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Topic: Women who want only sex
Jerry Rollins's photo
Tue 05/21/24 12:21 AM
Hello I'm Jerry.
let me first say that I've always thought it was sexist and unfair to women that just wanted to have sexual relationships in their life. I mean, if a guy has multiple sex partners, he's concerned an stud, but if a woman does the exact same thing she is concerned an slut. Even in society today that double standard is still in the fabric of American holsom outlook of how a man should decide how to live his life, compared to how a woman decides to live hers. It was fair in the 60's and 70's and its not fair 2024 . I said my peace on the subject, I hope no one was or will be offended by opinion. I feel that our right to Express our thoughts, feeling, on anything one chooses is still one of the greatest things about our country

Amol 's photo
Tue 05/21/24 04:18 AM
I always thought there was a shaming stigma attached to women who only want sex. In the US you often hear those women being called sluts or whores. At least that was how it was offline, I'm not so sure about online or dating sites. Or if that stigma is still attached. Based on some of the comments I've heard in the forums, it seems to be.

As far as men were concerned, those that were only looking for sex were considered to be "sowing their oats". It was considered normal for the young guys to sow their oats, but young women were supposed to be ladylike. Though I'm not sure who the young men were supposed to have sex with if it was inappropriate for young women to do so, haha.

I believe if a woman wants to seek only sex, that is her business. There is no right or wrong to it, unless she's using sex to hurt others, imo.

that's great

no photo
Wed 05/22/24 09:38 AM
Lol.....If a woman is clearly stating that she's looking for sex then good on her for being honest and straight to the point.
It's her life, her profile and she can do what ever she wants.

girthman33's photo
Wed 05/22/24 06:29 PM
Good point MJ. Although it is not as pronounced as it used to be, men who are in it just for sex don't get judged as harshly as women who are.

no photo
Thu 05/23/24 01:10 AM
i want sex

no photo
Thu 05/23/24 08:15 PM
I want mutual love

no photo
Fri 05/24/24 11:48 AM
Is it wrong for a woman to only want chocolate, milk chocolate.

Thomas Smith's photo
Fri 05/24/24 02:34 PM

Is it wrong for a woman to only want chocolate, milk chocolate.

Of course not but I reccommend you watch a film called Chocolat with Juliette Binoche,Alfred Molina,Johnny Depp and Dame Judi Dench

no photo
Fri 05/24/24 02:42 PM

Shah's photo
Fri 05/24/24 03:16 PM
Totally agree with you

no photo
Wed 05/29/24 01:42 PM
Where are they? :sunglasses:

Nobuddie's photo
Wed 05/29/24 10:03 PM
I would so love if a woman openly said and wanted that. and go from there. I'm old school. I won't just sleep with anyone, has to be attraction. I take sex as a special act between a man and woman

no photo
Wed 05/29/24 10:42 PM

Where are they? :sunglasses:
hiding .. waiting to pounce when someone comes along that sparks their interest laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 05/29/24 10:56 PM
Believe it or not .. I have read all the replies on this thread .

A gold star for men who recognise that women have the right to autonomy and self determination when it comes to sexuality and expression of needs . There is no excuse for double standards and old fashioned concepts that favour men with freedom when it comes to sexual choices, yet scrutinise and demean women for the same behaviour .

Those who didn’t achieve a gold star .. you have work to do .. you should not feel threatened by a woman who knows what she wants and is empowered by directing her life to ensure needs and desires are fulfilled .

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 05/30/24 12:35 AM
Very cleanly and perfectly xplained by you .
In short , if there is a "Dead Bedroom" , I am sure many many divorces are likely to take place , thus giving Importance to physiological and Emotional level.

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 03:47 AM
Can't find any women

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 07:16 PM
I am here for fun flert and enjoyment

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 07:17 PM
I am here for fun flert and enjoyment

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 10:16 PM
She can do it but what guy is going to want to eat that for the rest of his life. Don't hookers just want sex don't you look at them with disgust. Y'all women really don't understand what the hell is going on in relationships do you, you all want to be treated like Queens but if you go around ****ing everybody what makes that marriage so sacred since everybody's had some even though you don't know the people you know a lot of people's banged on it who wants to eat that

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 10:18 PM
Man you women really just don't get it that's a damn shame. Have you all not realized how many men rather be single then to marry a hooker even though you're not getting paid for it you're doing the same thing LMAO

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