Topic: Cancel culture on the edge of lunacy | |
This entire thread is simply an illustration of all you boys still being mad that you're fuhrer LOST AND BIDEN WON. WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT IT? JOIN QANON IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY MEMBERS, GET YOUR GUNS IF YOU DIDN'T PAWN THEM TO BUY FISHING EQUIPMENT AND GO TO THE NEAREST CAPITAL AND TAKE OVER!!! DON'T PUT UP WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS and don't worry the fuhrer will pardon you if you write him a check for six figures. OH I FORGOT HE'S NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE............................... Lol, I do find your subtle hints about fish kind of amusing. ... your right I am frustrated that Biden is the president , but tell me why you boys think we shouldn’t have the right to disagree with his way of gutting policies that were creating less dependence on other country’s. Or the many jobs lost knowing the infrastructure for renewable energy is nowhere near the point of implementing . |
Edited by
Wed 02/03/21 02:01 PM
This entire thread is simply an illustration of all you boys still being mad that you're fuhrer LOST AND BIDEN WON. WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT IT? JOIN QANON IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY MEMBERS, GET YOUR GUNS IF YOU DIDN'T PAWN THEM TO BUY FISHING EQUIPMENT AND GO TO THE NEAREST CAPITAL AND TAKE OVER!!! DON'T PUT UP WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS and don't worry the fuhrer will pardon you if you write him a check for six figures. OH I FORGOT HE'S NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE............................... WOW.......Those who accuse others are often guilty of their own accusations. Leftist STILL haven't gotten over, or accepted, Trump winning in 2016 and still refer to him as fuhrer which suggests that people who voted for him are N.asi's. Is that the lefts idea of being "tolerant"????? Oh and Biden received more "dark money" than Trump, speaking of 6 figure checks......something Democrats were vehemently opposed to until in their typical hypocritical fashion it benefits them. |
This entire thread is simply an illustration of all you boys still being mad that you're fuhrer LOST AND BIDEN WON. WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT IT? JOIN QANON IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY MEMBERS, GET YOUR GUNS IF YOU DIDN'T PAWN THEM TO BUY FISHING EQUIPMENT AND GO TO THE NEAREST CAPITAL AND TAKE OVER!!! DON'T PUT UP WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS and don't worry the fuhrer will pardon you if you write him a check for six figures. OH I FORGOT HE'S NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE............................... WOW.......Those who accuse others are often guilty of their own accusations. Leftist STILL haven't gotten over, or accepted, Trump winning in 2016 and still refer to him as fuhrer which suggests that people who voted for him are N.asi's. Is that the lefts idea of being "tolerant"????? Oh and Biden received more "dark money" than Trump, speaking of 6 figure checks......something Democrats were vehemently opposed to until in their typical hypocritical fashion it benefits them. My comment about fishing equipment wasn't a "subtle hint" BTW. You right wingers are so assumptive and my attitude is a direct reflection of your own. I'm not a "leftist", I'm a patriotic American, land and gun owner and the son of a decorated Korean war Marine veteran whose two best and oldest friends are Vietnam (you know the war Trump's daddy got him out of) Marine veterans who are also gun owners. I would describe myself as a political moderate who could tell a sleezeball (Trump) when I saw him; unlike most of the cult of personalty I did my research before he was elected and chose not to drink the kool aid. As I said in another thread Trump has disrespected our veterans extensively, even having the nerve to call John McCain (RIP) a "sucker and loser". Trump is obviously owned by Putin and puts his arm around him and calls him his "buddy" while Putin offers a cash bounty to the Taliban for dead American service men/women. I absolutely can not understand how you people could support this man(?). What is this "dark money"? Are there any FACTS regarding this (whatever it is)? No at this point I'm not tolerant, a few months ago I wasn't and hadn't paid much attention to political topics for years. Then I noticed the first two paid Canadian Trump trolls (since disappeared) on here constantly verbally abusing others. I hate bullies so I became involved, push me and I'll put up with it for a while but there will come a point when my Irish temper kicks in and I push back much harder. This is why as I've said here before I long for the old days when irreconcilable difference were settled the old way. |
