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Topic: Women who want only sex
Swami 's photo
Tue 01/16/24 10:38 AM
I've heard guys say, "There's the ones you take to bed", and then "There's the ones you take home to mother".

I'm interested in seeing what the men here on Mingle say.

Hii ma

NateSauce's photo
Tue 01/16/24 11:25 AM
I think it's just fine it's perfectly normal for someone to want to have a hook up every now and then so there shouldn't be a problem because guys do it all the time

Anil's photo
Wed 01/17/24 01:09 AM
No ,,,no......No

emaar's photo
Wed 01/17/24 07:56 PM
well explained

no photo
Wed 01/17/24 09:27 PM
Depends. Guess we men have to understand it’s a need also. Not a personality.many woman need sex as passion doing it

Hans's photo
Thu 01/18/24 12:21 AM
Well, I firmly believe the word "stamina" is made up word that means nothing. It just sounds good and flowed with the so called whore ( not intended to be a towards any lady of the human species.... Sorry).
I was making the point on what you were talking about. I think there needs to be more of you girls. I'm %100 backing this notion!! All who agree.. say so now or forever hold your peace... I think it's hot and sexy...

Kevin's photo
Sat 01/20/24 09:26 PM
don't know if there are any recent responce but I am down for a test run.

Happy man's photo
Mon 01/22/24 02:11 PM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

your details

Chim Chim 's photo
Thu 01/25/24 04:35 AM
Well said, it doesn’t matter at all.

Mikey's photo
Sat 01/27/24 08:40 PM
I believe that everyone has there preferences of what there looking for. I don't hold anything against women seeking just so fun or stress relief. And sometimes that 1 time can be the start to something magical

no photo
Sun 01/28/24 12:55 AM
Yes its ok

Busayo  Joshua 's photo
Sun 01/28/24 01:57 AM
a woman friend of mine said, "men are microwaves, women are crockpots" in regards to sex drive...

i heard a guy in front of me speaking on the phone to a woman that only wanted sex...i promise i won't fall in love he said, i'm a real dick i only like to use women...i was trying to imagine what sort of woman he was talking to...but in new orleans...well....

i was on a dating site a while back and a woman said men aren't that different from women u can tell by reading the profiles....so i read some men's profiles and amazingly they weren't all that different from the women's

also with the ever increasing "butch woman" becoming more and more popular we are getting even more alike....

i wrote my 2nd fiction book under a pen name...in the book a male boxing coach travels the world with 5 beautiful models and does show boxing and inadvertently ends the lock down world wide...

I want sex too

no photo
Thu 02/01/24 04:25 PM
I grew up believing that women need love to have sex and men need sex to have love.

desperados 's photo
Thu 02/01/24 10:47 PM
yes it cutsnout all the bs

Dee's photo
Sat 02/03/24 04:40 PM
I’m located in Leicester, UK.
And there is nothing wrong with that

no photo
Sat 02/03/24 05:23 PM
I have encountered some ladies who are looking for sex. I was actually very surprised the first time I encountered this.
The lady in question was attractive, educated, dressed nice and was a good conversationalist. We met for a lunch date, went for a walk in a nearby park, and then she asked me upfront if we could make love. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, could have been knocked over with a feather so to speak.
So, I guess there are probably others out there as weell.:wink:

Ibrahim 's photo
Fri 02/09/24 02:23 AM
yes ofcourse

no photo
Fri 02/09/24 12:55 PM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

yes why not, if her dream goes up in flames of finding the one, there is still the 1 that is there to ****

Kamal's photo
Sun 02/11/24 03:25 AM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

Not all the women. But a small number may be

TJ Elder's photo
Fri 02/16/24 07:23 PM
where ever these women are, please send them my way. I've had a few girls say that's all they wanted and nothing serious. but as soon as I stop giving it to them or I mess with someone else, they lose their ****

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