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Topic: Have you ever - part 26
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Fri 11/05/21 03:24 AM

Have you ever embarrassed someone else in public

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:29 AM
Not intentionally... unless they came under 'enemies of the state '

HYE.... folded a winning hand at poker ?

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:34 AM
No I am much more tactical than that at playing games

Have you ever judged someone you didn’t know because of what a friend told you .

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:58 AM
Nope ... I ain't a sitting Judge!!!

HYE...used reverse phycology tactics to get what u want?

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 04:00 AM
No .. I seldom have problems getting what I want .

Have you ever felt ashamed of your behaviour

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/05/21 06:03 AM
Inwardly sometimes
Outwardly never

....HYE dated someone for the sake of dating , knowing it's not going places?

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 12:54 PM
Edited by Blondey111 on Fri 11/05/21 12:59 PM

Inwardly sometimes
Outwardly never

....HYE dated someone for the sake of dating , knowing it's not going places?
never .
Have you ever thought someone was attracted to you but it was all in your mind and one sided ?

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/05/21 01:00 PM
nope ....i have a very open mind ... and sometimes times I dont mind at all .....

hye : been stood up by a date for no reason at all

Devo1974's photo
Fri 11/05/21 01:01 PM

Have you ever been attracted to someone but their friend was attracted to you so you weren't able to pursue the one you wanted?

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/05/21 01:07 PM
nope... that rarely happens to me !!

Hye: gone on a dance cruise , whereall the guests , were good dancers !!

Devo1974's photo
Fri 11/05/21 06:11 PM

Have you ever been to a nude beach?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 11/05/21 07:39 PM

Have you ever been in a car going 120 mph?

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 07:42 PM

It’s a high possibility that I have! :thinking:

Have you ever walked through a creepy cemetery after dark? scared

Devo1974's photo
Fri 11/05/21 07:42 PM

Have you got an animal with your car?

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 07:52 PM

Yes, a time or two, maybe three.... and I cried my eyes out every time sad

HYE ate special brownies? spock

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Fri 11/05/21 08:02 PM
No Hi Coolchic! waving

HYE drawn glasses and mustache on people with a Sharpie while they were asleep?

Devo1974's photo
Fri 11/05/21 08:07 PM
Yes, and been the person drawn on

Have you ever grabbed someone from behind just to find out it wasn't the person you thought it was?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 11/05/21 08:31 PM
Never tongue2

Have you ever kissed a stranger at 12 on new years eve?

Devo1974's photo
Fri 11/05/21 08:38 PM

Have you ever gotten in the car and just starting driving with no idea where you were going?

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 08:40 PM
waving Hi Bonnie...and Pumpi

No, I’ve always had a date! smitten biggrin

HYE rode a raft down a river ?

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