Edited by
Wed 02/03/21 04:36 PM
Smartazz - my apples were comparing full term presidents, I don’t need help keeping my apples and oranges straight. Those pesky facts get in the way......right????? ![]() ![]() Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread. You brought up EO's, NOT me. But when I point out a FACT you resort to calling this a BS thread, a thread you continue to post on. You deflected and when I commented on your deflection with a fact you deflect again because you CAN'T deny the fact. Congratulation for following the leftist tactic......the only problem is it won't work on independent minded people who aren't puppets. What are you going on about?? lol. Bart mentioned the EO’s and I wanted to see if he was aware of how many Trump signed. YOU chose to respond with something to make a useless point. I’m not sure what your deal is, but most of my posts are verifiable facts, I’m not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. You seem to be the puppet, go pick on someone who cares. |
This entire thread is simply an illustration of all you boys still being mad that you're fuhrer LOST AND BIDEN WON. WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT IT? JOIN QANON IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY MEMBERS, GET YOUR GUNS IF YOU DIDN'T PAWN THEM TO BUY FISHING EQUIPMENT AND GO TO THE NEAREST CAPITAL AND TAKE OVER!!! DON'T PUT UP WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS and don't worry the fuhrer will pardon you if you write him a check for six figures. OH I FORGOT HE'S NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE............................... WOW.......Those who accuse others are often guilty of their own accusations. Leftist STILL haven't gotten over, or accepted, Trump winning in 2016 and still refer to him as fuhrer which suggests that people who voted for him are N.asi's. Is that the lefts idea of being "tolerant"????? Oh and Biden received more "dark money" than Trump, speaking of 6 figure checks......something Democrats were vehemently opposed to until in their typical hypocritical fashion it benefits them. My comment about fishing equipment wasn't a "subtle hint" BTW. You right wingers are so assumptive and my attitude is a direct reflection of your own. I'm not a "leftist", I'm a patriotic American, land and gun owner and the son of a decorated Korean war Marine veteran whose two best and oldest friends are Vietnam (you know the war Trump's daddy got him out of) Marine veterans who are also gun owners. I would describe myself as a political moderate who could tell a sleezeball (Trump) when I saw him; unlike most of the cult of personalty I did my research before he was elected and chose not to drink the kool aid. As I said in another thread Trump has disrespected our veterans extensively, even having the nerve to call John McCain (RIP) a "sucker and loser". Trump is obviously owned by Putin and puts his arm around him and calls him his "buddy" while Putin offers a cash bounty to the Taliban for dead American service men/women. I absolutely can not understand how you people could support this man(?). What is this "dark money"? Are there any FACTS regarding this (whatever it is)? No at this point I'm not tolerant, a few months ago I wasn't and hadn't paid much attention to political topics for years. Then I noticed the first two paid Canadian Trump trolls (since disappeared) on here constantly verbally abusing others. I hate bullies so I became involved, push me and I'll put up with it for a while but there will come a point when my Irish temper kicks in and I push back much harder. This is why as I've said here before I long for the old days when irreconcilable difference were settled the old way. Lol, ok so your “ special” cause your father was a marine and you own land and a gun. You just described a whole lot of people with those same experiences . And just like you they think the Democratic Party and joe Biden are sleazbags. Are their opinions any less valued as yours. We can’t understand how they can unite behind the destruction cause by the riots this past summer. Should we be supportive of that thug mentality . Don’t think for one second that we can’t or won’t push back to defend what we think is right. Patriots stand up for their beliefs. And if you support the killing of jobs, the killing of fetuses or the censuring of free speech than you are drinking their kool-aid. |
