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Topic: guys vs girls - part 259
Duttoneer's photo
Thu 01/21/21 07:57 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Thu 01/21/21 07:57 AM
937 drinker

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 01/21/21 08:02 AM
938 waving drinker tongue2

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 01/21/21 08:05 AM
937 laugh waving I bought some water wings for the next storm :tongue:

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 01/21/21 08:08 AM
938laugh sounds like a excellant plan:thumbsup:

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 01/21/21 08:15 AM

937 Hopefully they wont let me down. laugh waving

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 01/21/21 08:19 AM
938 a bit more warning next time, so I can get a headstart on rowing would be helpfultongue2 waving

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 01/21/21 08:22 AM

937 Thanks, but I will stick with water wings. laugh waving

Must go, see you later. waving

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 10:31 AM
938 drinker

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 10:35 AM
939 happy flowers

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 10:36 AM
940 happy flowers

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 01/21/21 11:13 AM

8macman68's photo
Thu 01/21/21 11:29 AM
940 happy flowers

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 01/21/21 11:32 AM
941drinks waving

Mrmxb's photo
Thu 01/21/21 11:47 AM
Edited by Mrmxb on Thu 01/21/21 11:47 AM

The footsteps of the ladies' victory are like is heard from the far away distance.smile2

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 12:10 PM

941 bigsmile

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 12:59 PM
942 :heart: flowers

8macman68's photo
Thu 01/21/21 02:13 PM

941 bigsmile

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 02:30 PM
942 flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 02:40 PM
943 flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/21/21 03:04 PM


flowers flowerforyou flowers

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