good idesa there smo. keep em comming.
I believe George Washington and Tom Jefferson would recommend getting back to the Constitution soon as possible and cut the federal govt down to bare bones, a skeleton,and get them out of the States business. Too many parasites will kill the host and then even the parasite dies too. Ron Paul believes like the early Patriots did! So do I. Our country can be great again if we go back to what made us great!!
you better check your history crazy bald head, Washington & Jefferson were both federalists and were very much in favor of regulations by the federal government;^] |
uh dont think so.
They were against most of what our govt represents today. ever read the federalist papers? it was written by these two and others at the time of our founding, and explain the reasoning why behind the constitition and bill of rights. it should be required reading in school in my opinion. thier ideals are as applicaple today as ever. The feds were to have very limited powers, such as comptroller of the currency, investigating forgery, collecting tarriffs, standing army, and taxation of govt employees ONLY. The states were to have much MORE power and a larger scope of responsibilities than the fed.It worked well till the war of northern agression, where the states power was userped by the feds. Th Civil war was about much more than slavery, it was about States rights. The states lost, which in the one case of slavery was a good thing, but it brought a lot of other opressive federal control along with it. Be careful debating ( non revisionsist) history with a historian. If you dont have your fact straight im gonna enlighten you big time. anyway were way off topic again thanks to you. I challenge you, turtle to come up with just ONE (1) positive thought thats on topic. |
I said they were in favor of regulation, which they were, our crazy bald head smo here has suggested we do away with those regulations, and to let Ron Paul hand off half the government to corperations. You must be a great historian, if you are indeed you haven't made much attention advising us to do away with technology if it's not "american made", as if that turned out well for tsarist russia. This is a differant time from jefferson and washington, and as such jefferson spoke a great deal about adapting with the times. And on that note sometimes adapting to a nations growth and new times requires more government programs and regulations, should we do away with minimum wage because it wasn't around then? No, we need to heed jeffersons advice and adapt to this global economy and growth of our nation. I've said plenty positive, you're the one who keeps reacting negativly to my facts with insults, you're the pot calling the kettle black;^]
BETTER PULL OFF THOSE ROSE COLORED GLASSES.... YOUR LOST ON THE FOG ON THIS ONE. I WASH MY HANDS OF YOU. A man who refuses to look at the facts & continues to look with a one sided view accuses the factual posters Too bad you want to "report me for stalking your thread".lol. All's that'll accomplish is getting your thread locked;^] |
MR TURTLEPOET, we can disagree without being disagreeable or obnoxious, we can be friends and disagree, and still be friends, the folks on this site are not the enemy, we are all friends trying to figure out what to do to help, just as all Jews are not the enemy, and not all so called gentiles, are all good people either, Race is not the problem, there are good and bad in all races , the way ,I figure it. We are all in this situation together, I sure don't know all the answers, but ,I have some ideas, no one has to agree with my ideas, but it surely will not hurt to at least think about it. I will think about your ideas too, and try hard not to be upset with you , but I might just think to myself, that he can not help it , he is just a little inexperienced, and you can think the same about me, if you wish.(Smiles)
Well to be honest your comments in the Iraq thread about the jews being responsible for the Iraq conflict, saying that there were no car bombs just Isrealie missles is pretty frickin' offensive, especialy to one as myself who has 1/8th hebrew ancestors. As well is it offensive to say "get rid of all the parasites", who are all these parasites? If you're speaking as I take as the disabled then that's very offensive, the world isn't full of doers and do nothingers, nothing in reality is that black & white. So if somebody doesn't like paying taxes to cover the disabled, who are given just enough benefits to struggle to survive, I say to them, move to another country where there are no taxes. Fact is, we NEED taxes and we NEED federal regulation, point blank;^]
probably worst parasites are the not needed extra bureacracy(govt positions)and many of alphabet agencies that are absolutely not needed at all
probably worst parasites are the not needed extra bureacracy(govt positions)and many of alphabet agencies that are absolutely not needed at all Which ones? You already said we don't need regulation on business practices, which is asking for dissaster. Don't tell me FEMA or Social Security, or maybe the police force? Todays society is very complex and we need complex agencies to keep up with the times and the issues we face. I think we need more government programs, though we could stand to lose ear marks in congress. We definatly need a tax based healthcare system and losing the ear marks would pay for that & then some;^] |
Edited by
Wed 12/26/07 05:24 PM
Also, we need to get rid of all parasites, that are sucking the lifeblood out of the people(non productive element)I figure you could come up with a list of them easy and quick. How is that a referance to government programs and not a swing at the disabled poulation?? |
Edited by
Wed 12/26/07 05:34 PM
yah we need huge govt to protect us from ourselves all the time in every aspect of our lives, since we suck and are helpless. Also we NEED more govt control than we already have, AND MORE WELFARE PROGRAMS and free health care since we dont know how to provide for ourselves.
do you relaise that you cant take a sheite in our own home without 3000 dollars worth of permits and 12 inspections? ... aint it great to be free? and since were so free, dont dare question anything the government says or does since they are so smart. but then if i were on the govt dools instead of working my arse off every day i might look at things differently... |
Yeah. because safety regulations for buildings is such a bad thing, I mean who cares about moldy hospitals or dangerous structures? What's a governments dool? If you mean social security, yeah $600 a month is such a luxury!!! I mean, after paying $500 a month for an apartment that extra $100 pays the utilities, buys groceries and leaves all kinds of room for extras
haha, I forgot america is only doers & do nothingers!! I guess being disabled is a life choice, must be nice to have the luxury of even thinking that way;^]
Remember,I recommended to go see how the Amish operate, they do not need all those govt programs, they have a proven system that really works , they love one another and take care of their own, and do not ask us to keep them either. I have to admit they seem to have many good ideas, any ideas we don't like we do not have to use.
They also have no modern technology & would crumble if attacked. Not the kind of world I want to live in, and their system works for them, not applicable to the entire country unless you're looking for dissaster;^]
Since we need ideas for America week,How about copying 2 ideas from Switzerland?#1- when the kids get to 9th grade in school, start immediately learning a trade or business that you choose for your future for free,free,free, like in ordinary public schools?
#2 - The Army is all the citizens of the country, everyone is furnished guns ,ammo, and training how to use them. No paid military.Saves a lot of money. I suppose someone will ridicule me for these ideas too, but hey!!,You got a better idea, Let's hear it, I will listen. |
Hey, I don't claim to be an extra smart guy, I did not come up with these ideas myself, But ,I listen real good to others ideas,and reports, and I pass them on.
yah we could take some tips from these other countrys. ive always been a fan of compulsary military service, Instills disipline and respect in the younguns, which seems to be sorely lacking these days.... but thats another topic for another thread.
As for our schools, (GOVT BABYSITTER) they SUCK at preparing the kids for the realities of life. I dont know what our ranking is compared to other countries, but im sure its low. SPORTS and computers and dare to rat your parents out instead of math and work ethics. Lets not disapline them as it might hurt thier feelings, lets drug them into submission instead. ITS A RARE GRADUATE THAT i INTERVIEW FOR A JOB THAT HAS ANY WORK ETHIC AT ALL, can read good enough to train or can do basic math without a calculator. Then they Go to the colleges and get thier liberal indoctrination, and learn under the " new math" how outsourcing and no tarriffs are such a wonderful thing for so many reasons. Its no wonder that people think the way they do anymore. |