheritance theory).
The results showed that only one of the three proposed pathways strongly predicted atheism. Almost all of the self-identified atheists in this sample indicated that they had grown up in a home without religion.
In hindsight, this finding is unsurprising. After all, Catholics are fond of saying that if they have a child till seven, they have him for life. And while it’s not uncommon for people to switch from their childhood religion to a different faith in adulthood, it’s rare indeed for a person raised without religion to adopt one later in life.
Those who gave up their religion later in life invariably showed strong analytical thinking skills. Nevertheless, plenty of religious people displayed this ability as well. In other words, just because you’re good at thinking logically, this doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily abandon your religious beliefs.
Most surprising to the researchers was that they found no support for secularization theory. The post-Christian tendency in Western Europe has long been held up as a model for how not just individuals but entire societies can become atheist. But the data from this study suggest that the secularization process may be more complex than originally thought.
A Two-Step Process for Losing Your Faith
Gervais and colleagues propose a two-step model in the case of Western Europe. In the devastation that followed World War II, the post-war generation lost faith in the legitimacy of the Church as the defender of morality and the protector of the people. Since they stopped actively practicing their faith, their children grew up without religion and became atheists, just as the dual-inheritance model predicts.
I suspect there’s another reason why this particular study failed to find support for secularization theory. The theory contends that the purpose of religion is to assuage existential worries, but when the government provides womb-to-tomb social safety nets, religion is no longer needed.
In sum, humans may have an innate tendency toward religion, but this doesn’t mean that people will develop religious beliefs on their own if not exposed to them in childhood. Religion provides comfort for people in an uncertain and frightening world, and yet we also see that when the government provides for the welfare of the people, they no longer need religion. Given the track record in Western Europe over the last half-century, it’s clear that governments can placate the existential concerns of the masses far more effectively than the Church ever did.

David Ludden, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College.

no photo
Mon 04/17/23 02:54 AM
"How People Become Atheists"

One sound way, if they become enlightened/disillusioned.

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 04/17/23 06:51 PM
From the Quran:
‘Consider˺ the Day Allah [God] will gather the messengers and say, “What response did you receive?” They will reply, “We have no knowledge ˹compared to You˺! You ˹alone˺ are indeed the Knower of all unseen.”
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favour upon you and your mother: how I supported you with the holy spirit1 so you spoke to people in ˹your˺ infancy and adulthood. How I taught you writing, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. How you moulded a bird from clay—by My Will—and breathed into it and it became a ˹real˺ bird—by My Will. How you healed the blind and the lepers—by My Will. How you brought the dead to life—by My Will. How I prevented the Children of Israel from harming you when you came to them with clear proofs and the disbelievers among them said, “This is nothing but pure magic.”
And how I inspired the disciples, “Believe in Me and My messenger!” They declared, “We believe and bear witness that we fully submit ˹to Allah˺.”

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 04/17/23 07:12 PM

"How People Become Atheists"

One sound way, if they become enlightened/disillusioned.

Some writers believe that one of the common reasons for atheism is learning more about other religious traditions, so a person may adopt a more critical attitude towards his religion, and may reject it. Or a person may grow up and discover an unjust, hypocritical, or evil cleric. As a result of this he becomes critical of religion too.
Science also has a role, as it provided explanations for aspects that were the preserve of religion. Because scientific explanations make sense and are easier than religious explanations, some people have rejected religion.
Some writers also played an important role in publishing philosophical arguments that some considered successful in refuting most of the common concepts of gods. For example, many atheists believe that the existence of evil makes belief in a merciful, all-powerful God unreasonable.
In some cases, the person may become critical of all religions and criticize the belief in the existence of any gods and God.
In conclusion, one of the most dangerous things facing a person’s psychological life and disturbing his stability and reassurance is losing his faith in God, because faith in God is what gives meaning to this life. And whoever loses his faith in God loses the basic essence that makes him feel his value and purpose in life.