Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 15 | |
Summer is definitely my best season by far .....
Far be it from me to disagree with that
that is the reaction I expected....
Expected to snow sometime soon according
to the forecast |
there?..... wasn't anything
Forecast could be wrong, but maybe not sadly.
Sadly it’s true, snow for us this weekend
Weekend will still be great, at least no work
Work your fingers to the bone, then fall asleep.
Asleep under the stars might be enjoyable to some.
Something is better than nothing
In the meantime stop the presses!!
Presses the Actress so hard that she had to cancel the Shoot for a Day... |
Day looks like it's going to be another great one.
One Two Three Four , Its Likely to Rain More.. |
More rain is wayyy better than more snow.
Snow and storm denotes bad weather
Weather is bound to get better now that it is Spring!
Spring season is to enjoy
enjoy your life while you still can !!!