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Topic: I have a question to ask you ...
IceCreeme's photo
Thu 07/23/20 01:30 AM
Edited by IceCreeme on Thu 07/23/20 01:36 AM
I have a question to ask you... as I am curious what you think?!

A little background:
I got a phone call from John - my ex from 25 yrs ago.... he tells me the (he calls) "boys" i.e. 'mates' across the street got a phone call from the Batemans Bay Soldiers club cause they attended the club - a club where you have to be a member and sign in every time you attend - last week when the C-19 became a 'hot spot' (on Monday to Thursday - 17 people were infected during that time and is closed now for 14 days )... and they were told to go into 14 day isolation and get tested

Now John goes to their place e-v-e-r-y day.. for a couple+ of hours.. that includes a few beers and suck bongs from the 'same' bong.. etc etc... they told him he also needs to go into isolation..

BUT yesterday the boys got tested and were told they don't have the virus.. but still to stay in isolation for 14 days. I asked him if he got tested also, he said why bother if they don't have the C-19 Virus...

This week is my oldest son's birthday and john wants to come down to spend 'time ' with my son at my place.. also means stay overnight because he lives interstate. PS: I have a spare bedroom.

If you were in my position ... would you agree to the 'visit' ?

PS: I have already told him of my decision but I am curious what would be your stand be on this?


no photo
Thu 07/23/20 01:45 AM
My answer would be no unless he can produce evidence that he doesn't have the virus.

Rock's photo
Thu 07/23/20 02:30 AM
It can take anywhere, from 2 to 15 days, AFTER exposure,
for the virus to show up in your system.
The whole reason for a self quarantine.

Until that 15 day period is up, with
verifiable negative test results, i'd
say no to a visit.

no photo
Thu 07/23/20 02:49 AM
As I think anyone would say, without proof that they don't have the virus, the answer has to be no.

SpaceCodet's photo
Thu 07/23/20 04:03 AM
99.99% of the virus stuff is bullsh't, Ware a Plague Doctor's mask with cinnamon, mint and such in it to stop the miasma from killing you if you're that paranoid.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 07/23/20 04:22 AM
I would say no unless he has proof that he doesn't have it.

IceCreeme's photo
Thu 07/23/20 04:31 AM
Edited by IceCreeme on Thu 07/23/20 04:36 AM
Thank you for your replies... muchly appreciated... I will get back to this in the morning.. I gotta get some sleep, it is late, but quickly answer this --->

99.99% of the virus stuff is bullsh't, Ware a Plague Doctor's mask with cinnamon, mint and such in it to stop the miasma from killing you if you're that paranoid.

How can you say I am "that paranoid" ... how would you know? .. I am most likely the least paranoid than most... the City I live in has only had 3 deaths with no new cases for weeks.. I have been in isolation for nearly 5 months.. due to Gov't restrictions... i.e. not my choice, I don't want a fine thank you very much.. I am sick of it as many people are..... and in the whole of Australia we have had 126 people die from the virus... Australia is at the worst time right now - Winter - for any virus/flu. and a lot of places have been hit with a second wave...
I have done my research all about the virus.. and have questioned Fauci's (to put it mildly he is a bad bad man) idiotic advice..
I have no worries about C-19 in the city I am in but this situation i am asking about is very close concern .. even if it is an ordinary FLU... most people stay home if they have a flu and don't go visiting people..

and you say 99.99% .. cite your source.. give me proof ..

If someone offers you a bag of 100 mixed jelly beans as a gift BUT I gotta tell you, to be careful ONE or maybe a FEW of those jelly beans will kill you it/they is poisonous.. how may will you eat? good luck.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 07/23/20 04:40 AM
The CDC website it helpful regarding Covid-19.

reisande's photo
Thu 07/23/20 07:26 AM
just be very careful

SpaceCodet's photo
Thu 07/23/20 07:45 AM

Thank you for your replies... muchly appreciated... I will get back to this in the morning.. I gotta get some sleep, it is late, but quickly answer this --->

99.99% of the virus stuff is bullsh't, Ware a Plague Doctor's mask with cinnamon, mint and such in it to stop the miasma from killing you if you're that paranoid.

How can you say I am "that paranoid" ... how would you know? .. I am most likely the least paranoid than most... the City I live in has only had 3 deaths with no new cases for weeks.. I have been in isolation for nearly 5 months.. due to Gov't restrictions... i.e. not my choice, I don't want a fine thank you very much.. I am sick of it as many people are..... and in the whole of Australia we have had 126 people die from the virus... Australia is at the worst time right now - Winter - for any virus/flu. and a lot of places have been hit with a second wave...
I have done my research all about the virus.. and have questioned Fauci's (to put it mildly he is a bad bad man) idiotic advice..
I have no worries about C-19 in the city I am in but this situation i am asking about is very close concern .. even if it is an ordinary FLU... most people stay home if they have a flu and don't go visiting people..

and you say 99.99% .. cite your source.. give me proof ..

If someone offers you a bag of 100 mixed jelly beans as a gift BUT I gotta tell you, to be careful ONE or maybe a FEW of those jelly beans will kill you it/they is poisonous.. how may will you eat? good luck.

Ask a stupid question. Get a stupid answer.

Or if you don't like that reply. This whole thing is a political game. If you don't have diabetes, heart, lung and other such problems it won't be more then a bad cold or, maybe at worse Bronchitis.

As for the rest of it? I don't give a crap if you believe me or not.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 07/23/20 07:46 AM
Regardless of what anyone thinks about the Virus. One has to make the choices that they are comfortable with.. Not what others would do..