Bart - can you point to exactly where I have denied, deflected or appear delusional? Bastet do you believe that conservative speech is being censored, why won’t the Biden press secretary call on Fox News when having a press conference. Not letting them ask questions is a form of censorship. Do you believe having a job is a human right? Why is the Biden campaign taking away tens of thousands of jobs because in their minds it’s for the greater good of this country. Try telling that to all the people he put out of work when he signed that EO. This is just a couple of examples of what some would call Fascism. I really don’t put that label on Biden, with him it’s more like payback to those that got him elected , not thinking of the harm he causes with his actions . Build power for liberalism now . Than rule with a iron fist. What happened to his message of unity? Or is it unify the liberals and crush the opposition. Bart - first let me say, I am a globalist, I do believe our time on earth is dependent upon all of its inhabitants, not just those in the US. But, as an American, I do support issues on both sides that I feel are best for our country, all the people of the country. Censorship has been an issue well before Biden came into office. I did see where he had an approved media list for questions and I do find that to be censorship. But it is foxnews, who are also guilty of censorship themselves when they chose to not air trumps press conferences. If the lost jobs you are referring to are in reference to the KPL, most work had been stalled before Biden took office. There are many lawsuits. It’s interesting to know that Warren Buffet owns a large portion of the tankard trucks currently used to transport oil, he could lose a lot there. Just something to add more interest to the whole situation. I’ve also seen where you question the abortions money overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for abortions. This didn’t stop abortions, but it did result in women seeking abortions in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a woman’s right to choose. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards women’s health is in line with democratic views. You seem to confuse democratic standing on issues with fascism, which is why I suggested you read up on fascist leaders and how they politic, it’s not issue based, it’s innate to ones psyche and personality. Unity really starts with us, I’ve given up on ever seeing our government do it. |
Edited by
Wed 02/03/21 05:29 PM
Smartazz - my apples were comparing full term presidents, I don’t need help keeping my apples and oranges straight. Those pesky facts get in the way......right????? ![]() ![]() Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread. You brought up EO's, NOT me. But when I point out a FACT you resort to calling this a BS thread, a thread you continue to post on. You deflected and when I commented on your deflection with a fact you deflect again because you CAN'T deny the fact. Congratulation for following the leftist tactic......the only problem is it won't work on independent minded people who aren't puppets. What are you going on about?? lol. Bart mentioned the EO’s and I wanted to see if he was aware of how many Trump signed. YOU chose to respond with something to make a useless point. I’m not sure what your deal is, but most of my posts are verifiable facts, I’m not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. You seem to be the puppet, go pick on someone who cares. LOL it''s a useless point because you DON'T like the FACT that I pointed out. You were pointing out the Trump had a lot of EO's......that's true. I was pointing out that Biden had MORE EO's than Trump OR Obama in his first twelve days.....and that is true. My point was that if he continues at the same rate, and it appears he will, he will surpass Trump. I was correctly pointing out that it was too early to make a comparison. I'm no fan of EO's by ANY president because I see it as governing by fiat which is how dictators govern.....and that is something Biden actually said!!! Yeah....I'm no puppet and if YOU can't handle the views and/or opinions of others who disagree with you, like me, then don't read or respond to my posts. |
Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread.
