Topic: Food
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Fri 09/11/20 06:18 PM
What’s the most popular meal in your country?

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Fri 09/11/20 08:50 PM
One thing always popular, hamburger and fries.

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Fri 09/11/20 09:15 PM
Fried or other chicken.

Wherever I have been -which is pretty much everywhere, there have been fried chicken bones wherever the hell my dogs stuck their noses -as evidenced by their constant crunching of them whilst on walks.

I have never seen a fried chicken bone chucker -but I think they must chuck bones from dusk to dawn -from coast to coast.

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Fri 09/11/20 09:29 PM
Getting the best barbeque meat that is often served with cole slaw and cornbread.

EGEE's photo
Fri 09/11/20 09:49 PM
chicken adobo

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Fri 09/11/20 10:16 PM
United States has great pizza. I know the best places to go.

Rock's photo
Sat 09/12/20 02:14 AM

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Sat 09/12/20 06:23 AM
Curry - the hotter the better :slight_smile:.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sat 09/12/20 06:31 AM
Chinese takeaways

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Sat 09/12/20 11:49 AM
Fried chicken

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Sat 09/12/20 12:15 PM
Sounds good

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Sat 09/12/20 12:17 PM
Jerk chicken Jamaica and flavored beer

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Mon 09/14/20 06:25 PM

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Sat 11/14/20 10:59 AM

Putri.'s photo
Sat 11/14/20 11:26 AM
nasi goreng

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Sat 11/14/20 11:46 AM
shami kabab and charsi Tikka

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Sat 11/14/20 11:46 AM
chapli kabab and charsi Tikka