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Topic: What do you wonder about the person above you? Part 2 - part 6
no photo
Wed 01/04/23 03:51 AM

Tho I have inherited quite a collection from my parents.

Three of my favs are the Vernon Ware "Heavenly Days" dish set (Mom had everything! HAHA.), the blue cornflower Corningware from the 1970's and a pair of glasses a relative wore from mom's side of the family from the early 1800s.

I wonder if Slim is learning way too much. laugh

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 01/09/23 10:50 AM
wonder how her search for the perfect fitting shoe is progressing??

no photo
Tue 01/10/23 11:03 AM
It isnt.

Wonder if Slim has any antiques?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/10/23 12:46 PM
slim is antique... nuff said...

wonder if she ever got appraisals for any of her antiques

no photo
Tue 01/10/23 01:53 PM
They do not fit in my car.

Wonder if Slim has season hockey tickets?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/10/23 01:58 PM
Fan days over .. cheaper to watch on the Sports channel ....

wonder what does not fit in a car ... being antique an all ....

no photo
Wed 01/11/23 01:57 AM
You would fit in the car. laugh waving

Wonder what sports (if any) Slim played growing up.

no photo
Wed 01/11/23 02:43 AM
Wonder if Stormy has fun plans for today?

no photo
Wed 01/11/23 01:49 PM
I wonder if she got a belly ache from eating all those chocolate covered strawberries :yum:

no photo
Wed 01/11/23 09:57 PM
I wonder if he has recovered from the second quarter yet...

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Thu 01/12/23 01:22 AM
I wonder what he looks like. :blush:

no photo
Thu 01/12/23 11:53 AM
I wonder if she's gotten any apples recently?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 01/18/23 05:38 AM
i wonder why he has apples on his mind Or is that code for I want apple to be mine ???

no photo
Wed 01/18/23 06:30 AM
I wonder if Slim has a date lined up for January.

no photo
Wed 01/18/23 07:43 AM
I wonder what she’s up too? :slight_smile:

no photo
Wed 01/18/23 11:30 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 01/18/23 11:30 AM
I am learning a lot of a new friend.

OT: I wonder what hobby has caught Gia's interest?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 01/18/23 12:33 PM
slim dates on the weekends only ha ha ....

wonder how many dates she goes on in a week!!!!!!

no photo
Wed 01/18/23 01:27 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 01/18/23 01:33 PM
Zero laugh

Wonder what is Slim's favorite first date outing/activity? (Not a meet and greet.)

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 01/18/23 02:47 PM
First date normally starts with attending a charity Gala . Dancing is very revealing !!!

oT: wonder if Stormy will ever tell if she goes on a date ??

no photo
Wed 01/18/23 03:01 PM
Someone I knew couldnt dance but Oh. My. Gawd. otherwise.

OT: Let me retract what I said before. A while ago I went on a date. Yep. I might mention if I go on another one.

Wonder if Slim appreciates being asked out on a date or would he prefer to do the chasing?

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