I would say sheep chit thread myself ![]() |
This entire thread is simply an illustration of all you boys still being mad that you're fuhrer LOST AND BIDEN WON. WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT IT? JOIN QANON IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY MEMBERS, GET YOUR GUNS IF YOU DIDN'T PAWN THEM TO BUY FISHING EQUIPMENT AND GO TO THE NEAREST CAPITAL AND TAKE OVER!!! DON'T PUT UP WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS and don't worry the fuhrer will pardon you if you write him a check for six figures. OH I FORGOT HE'S NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE............................... WOW.......Those who accuse others are often guilty of their own accusations. Leftist STILL haven't gotten over, or accepted, Trump winning in 2016 and still refer to him as fuhrer which suggests that people who voted for him are N.asi's. Is that the lefts idea of being "tolerant"????? Oh and Biden received more "dark money" than Trump, speaking of 6 figure checks......something Democrats were vehemently opposed to until in their typical hypocritical fashion it benefits them. My comment about fishing equipment wasn't a "subtle hint" BTW. You right wingers are so assumptive and my attitude is a direct reflection of your own. I'm not a "leftist", I'm a patriotic American, land and gun owner and the son of a decorated Korean war Marine veteran whose two best and oldest friends are Vietnam (you know the war Trump's daddy got him out of) Marine veterans who are also gun owners. I would describe myself as a political moderate who could tell a sleezeball (Trump) when I saw him; unlike most of the cult of personalty I did my research before he was elected and chose not to drink the kool aid. As I said in another thread Trump has disrespected our veterans extensively, even having the nerve to call John McCain (RIP) a "sucker and loser". Trump is obviously owned by Putin and puts his arm around him and calls him his "buddy" while Putin offers a cash bounty to the Taliban for dead American service men/women. I absolutely can not understand how you people could support this man(?). What is this "dark money"? Are there any FACTS regarding this (whatever it is)? No at this point I'm not tolerant, a few months ago I wasn't and hadn't paid much attention to political topics for years. Then I noticed the first two paid Canadian Trump trolls (since disappeared) on here constantly verbally abusing others. I hate bullies so I became involved, push me and I'll put up with it for a while but there will come a point when my Irish temper kicks in and I push back much harder. This is why as I've said here before I long for the old days when irreconcilable difference were settled the old way. If Trump was owned by Putin explain WHY he put more sanctions on Russia. Try using a Google search and learn about dark money. SMH Oh and just for the record.....I don't like the way Trump talks a lot of the time. But I look at results, not words and like it or not he got results. Politicians give lip service, tell people one thing and do another. I lost health insurance even though I was told I would be able to keep it.....I was a fool because I actually believed the words coming from a President. I'm Italian......we've been known to have tempers too. |
Bart - can you point to exactly where I have denied, deflected or appear delusional? Bastet do you believe that conservative speech is being censored, why won’t the Biden press secretary call on Fox News when having a press conference. Not letting them ask questions is a form of censorship. Do you believe having a job is a human right? Why is the Biden campaign taking away tens of thousands of jobs because in their minds it’s for the greater good of this country. Try telling that to all the people he put out of work when he signed that EO. This is just a couple of examples of what some would call Fascism. I really don’t put that label on Biden, with him it’s more like payback to those that got him elected , not thinking of the harm he causes with his actions . Build power for liberalism now . Than rule with a iron fist. What happened to his message of unity? Or is it unify the liberals and crush the opposition. Bart - first let me say, I am a globalist, I do believe our time on earth is dependent upon all of its inhabitants, not just those in the US. But, as an American, I do support issues on both sides that I feel are best for our country, all the people of the country. Censorship has been an issue well before Biden came into office. I did see where he had an approved media list for questions and I do find that to be censorship. But it is foxnews, who are also guilty of censorship themselves when they chose to not air trumps press conferences. If the lost jobs you are referring to are in reference to the KPL, most work had been stalled before Biden took office. There are many lawsuits. It’s interesting to know that Warren Buffet owns a large portion of the tankard trucks currently used to transport oil, he could lose a lot there. Just something to add more interest to the whole situation. I’ve also seen where you question the abortions money overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for abortions. This didn’t stop abortions, but it did result in women seeking abortions in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a woman’s right to choose. