Topic: Older women
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Sat 08/22/20 08:29 AM
I'm going to attempt to contact the spirit of Sigmund Freud and ask him.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 08/22/20 08:31 AM

I'm going to attempt to contact the spirit of Sigmund Freud and ask him.

There ya go!

no photo
Sat 08/22/20 08:40 AM
older womans are so hot and so full of experienciple...where am ı know?
first girlfriend was 45 years old when ı am 25..
ı learn everything from she..

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Sat 08/22/20 08:41 AM
Is an ouija board needed in contacting the spirit of SF?

Hamza's photo
Sat 08/22/20 09:14 AM
looking for a girl .who love me

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Sat 08/22/20 11:44 AM

Is an ouija board needed in contacting the spirit of SF?

No no, I just use an online psychic. When I asked her to hook me up with Siggy she had a spasm and started saying something about Oedipus Complex in a really bad fake German accent. I disconnected after that.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 08/22/20 12:05 PM
I think it is because of your hat.

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Sat 08/22/20 06:18 PM

Is an ouija board needed in contacting the spirit of SF?

No no, I just use an online psychic. When I asked her to hook me up with Siggy she had a spasm and started saying something about Oedipus Complex in a really bad fake German accent. I disconnected after that.

You should have made sure of the internet connection. It would alter the language used, once it breaks up. Just so you know, unless you are ready to proceed and understand the Sanskrit. OR, you might need to hold the router all the time with your ten fingers.

Angel14's photo
Sun 08/23/20 05:39 AM
think it could be the money lol

no photo
Sun 08/23/20 12:45 PM

Pedro0702's photo
Wed 08/26/20 04:39 PM
Well younger men who feel they need to be basked with love and care of motherly figure. And these will seemingly be inferior to be with women of their age, I guess. Instead they want a mature woman whom they think thay can be their submissive princess. Well that's wrong attitude. Guys should love, respect and undersrand mature women, their expected physical changes as well.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 08/26/20 05:44 PM

Well younger men who feel they need to be basked with love and care of motherly figure. And these will seemingly be inferior to be with women of their age, I guess. Instead they want a mature woman whom they think thay can be their submissive princess. Well that's wrong attitude. Guys should love, respect and undersrand mature women, their expected physical changes as well.

When some child messages me (by "child" I mean any dude young enough to be my own biologcal child..42 and younger)..I always laugh at him and say "get the f**k out of here with your "mommy issues"...because why else would you be messaging women old enough to be your mother? That's just creepy as *hell*...Maybe you should get therapy..."
laugh laugh laugh

DaveakaDavid's photo
Thu 08/27/20 06:05 PM
I'm sexually attracted to older women, I think for me it's because when I was 18 a much older woman tried to pick me up in a bar & I chickened out. I've always regretted that.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Thu 08/27/20 09:54 PM
I'm sure there's term for it but I'm just attracted to women my own age or with in 10 or maybe 15 years. I've always been this way and have never been interested in young ones, some guys are of the thoughts that "the younger the better".
This of course was reinforced when I became the daddy of a daughter; she's 15 now and when I see little sluts that are 18....................let's just say it has the opposite effect of excitement.

Also the older I get the more sapiosexual I become. waving

no photo
Fri 08/28/20 11:10 AM

I'm sexually attracted to older women, I think for me it's because when I was 18 a much older woman tried to pick me up in a bar & I chickened out. I've always regretted that.

You're almost 60 and still thinking about an encounter in a bar from 40 years ago? Really?

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 08/28/20 11:25 AM
Ignorance is bliss. So I think I'll just ignore this whole topic that seems to come up every five minutes.

Sachin's photo
Fri 08/28/20 11:45 AM
because u r candy :yum:

no photo
Fri 08/28/20 02:35 PM
still have a waiting any women for sex? im ready now

no photo
Fri 08/28/20 02:36 PM
laugh rofl rofl laugh

ivegotthegirth's photo
Fri 08/28/20 02:39 PM
Do you have oven mitts too?