Topic: Too many men date/marry psycho women; reject good women | |
Humm it seems to many try to find the fault within the other person when in reality they need to take a hard long look at themselves and their choices...
If you know they have a patchy past with others then it is time to step back and reflect on even going head-on into a relationship with them.. It takes two to start a relationship. When one has that gut feeling they have issues it is best to listen to those gut feelings.. |
Maybe they make the best decision after all.
Stripping, a perfectly legal means of making a living often supports many children and families. So, they get a great worker, who takes responsibility and is willing to do a crap job..I salute them. And you say this makes them 'indecent.' I say, follow Blondey's advice for yourself. |
As I continue to wait on a husband at the age of 36 currently, I have literally experienced and seen on the outside looking in...many men passing up dignified women for harlots or stripper girls. Upon talking to these dudes who have crazy girls as their spouse or partner, the men are usually...never happy, yet they refuse to let go of the problem.
Waiting on a husband? experienced and seen ... many men passing up dignified women for harlots or stripper girls.
You frequent stripper bars and lounges? Upon talking to these dudes
Desperation? men are usually...never happy, yet they refuse to let go of the problem.
Perhaps look in the mirror? He disregarded meeting his spouse in church (Ideal, but not always likely)
Are YOU looking for your husband in church? this one I was in love with, flattered me many times
Do you respond to superficial flattery? he was in an abusive relationship
You were in love with a man already in a relationship? he totally shocked me and went back to her
Perhaps what you offer is not what he wanted? their abusive relationship resumed
After dating you. Does this tell you anything about yourself? Too many men DO pass up dignified women and they go after the most problematic women on make into wives.
How many men are you looking to be your husband? The question of "why do fools fall in love" come into play. I suppose the answer is because regardless of the simpleton parents, children will be born.
I can't see the connection between fools falling in love and children of simpleton parents? I'm still hopeful to the Lord that one day I'll finally be received and not rejected.
By whom? Foolish men? Yer searching for a husband. You find many men but they do not fit your preferences of what constitutes husband material. You place all the men you meet into the same stereotype and focus on what you do not want instead of looking at each potential mate for the qualities you do want. Your selection pool is wrong for the qualities you prefer. You have a few options which could change your search results. * Change your qualifying preferences to match the available selection. * Change your selection pool to focus on only those who are likely to fill your preferences. * Change your selection process to focus on positive traits instead of negative traits. Stop looking for the 'bad' in people. Focus on finding the "good" and allow the bad to pass on by. * Treat each potential mate as a unique individual and see that "person" instead of a stereotype. You won't find a church going man with religious family values in a strip bar. You find them in church. Try to remember people often change when they get into an intimate relationship. (Intimate as in 'close' not necessarily sex) Nobody wants to be in a relationship with anyone who constantly evaluates their values. Its difficult to build the needed trust when one must constantly defend themselves. Plus, trust is a two-way street. When you focus on the negative you only 'see' the negative. Choose Wisely |
That's why I only date short slender women. I can pick them up and lock them in the bedroom when they misbehave. ![]() |
Edited by
Miss NJ
Thu 02/25/21 10:06 AM
Whilst the Jerry Springer show may have once had entertainment value... I make a point, to not associate with anyone, who could potentially be a guest on daytime crap television. Moral of the story? You're running in the wrong crowd. No, the dudes who pass up decent girls are running in the wrong crowd. The point is that these dudes ACKNOWLEDGE good women, yet they refuse them for strippers. And why would YOU want a man who passes up a decent woman? I'm not even interested in such men. In life you get presented with what matches your energy, your current vibration. So Blondey's advice to take a moment and check what is living inside of you is very sound. There are plenty of guys out there that are looking for a great girl. If these don't cross your path it's because you are not attracting such men. Find out why not. The answer is inside, not the outside and certainly not in blame. Blame comes from lack of self-love, which could be a good clue as to why it isn't working out for you. ![]() I didn't say I wanted those men. However, some of these dudes came to me with their issues as if wanting to change, but they would go back to their own vomit as the Word of God says. I am making the observation that many men will pass up decent girls these days. |
As I continue to wait on a husband at the age of 36 currently, I have literally experienced and seen on the outside looking in...many men passing up dignified women for harlots or stripper girls. Upon talking to these dudes who have crazy girls as their spouse or partner, the men are usually...never happy, yet they refuse to let go of the problem.
Waiting on a husband? experienced and seen ... many men passing up dignified women for harlots or stripper girls.
You frequent stripper bars and lounges? Upon talking to these dudes
Desperation? men are usually...never happy, yet they refuse to let go of the problem.
Perhaps look in the mirror? He disregarded meeting his spouse in church (Ideal, but not always likely)
Are YOU looking for your husband in church? this one I was in love with, flattered me many times
Do you respond to superficial flattery? he was in an abusive relationship
You were in love with a man already in a relationship? he totally shocked me and went back to her
Perhaps what you offer is not what he wanted? their abusive relationship resumed
After dating you. Does this tell you anything about yourself? Too many men DO pass up dignified women and they go after the most problematic women on make into wives.
How many men are you looking to be your husband? The question of "why do fools fall in love" come into play. I suppose the answer is because regardless of the simpleton parents, children will be born.
I can't see the connection between fools falling in love and children of simpleton parents? I'm still hopeful to the Lord that one day I'll finally be received and not rejected.
By whom? Foolish men? Yer searching for a husband. You find many men but they do not fit your preferences of what constitutes husband material. You place all the men you meet into the same stereotype and focus on what you do not want instead of looking at each potential mate for the qualities you do want. Your selection pool is wrong for the qualities you prefer. You have a few options which could change your search results. * Change your qualifying preferences to match the available selection. * Change your selection pool to focus on only those who are likely to fill your preferences. * Change your selection process to focus on positive traits instead of negative traits. Stop looking for the 'bad' in people. Focus on finding the "good" and allow the bad to pass on by. * Treat each potential mate as a unique individual and see that "person" instead of a stereotype. You won't find a church going man with religious family values in a strip bar. You find them in church. Try to remember people often change when they get into an intimate relationship. (Intimate as in 'close' not necessarily sex) Nobody wants to be in a relationship with anyone who constantly evaluates their values. Its difficult to build the needed trust when one must constantly defend themselves. Plus, trust is a two-way street. When you focus on the negative you only 'see' the negative. Choose Wisely I think this post embodies the term "loaded question". |
Maybe they make the best decision after all. Stripping, a perfectly legal means of making a living often supports many children and families. So, they get a great worker, who takes responsibility and is willing to do a crap job..I salute them. And you say this makes them 'indecent.' I say, follow Blondey's advice for yourself. If a woman wants to make a living and keep her dignity as a person, she can work at a McDonald's. Sorry, but sexual debauchery in the name of "I'm supporting my kids" is lousy. America is in bad shape, but we still have to be mindful of what our reckless choices can do to our sons or daughters. |