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards women’s health is in line with democratic views. You seem to confuse democratic standing on issues with fascism, which is why I suggested you read up on fascist leaders and how they politic, it’s not issue based, it’s innate to ones psyche and personality. Unity really starts with us, I’ve given up on ever seeing our government do it. Maybe I’m wrong here but I thought Fox News showed Every Trump news conference , I know they showed the corona virus briefings. I do agree that fascism can be described by different views. That’s why I say joe or trump neither one is a fascist in my opinion. For me, I’m glad when the leader of the country I live in puts that country first. I feel more secure. I also think that if you promise to give money for abortions than more women will be tempted to get one. I agree in certain circumstances an abortion is warranted. ie. rape , incest , or if the woman’s life is in danger form the pregnancy. It just seems like a easy way out at the expense of the helpless. .. the jobs with the KPL were going to start soon and there were parts of the work were going on at the time he slashed them. Not only the workers but there were hotels, restaurants, and all kinds of mom and pops small businesses counting on it. Many small towns and that was there main source of income. All gone now. Like you I do believe the little people will be the hinge pin to pull us back together. Not the politicians, not the Hollywood embisoles, and certainly not the media. |
Bart - can you point to exactly where I have denied, deflected or appear delusional? Bastet do you believe that conservative speech is being censored, why won’t the Biden press secretary call on Fox News when having a press conference. Not letting them ask questions is a form of censorship. Do you believe having a job is a human right? Why is the Biden campaign taking away tens of thousands of jobs because in their minds it’s for the greater good of this country. Try telling that to all the people he put out of work when he signed that EO. This is just a couple of examples of what some would call Fascism. I really don’t put that label on Biden, with him it’s more like payback to those that got him elected , not thinking of the harm he causes with his actions . Build power for liberalism now . Than rule with a iron fist. What happened to his message of unity? Or is it unify the liberals and crush the opposition. Bart - first let me say, I am a globalist, I do believe our time on earth is dependent upon all of its inhabitants, not just those in the US. But, as an American, I do support issues on both sides that I feel are best for our country, all the people of the country. Censorship has been an issue well before Biden came into office. I did see where he had an approved media list for questions and I do find that to be censorship. But it is foxnews, who are also guilty of censorship themselves when they chose to not air trumps press conferences. If the lost jobs you are referring to are in reference to the KPL, most work had been stalled before Biden took office. There are many lawsuits. It’s interesting to know that Warren Buffet owns a large portion of the tankard trucks currently used to transport oil, he could lose a lot there. Just something to add more interest to the whole situation. I’ve also seen where you question the abortions money overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for abortions. This didn’t stop abortions, but it did result in women seeking abortions in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a woman’s right to choose. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards women’s health is in line with democratic views. You seem to confuse democratic standing on issues with fascism, which is why I suggested you read up on fascist leaders and how they politic, it’s not issue based, it’s innate to ones psyche and personality. Unity really starts with us, I’ve given up on ever seeing our government do it. Maybe I’m wrong here but I thought Fox News showed Every Trump news conference , I know they showed the corona virus briefings. I do agree that fascism can be described by different views. That’s why I say joe or trump neither one is a fascist in my opinion. For me, I’m glad when the leader of the country I live in puts that country first. I feel more secure. I also think that if you promise to give money for abortions than more women will be tempted to get one. I agree in certain circumstances an abortion is warranted. ie. rape , incest , or if the woman’s life is in danger form the pregnancy. It just seems like a easy way out at the expense of the helpless. .. the jobs with the KPL were going to start soon and there were parts of the work were going on at the time he slashed them. Not only the workers but there were hotels, restaurants, and all kinds of mom and pops small businesses counting on it. Many small towns and that was there main source of income. All gone now. Like you I do believe the little people will be the hinge pin to pull us back together. Not the politicians, not the Hollywood embisoles, and certainly not the media. FoxNews started cutting away from his conferences, you can verify that. I certainly hope too many people don’t rely on the KPL for their long term livelihood, according to most sources, it would be two years of work building, and then it would take about 70 people to keep it operational. Totally agree on the hollywood, and media.... :) |
