Topic: Complete the sentence
no photo
Tue 02/02/21 05:36 AM
It turns me on/off when....

Stu's photo
Tue 02/02/21 05:48 AM
When someone flips my switch.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 02/02/21 06:10 AM
On: When she loves cats and cheesecake

Off: When she acts like my ex wife

no photo
Tue 02/02/21 11:58 AM
On - when he's a good conversationalist.

Off- when he doesn't know how to treat a lady.

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 02/02/21 01:57 PM
On - When she eyes me up and down and smiles.

Off - When she eyes others up and down and smiles.

no photo
Tue 02/02/21 02:10 PM
On. When he says my name with the hint of a cheeky smile smitten smitten smitten

Vikranth's photo
Sat 04/17/21 05:09 AM
On : when others acknowledge for my work.

Off : when my battery discharges(naturally)

Stacy 's photo
Sat 04/17/21 05:24 AM
on; Good Kisser

Fred's photo
Sun 04/18/21 10:30 AM

It turns me on/off when....

...on when she blushes. when she's unkind to others.

mzrosie's photo
Sun 04/18/21 10:49 AM
on - when I meet someone in person and says "you look incredible!" love

off - when I meet someone in person and says "you don't look like your picture" grumble

no photo
Mon 04/19/21 06:46 PM

On: a nice relaxing back massage from my hubby after a long stressful daysmitten

Off: Rude people! mad :angry: noway

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 07/05/21 05:06 AM
On: when he plays with my hair

Off: when he takes me for granted

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 07/05/21 05:10 AM
On ... when I tease her hair
Off: when she turns and strolls away !!

Cloudy's photo
Mon 07/05/21 05:47 AM

On: Hold my hand while walking

Off: Constantly play games on mobile

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Mon 07/05/21 08:17 AM

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 08/04/21 02:22 PM
on ::: when she makes her appearance

off: when she leaves early !!

maybwecan's photo
Wed 08/04/21 02:41 PM

ON: when the light of a new day and unknown adventures greet me

OFF: When the pigeon of life treats me like a statue laugh

Jit's photo
Wed 08/04/21 11:05 PM
On bed