Topic: Love is an illusion | |
The only true love av experience is a mother's love
I love Doritos.
The only true love av experience is a mother's love For those...who had a mother...perhaps? |
That is a generalisation . Sadly, the high incidence of children and babies abused or neglected by their parents says otherwise .
ALL love is true or it isn't love at all.
The only true love av experience is a mother's love Meanwhile, back in this universe, my love for my late wife was not an illusion. |
nobody can guarantee the result The experience itself is what you get. enjoy it.
Love is an illusion
Yep. It's all in your head. The only true love av experience is a mother's love
Well, that's more than some people. But a lot of people treat love like an "experience." Like "I've never experienced Space Mountain at Disney," or, "I've never experienced a gunshot wound." "Love" serves a higher purpose than an experience, a trophy. Or something provided to you by someone else. A "mothers love" exists to keep them from just throwing you out the door, sell you, or drop you off at the fire station when you become too big of an annoying parasite as a baby. Babies don't contribute anything. They eat, sleep, poop, and cry. They consume a lot of resources. A mothers love keeps a mother from strangling a kid when it burns down the house after discovering matches. Or keeps the mother from tossing the baby over her shoulder to the chasing lion in order to get away. Romantic love serves relationships. For perpetuation. To keep a relationship going long enough that it 1. leads to babies. 2. leads to protecting babies long enough they don't need the teat and can run away from lions. If your goals, choices, and behaviors in life aren't to start a family, maintain a family, protect and grow a family, legacy, then there's really no need for you to pursue romantic "love." It's like saying "I've never experienced career fulfillment." If all of your desires, choices, all of your training, all of your time is spent on chasing money, free time, lifestyle, education, rather than, say, global purpose of your life, and you only accept/take random jobs you don't have to try that hard to get, then why would you. Or saying "I've never experienced healthy nutrition." Meanwhile you've spent your life eating chicken nuggets, fast food, prepackaged meals, and never learned to cook or follow a recipe, just relied on going out to restaurants, why would you. Romantic "love" is easy to find and cultivate, as long as your goals, decisions, and life align to the same thing that romantic "love" serves. If you just chase it like a drug, an experience, the best you're ever going to get is the same as heroin users chasing the dragon, and never fulfilled. |
WOW that's a lost thought that Iv never found before. So your saying the pain i was feeling after losing my girl was all an Illusion?.
love's illusion is when Halle Berry or Siva David is the intended target !!!
love is not an illusion it is one of the most undervalued spiritual feeling that is hard to comprehend. the universe is love we were just brainwashed and indoctrinated in many ways that have had dire catastrophic results.
anyway for example and this is the main reason marriages fail....we listen to everyone else's stupid opinion and not deal with the issue head on between the couple who knows each other more then anyone else...mother in laws are the absolute worse if they have a good stroke of narraccisct in humans aren't meant to be in monogamous relationship at all. |
The only true love av experience is a mother's love For those...who had a mother...perhaps? i thought mothers were the key figure in any union, that produces another human being or has technology taken over.... everybody has to have a mother somewhere in the world |
The only true love av experience is a mother's love It still amazes me when someone takes the paintbrush of their own experience and attempts to color the world with it... |
The only true love av experience is a mother's love It still amazes me when someone takes the paintbrush of their own experience and attempts to color the world with it... More common now than you realize. A very accurate description of modern social attitudes. |
Love is nothing more than the emotional state you feel towards someone or something. Like any other 'feeling', it happens within.
We associate those feelings with a person, place or thing and believe we have a substanial connection with the object of interest. Its neither bad nor good and everybody seems to feel it sometime in their lives. Contrary to popular belief you can't buy or trade love and more than you can buy or trade contentment. You can't 'make' someone else love you. Someone else can't 'make' you love them (tho sometimes it seems that way). Since love is something you feel within, all love is true. You feel it and that feeling is valid because it is happening, to you. It may not be justified or lasting. It may not be reciprocated or understood but if its there, its true. Love is not a single defined feeling. The love a mother feels for her children is different than the love someone feels for a spouse, a favorite book, a favorite place and so on. The feelings are all true but have different details, different levels of importance. Love is an emotional state you feel when considering something outside yourself. You can also love yourself. Infatuation is not love but can lead to love. Some people substitute other things and call it love yet do not feel love. They exist in an eternal quest for 'love' and complicate what is merely an inner feeling. Feelings are easy for people. Some people are emotional rollercoasters out of control. I've seen mothers who do not love their children, a mother's love is not a certainty. This is because love is a feeling, an emotional state. Once this simple fact is understood, love becomes easy to understand. Its not a mystic condition. Its not some unseen force. Its an emotional state and once you have gained emotional maturity the mystery of love is revealed. |
Anyone that thinks Love is an Illusion has never experienced true love from others..
Love is real, no matter if it is your parents, your siblings, friends or that of a lover... It is a feeling like no other... those that find love are the ones that have learned to give love~~ Which is something we learn from an early age.. A parents love is a different kind of love that runs deep it is a bond that normally never leaves, than what we experience from a partner which at times we fall out of love with them.. But regardless love is real~~ |
Anyone that thinks Love is an Illusion has never experienced true love from others.. Love is real, no matter if it is your parents, your siblings, friends or that of a lover... It is a feeling like no other... those that find love are the ones that have learned to give love~~ Which is something we learn from an early age.. A parents love is a different kind of love that runs deep it is a bond that normally never leaves, than what we experience from a partner which at times we fall out of love with them.. But regardless love is real~~ ^^^^This! ![]() |
nobody can guarantee the result The experience itself is what you get. enjoy it. ![]() |
love is never having to say sorry ....Eric Seagal "Love Story ".... my experience teaches me that there is no illusion about that !!!
I agree