Smartazz - my apples were comparing full term presidents, I don’t need help keeping my apples and oranges straight. Those pesky facts get in the way......right????? ![]() ![]() Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread. You brought up EO's, NOT me. But when I point out a FACT you resort to calling this a BS thread, a thread you continue to post on. You deflected and when I commented on your deflection with a fact you deflect again because you CAN'T deny the fact. Congratulation for following the leftist tactic......the only problem is it won't work on independent minded people who aren't puppets. What are you going on about?? lol. Bart mentioned the EO’s and I wanted to see if he was aware of how many Trump signed. YOU chose to respond with something to make a useless point. I’m not sure what your deal is, but most of my posts are verifiable facts, I’m not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. You seem to be the puppet, go pick on someone who cares. LOL it''s a useless point because you DON'T like the FACT that I pointed out. You were pointing out the Trump had a lot of EO's......that's true. I was pointing out that Biden had MORE EO's than Trump OR Obama in his first twelve days.....and that is true. My point was that if he continues at the same rate, and it appears he will, he will surpass Trump. I was correctly pointing out that it was too early to make a comparison. I'm no fan of EO's by ANY president because I see it as governing by fiat which is how dictators govern.....and that is something Biden actually said!!! Yeah....I'm no puppet and if YOU can't handle the views and/or opinions of others who disagree with you, like me, then don't read or respond to my posts. Here’s what actually happened. I shared information on Trump’s EO’s during his term, compared to past POTUS. I made no comment other than how many. You commented that I needed to compare apples to apples, insinuating I was comparing apples to oranges. (I do prefer oranges btw). I made no comment about your comparisons, only to mine, that I was comparing full year. I didn’t agree or disagree with yours. You said something about pesky facts, as if they didn’t matter or some such, and I made a wise crack, sorry. Then you made all sorts of assumptions, talking about deflection etc., when really all I did was post how many EO’s trump had. That’s it. Read whatever you’d like into that, but that’s all I did. I really don’t rely on Mingle2 poster projections of EO’s, I’d rather wait to see how that goes. I realize that you really just want to find ground to argue with leftists, but that’s not me, so, do you have any oranges? |
Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread.
I would say sheep chit thread myself ![]() ![]() |
Bart - can you point to exactly where I have denied, deflected or appear delusional? Bastet do you believe that conservative speech is being censored, why won’t the Biden press secretary call on Fox News when having a press conference. Not letting them ask questions is a form of censorship. Do you believe having a job is a human right? Why is the Biden campaign taking away tens of thousands of jobs because in their minds it’s for the greater good of this country. Try telling that to all the people he put out of work when he signed that EO. This is just a couple of examples of what some would call Fascism. I really don’t put that label on Biden, with him it’s more like payback to those that got him elected , not thinking of the harm he causes with his actions . Build power for liberalism now . Than rule with a iron fist. What happened to his message of unity? Or is it unify the liberals and crush the opposition. I’ve also seen where you question the abortions money overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for abortions. This didn’t stop abortions, but it did result in women seeking abortions in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a woman’s right to choose. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards women’s health is in line with democratic views. “I’ve also seen where you question the murders money going overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for murders. This didn’t stop murders, but it did result in murderers seeking to murder in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a murderer’s right to murder. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards murderer’s murdering is in line with democratic views.” Now it makes sense. You’re welcome. |
Just when you thought the cancel culture nuts had gone to far they show just how low they will go by trying to cancel the my pillow guy. Pillows! Good luck trying to find a mypillow . Kohls, bed and bath, and probably several more by this weekend . All because he had a opinion that differed from ( big brother) from the George Orwell book ; 1984 . This is a very dangerous road that America seems to be going down. Everyone should be against this way of controlling who’s heard and who’s not. If we keep ignoring these anti-American practices they will pick up enough momentum that they will be hard to stop, once that happens , no ones safe. You just have to go to there website and use the code "Fight for Trump", they will even give you half off! That guy was a coke head for years til he got cleaned up and started the company, maybe he's back on the blow? He's really into the conspiracy theories on the voter fraud and taking back the country. ![]() he was seen going into the white house for a trump meeting ... he brought in some kind of papers for him ... I might shop kohl s now ... ![]() |