I have not been in quarantine and been working the whole time.. So for me, it would not have an impact on who I invited as long as they were not running a fever or sick at that time..

But we are all different.. Only make the choices that you feel is right to make...

But with the circumstances that he has been exposed within a group that several got it then yea I would have to say sorry but due to that, you will have to skip this Birthday and have one with him later when it is for sure you are not carrying it..

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 07/23/20 10:04 AM
I was watching a live feed of CNN India over the weekend.
The virus is airborne. They recommend gatherings to happen outside where there is plenty of ventilation. They recommend not mixing it up indoors even with face masks.

This morning I read this:

Since the early days of the outbreak, the CDC has advised those who contract COVID-19 remain isolated for 14 days after testing positive. In recent days, The Washington Post reported, the federal agency has modified that guideline and now calls for COVD-19 patients to remain isolated for 10 days after learning of the infection. The change comes after multiple studies have shown that people who are COVID-19 positive are typically contagious for a period of four to nine days. CDC officials caution that some people who develop especially severe cases may still need to isolate for longer -- up to 20 days. For those who test positive for COVID-19 but show no symptoms, the CDC recommends the same isolation period: 10 days. And for those who have been exposed to a COVID-19 patient, the CDC still recommends remaining quarantined for 14 days.

So, first thing is for him to get tested.

A secondary option might be for him to get a motel room and for the three of you to meet up (with protective gear and practice) at an outside location.
An outside location with plenty of ventilation might be a park or even your back yard.

What you might have concern with is the fact he refuses to be tested.
If I were to visit my family 800 & 1100 miles away, I wouldn't even think about going till I've been tested because I love my family. My county has very low infection numbers compared to our surrounding counties but I would still get tested so I KNOW I will not infect the people I love.

Ruben's photo
Thu 07/23/20 10:41 AM
Do not allow him to attend your son's party.

no photo
Thu 07/23/20 10:52 AM
Take vitamin D and zinc and try not to live in fear.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Thu 07/23/20 12:32 PM
I have list 3 friends So A no

IceCreeme's photo
Thu 07/23/20 12:40 PM
Edited by IceCreeme on Thu 07/23/20 01:02 PM
well.. TxsGal3333 .. I had made my decision, as I said, before I posted on here.. I was curious how other people would deal with this kind of situation... My younger son who also never stopped working had also supported my decision..He is a Tradie, none of the tradies stopped work here.

in one way or other everyone is right.. cause it is a decision which you may have to or will have to make..

My answer was that unless he got tested to show he doesn't have the virus.. though it may take longer than the 5 days he has been, I suppose i can say, has had second hand exposure to the C-19 .. unless he can prove that he doesn't have it.. he is not to come to the party nor visit my house, which would mean 24/7 for two days in close vicinity of me.. (not just 1.5m distancing.. . BUT OMG he was Peeved off..(tough bikkies I say)

It is too close for my comfort level.. I am being careful, I don't live in fear... I am trying to be careful there are going to be others at my son's birthday, not just me..

@nickistaken yes! I do take zinc as part of my daily vitamin intake, also protein supplements..etc etc even before the C-19.. for Vitamin D I take 5 -7 Km walks every two to three days a week... my dog needs the exercise LOL (I do also :smile: ) and I am outside, yes even in winter, in my garden on a regular daily basis...

Thank you all for your answers.. Have a lovely day.. flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 07/23/20 12:52 PM

As I think anyone would say, without proof that they don't have the virus, the answer has to be no.


no photo
Thu 07/23/20 01:11 PM
You're welcome IceCreeme, I think you made a wise decision! flowerforyou

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 07/23/20 02:02 PM
Never freaking ever. I would not be keen on an ex staying the night, C-19 or no. Not my problem he lives far away. Then get a B&B or something. If he has enough money to be lurking bongs and have drinks with mates he can also save up to spend time with his kid(s) without using you for a hotel.

And no with the C-19, no way. His choice that he wasn't/isn't careful with what he does and where he goes. Then be an adult and bear the consequences of that.
I feel it's really selfish to be so careless with his son's health, and yours.

I think you made a good choice. No need to take a risk.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sat 08/01/20 09:23 AM

I have a question to ask you... as I am curious what you think?!

A little background:
I got a phone call from John - my ex from 25 yrs ago.... he tells me the (he calls) "boys" i.e. 'mates' across the street got a phone call from the Batemans Bay Soldiers club cause they attended the club - a club where you have to be a member and sign in every time you attend - last week when the C-19 became a 'hot spot' (on Monday to Thursday - 17 people were infected during that time and is closed now for 14 days )... and they were told to go into 14 day isolation and get tested

Now John goes to their place e-v-e-r-y day.. for a couple+ of hours.. that includes a few beers and suck bongs from the 'same' bong.. etc etc... they told him he also needs to go into isolation..

BUT yesterday the boys got tested and were told they don't have the virus.. but still to stay in isolation for 14 days. I asked him if he got tested also, he said why bother if they don't have the C-19 Virus...

This week is my oldest son's birthday and john wants to come down to spend 'time ' with my son at my place.. also means stay overnight because he lives interstate. PS: I have a spare bedroom.

If you were in my position ... would you agree to the 'visit' ?

PS: I have already told him of my decision but I am curious what would be your stand be on this?


Me? There is NO way I would go. I would say it depends on what value you place on your life. This is not your health you're risking, it's your life. IF you do decide to go, you can choose to wear a mask, latex gloves, and keep your distance. Grab your own plate, your own food, and go first in line. Or, bring your own food that you made at home. JUST remember, they tested negative then, what about now or tomorrow? Symptoms don't show for two weeks... Can you skype or some other type of video talk?

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