Cathy's photo
Wed 05/01/24 10:25 PM
For me FM :smile:

You're right, Slim, it got cold in here
So I vote for you

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 05/02/24 02:57 AM
and i will definitely vote for you Catherine , because you took your chance , unlike previous poster.....who by the way is still gushing over Gia and her pink moon !!!

no photo
Fri 05/03/24 09:08 AM
The matchmaker duo needs hammers

Catherine - a pink :hammer: with a flower :tulip:- i’m not a monster. Lol

Slim - :cat2: a cat to kept you company + a :hammer:

no photo
Fri 05/03/24 03:32 PM
Definitely Blondey, two :hammer::hammer: for you.

Cathy's photo
Sat 05/04/24 04:21 AM
I vote for Gia pink :hammer:

no photo
Mon 05/06/24 01:30 PM
Gia :hammer: and Catherine :hammer:... You know why

Sir's photo
Mon 05/06/24 01:33 PM
Gia Gia.... always in trouble 🧐

no photo
Mon 05/06/24 02:38 PM
I feel attacked :joy::joy::joy::tulip::wink:

no photo
Mon 05/06/24 02:45 PM
Sir :hammer:and Mike :hammer: get one each for not appreciating my list. :wink:

Catherine just gets flowers I know she liked my list. :innocent:

Sir's photo
Mon 05/06/24 03:47 PM
How does Catherine get flowers..... she's the main one. 🤣


no photo
Mon 05/06/24 03:51 PM

How does Catherine get flowers..... she's the main one. 🤣

Girl power, Gia's trying to get off the chit list.

Not gonna work, Gia :hammer:

no photo
Tue 05/07/24 12:30 AM

Have some gratitude. I said some pretty nice things on that list. :pray: :hammer::hammer:

Flowers for Mike and Sir. flowers

no photo
Tue 05/07/24 12:52 AM

Have some gratitude. I said some pretty nice things on that list. :pray: :hammer::hammer:

Flowers for Mike and Sir. flowers

Ok fine, Don Juan gets five across the eyes :hammer::hammer::eyes::hammer::eyes::hammer::hammer:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 05/07/24 04:00 AM
very poor stirring of the pot going on .... is it because Blondey is back .... ???
or is it because suddenly all found out that Mike the hammer, is still waiting for a visa to visit Canada , and get it on with his new found love , who lives in this awesome country !!

no photo
Tue 05/07/24 11:15 AM
Slim, Slim, Slim - We can just coop-exist without the set-up’s.

If we’re not doing a good job you need to take over. :hammer::wink:

Cathy's photo
Tue 05/07/24 10:29 PM
:hammer: Gia pinki one :smile:
:hammer: Slim
:hammer: Mike

no photo
Wed 05/08/24 01:08 AM
She's :100: 🤪 I started it, I have to vote for myself if that's allowed. ☹

I poured it in the pot & they took it ran with it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But Robin does have a point, the thread itself is a pot stirrer. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


no photo
Wed 05/08/24 01:08 AM
Slim, Slim, Slim - We can just coop-exist without the set-up’s.

If we’re not doing a good job you need to take over. :hammer::wink:

haha. good one

no photo
Wed 05/08/24 06:07 PM
Improper vote for stirring Hughe, get a clue, buy a vowel! :hammer::hammer::hammer:

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 05/09/24 02:51 AM
totally agree .... what is Hughe???
And why isn't he buying those vowels ??