Smartazz - my apples were comparing full term presidents, I don’t need help keeping my apples and oranges straight. Those pesky facts get in the way......right????? ![]() ![]() Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread. You brought up EO's, NOT me. But when I point out a FACT you resort to calling this a BS thread, a thread you continue to post on. You deflected and when I commented on your deflection with a fact you deflect again because you CAN'T deny the fact. Congratulation for following the leftist tactic......the only problem is it won't work on independent minded people who aren't puppets. What are you going on about?? lol. Bart mentioned the EO’s and I wanted to see if he was aware of how many Trump signed. YOU chose to respond with something to make a useless point. I’m not sure what your deal is, but most of my posts are verifiable facts, I’m not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. You seem to be the puppet, go pick on someone who cares. LOL it''s a useless point because you DON'T like the FACT that I pointed out. You were pointing out the Trump had a lot of EO's......that's true. I was pointing out that Biden had MORE EO's than Trump OR Obama in his first twelve days.....and that is true. My point was that if he continues at the same rate, and it appears he will, he will surpass Trump. I was correctly pointing out that it was too early to make a comparison. I'm no fan of EO's by ANY president because I see it as governing by fiat which is how dictators govern.....and that is something Biden actually said!!! Yeah....I'm no puppet and if YOU can't handle the views and/or opinions of others who disagree with you, like me, then don't read or respond to my posts. Here’s what actually happened. I shared information on Trump’s EO’s during his term, compared to past POTUS. I made no comment other than how many. You commented that I needed to compare apples to apples, insinuating I was comparing apples to oranges. (I do prefer oranges btw). I made no comment about your comparisons, only to mine, that I was comparing full year. I didn’t agree or disagree with yours. You said something about pesky facts, as if they didn’t matter or some such, and I made a wise crack, sorry. Then you made all sorts of assumptions, talking about deflection etc., when really all I did was post how many EO’s trump had. That’s it. Read whatever you’d like into that, but that’s all I did. I really don’t rely on Mingle2 poster projections of EO’s, I’d rather wait to see how that goes. I realize that you really just want to find ground to argue with leftists, but that’s not me, so, do you have any oranges? I notice you didn't respond to my saying "I'm no fan of EO's by ANY president because I see it as governing by fiat which is how dictators govern.....and that is something Biden actually said!!!" What most people DON'T know/understand is that EO's AREN'T the ONLY executive action that are taken by presidents. There are 5 other actions presidents can take including a "presidential order". I'm not defending Trump or Obama, I'm not a defender of ANY other president including Biden. Also I don't let former presidents live rent free in my head.....I didn't do it with Obama, I'm not doing it with Trump and I won't do it when Biden's term is over. |
Just when you thought the cancel culture nuts had gone to far they show just how low they will go by trying to cancel the my pillow guy. Pillows! Good luck trying to find a mypillow . Kohls, bed and bath, and probably several more by this weekend . All because he had a opinion that differed from ( big brother) from the George Orwell book ; 1984 . This is a very dangerous road that America seems to be going down. Everyone should be against this way of controlling who’s heard and who’s not. If we keep ignoring these anti-American practices they will pick up enough momentum that they will be hard to stop, once that happens , no ones safe. You just have to go to there website and use the code "Fight for Trump", they will even give you half off! That guy was a coke head for years til he got cleaned up and started the company, maybe he's back on the blow? He's really into the conspiracy theories on the voter fraud and taking back the country. ![]() he was seen going into the white house for a trump meeting ... he brought in some kind of papers for him ... I might shop kohl s now ... ![]() What might you be indicating when you said” he was seen going in to a meeting with Trump” is there something sinister about having a meeting w/ the President? Let’s watch and see who goes into a meeting with Biden . BLM, Antifa, the squad. We know their history of violence, looting, destroying private and government property. antisemitism. But that is nothing compared to a guy selling pillows. Right. BTW the papers he had was a copy of some of his thoughts he want to share. He was a guest at one of Trumps rally’s and he wanted to give a little speech but there wasn’t enough time. But it was not a conspiracy that I think your hinting at. |
Edited by
Thu 02/04/21 01:32 PM
