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Topic: married with a side chick
no photo
Sun 08/23/20 04:33 PM
is it okay to be married and have explicit sexual conversation and adressing them as babe with someone else is that cheating

no photo
Sun 08/23/20 05:07 PM
You know the answer to that.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sun 08/23/20 05:38 PM
This is the answer ^^^^^^^^^

I currently have three regular FWB but none of us are married, there's no secrets and no drama. When I was with my daughters mother for 17 years I never cheated and I'm glad.

RobXbox73's photo
Sun 08/23/20 06:57 PM
With a name like Slimmey, you have to ask?

no photo
Mon 08/24/20 04:26 AM
As I'm sure you're fully aware, the answer to all such questions is almost always "no".

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 08/24/20 06:06 AM
Do bears use public toilets?

Babyalex's photo
Mon 08/24/20 06:22 AM

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 08/24/20 07:43 AM
Bears go wherever they want!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 08/24/20 07:47 AM
I suffer from ink pen neglect!

Pedro0702's photo
Wed 08/26/20 04:30 PM
Hm a very complex to digest. The society doesn't not accept the game polygamy or polyamory but. I'm married and satisfy my my partner's needs, but I am that "creepy pervert" who is not contend with what I am gifted, I am here for extra marital (platonic only ) online relationships.

Alto. J.'s photo
Thu 09/03/20 08:40 AM
If the answer is no, why do people still cheat???

feelyoungagain's photo
Sat 09/05/20 09:17 PM

is it okay to be married and have explicit sexual conversation and adressing them as babe with someone else is that cheating

Depends on who you ask

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 12:37 PM

no photo
Sun 09/06/20 03:40 PM
You need to be reassured of the answer to that!

no photo
Thu 09/10/20 11:03 AM

no photo
Tue 09/15/20 12:09 AM
You can have a healthy sexual conversation with anyone if your partner of the time is aware of the fact, depends on your disposition and your partners sense of humour.

janis 's photo
Tue 09/15/20 12:24 AM

crazypolypagancoue's photo
Thu 09/17/20 07:12 PM
Yes as in our case we are poly we both date other woman

bobtail76's photo
Sat 09/19/20 03:53 PM
Edited by bobtail76 on Sat 09/19/20 03:55 PM
The expression of babe can mean many things. It's like when women use the word darling, honey, or sugar. Sexually explicit conversation is also dependent on context. Only you know your intention.

ctr916's photo
Sat 09/19/20 04:41 PM

is it okay to be married and have explicit sexual conversation and adressing them as babe with someone else is that cheating

It is not cheating if you have permission in modern times.

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