Topic: sexting
Ameer's photo
Tue 07/06/21 10:33 AM
is it a right topic to start conversation with?

no photo
Tue 07/06/21 10:35 AM
is it a right topic to start conversation with?


Rock's photo
Tue 07/06/21 10:46 AM

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 07/06/21 10:48 AM


I know, right! He’s young lol

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/06/21 11:31 AM
It's a good way to get blocked right off that bat.. noway

What makes anyone think that someone wants to talk sex with a stranger right off the bat??...slaphead

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 07/06/21 11:46 AM
again lost in translation...
Start out with a good connection , then work your way up from there !
just saying !

no photo
Tue 07/06/21 06:42 PM
sexting... is it a right topic to start conversation with?

If you're paying them by the minute, sure.

Other than that, yes and no.

Depends on what your goals are.

If that's all you really want, then yes.
It lets people know so they have the option to block you or participate.
It saves a lot of time and frustration later on.

If you really want something more, then no.

no photo
Wed 07/07/21 12:33 AM
Hello Ameer waving firstly suggest you read the profile .... that will give you an indication of what someone is looking for .. for example “intimate encounter” .

Then you could send a message asking if they would like to share intimate chat with you . .. rather than just sending an explicit sexual message . Just like foreplay .. warm up with flirtatious chat first lol ., Best of luck

no photo
Wed 07/07/21 05:39 PM


Rabiul Islam 's photo
Wed 07/07/21 11:06 PM

no photo
Thu 07/08/21 01:58 AM
is it a right topic to start conversation with?

no,i dont think so

here4ltr2's photo
Fri 07/23/21 11:11 PM
It's a good way to get blocked right off that bat.. :expressionless:

What makes anyone think that someone wants to talk sex with a stranger right off the bat??...🤤

you're correct

no photo
Tue 07/27/21 06:29 AM
This isn't backpage so no you don't do that or send pics of your junk.frustrated

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 07/27/21 08:45 AM
I prefer the real thing, in-person and actual.
Sexting is for those who do not have someone right there.
Get off your phone (device) and go find someone real, its much...MUCH better, by far seriously worth it.

If your goal is masturbation, well, I have a very vivid imagination and a nice hot experience pool to access.

If you need sexting or porn to get aroused...yer doing it wrong!