Bart - can you point to exactly where I have denied, deflected or appear delusional? Bastet do you believe that conservative speech is being censored, why won’t the Biden press secretary call on Fox News when having a press conference. Not letting them ask questions is a form of censorship. Do you believe having a job is a human right? Why is the Biden campaign taking away tens of thousands of jobs because in their minds it’s for the greater good of this country. Try telling that to all the people he put out of work when he signed that EO. This is just a couple of examples of what some would call Fascism. I really don’t put that label on Biden, with him it’s more like payback to those that got him elected , not thinking of the harm he causes with his actions . Build power for liberalism now . Than rule with a iron fist. What happened to his message of unity? Or is it unify the liberals and crush the opposition. I’ve also seen where you question the abortions money overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for abortions. This didn’t stop abortions, but it did result in women seeking abortions in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a woman’s right to choose. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards women’s health is in line with democratic views. “I’ve also seen where you question the murders money going overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for murders. This didn’t stop murders, but it did result in murderers seeking to murder in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a murderer’s right to murder. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards murderer’s murdering is in line with democratic views.” Now it makes sense. You’re welcome. I’ve seen where you question the woman’s right to choose money going overseas. The money was always going there, Trump put a gag order so it couldn’t be used for woman’s right to choose. This didn’t stop woman’s right to choose, but it did result in women seeking her right to choose in seedy places some resulting in their death as well. Democrats are supportive of a woman’s right to choose. This is not new to the party and will always be controversial. Allowing the overseas funds to go towards a woman’s right to choose is in line with democratic views.” Now it makes more sense. You’re welcome. |
Smartazz - my apples were comparing full term presidents, I don’t need help keeping my apples and oranges straight. Those pesky facts get in the way......right????? ![]() ![]() Oh sorry, I forgot this is the bs thread. You brought up EO's, NOT me. But when I point out a FACT you resort to calling this a BS thread, a thread you continue to post on. You deflected and when I commented on your deflection with a fact you deflect again because you CAN'T deny the fact. Congratulation for following the leftist tactic......the only problem is it won't work on independent minded people who aren't puppets. What are you going on about?? lol. Bart mentioned the EO’s and I wanted to see if he was aware of how many Trump signed. YOU chose to respond with something to make a useless point. I’m not sure what your deal is, but most of my posts are verifiable facts, I’m not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. You seem to be the puppet, go pick on someone who cares. LOL it''s a useless point because you DON'T like the FACT that I pointed out. You were pointing out the Trump had a lot of EO's......that's true. I was pointing out that Biden had MORE EO's than Trump OR Obama in his first twelve days.....and that is true. My point was that if he continues at the same rate, and it appears he will, he will surpass Trump. I was correctly pointing out that it was too early to make a comparison. I'm no fan of EO's by ANY president because I see it as governing by fiat which is how dictators govern.....and that is something Biden actually said!!! Yeah....I'm no puppet and if YOU can't handle the views and/or opinions of others who disagree with you, like me, then don't read or respond to my posts. Here’s what actually happened. I shared information on Trump’s EO’s during his term, compared to past POTUS. I made no comment other than how many. You commented that I needed to compare apples to apples, insinuating I was comparing apples to oranges. (I do prefer oranges btw). I made no comment about your comparisons, only to mine, that I was comparing full year. I didn’t agree or disagree with yours. You said something about pesky facts, as if they didn’t matter or some such, and I made a wise crack, sorry. Then you made all sorts of assumptions, talking about deflection etc., when really all I did was post how many EO’s trump had. That’s it. Read whatever you’d like into that, but that’s all I did. I really don’t rely on Mingle2 poster projections of EO’s, I’d rather wait to see how that goes. I realize that you really just want to find ground to argue with leftists, but that’s not me, so, do you have any oranges? I notice you didn't respond to my saying "I'm no fan of EO's by ANY president because I see it as governing by fiat which is how dictators govern.....and that is something Biden actually said!!!" What most people DON'T know/understand is that EO's AREN'T the ONLY executive action that are taken by presidents. There are 5 other actions presidents can take including a "presidential order". I'm not defending Trump or Obama, I'm not a defender of ANY other president including Biden. Also I don't let former presidents live rent free in my head.....I didn't do it with Obama, I'm not doing it with Trump and I won't do it when Biden's term is over. Apologies for overlooking the EO point you raised. I actually looked into that and found while Biden did say that, you need to hear the exchange in it’s entirety for it to have the context he intended. |