Topic: Being Gloriously Rich! | |
One can not speak for what others have done or will do with their money if they have that much.. For we really don't know why they made the choices they did. Nor do we have any idea who all they may have helped.. It is hard to believe that anyone that makes that much has not helped many of their family and friends..
As far as those that do not leave it to their kids.. Ya know they may have given them so much in life already, but yet they choose to take advantage of it and expects to have it all in the end.. All that time they could have started businesses or invested in order to make their own.... Sorry but if that is how my kids thought I would sell everything I own and buy me a RV and hit the road.. We can only say what we would do.. I would guarantee all my family would be taken care of if they choose to only make bad decisions with what they are given then they would be on their own.. Same with the ones I call my friends.. those that are truly my friends and I'm one with a small circle. Does not matter if we have met or not... I do have a few that are online friends but feel more like family, that would be included. Beyond that there are many places I would donate too.. And yes you could bet your azz I would be living the life as well~~~ |
176 Billion? Pfffft! Petty cash. I have that in my pocket. Well it's Monopoly money but I have it.
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176 Billion? Pfffft! Petty cash. I have that in my pocket. Well it's Monopoly money but I have it. ![]() ![]() |
Well, thing is that you of course don't suddenly have $176 billion in the bank.
It didn't work for Jeff Bezos that way either. He started with a well-paid job that he quit to start his own thing (the risk taking). He then needed 1 million to start so he needed sponsors. It took him 60 interviews (there's the passion and believe in your dream) to get 20 to cough up enough to have a million. In turn the sponsors got a good share in the company he was going to build. They must have been laughing SO many times!! That was around 1987 so he's been at it for a good 33 yrs, so it grew. Amazon is huge now. Think of all the people that have a job because of him. Some 600.000! He does something (another company) with space travel and lord knows what else. And I'm certain he'll also do charity. I know of million-dollar-business people, not famous people but coaches, that started their own charity thing. Schools for children. Aiding women one way or another. They all help other people or the planet one way or another. Personally I doubt anyone could handle getting $176 billion in one go very well. It's an unimaginable amount! In my head I could manage $176 million, sort of, but not billion. |
Not to get religious here, but; there's a bible quote, "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom". People with "un-godly" amounts of money could do better things with that cash than sitting around counting it or throwing lavish parties. Too many people misunderstand that. My personal misunderstanding is better. It means that having money makes you lazy and causes you to have bad values. That is the reason the rich can't get into the kingdom. I read something at one time that I can't recall, but a very rich man was going to die and he distributed his wealth to the poor, leaving his widow comfortable, but not with all of his wealth. That was the beginning of the book, there was much more to it. I wish I could remember where I read that. I'd like to read it again. I get that is what church claims is the reason. But look at rich people. They aren't lazy, don't have bad values. And even if they were lazy, who's church to judge that? It all is part of churches doctrine that you got to work hard, suffer really, and best stay poor regardless of your plodding. That really IS the brainwashing program church / religion has exposed us to for centuries while church got rich at the poor people's expensive. In any case, hope you will find that book one day! Sounds like a good one :) |
I'm weird, I don't want more money than I need and I certainly don't need any power over anyone. If billions of dollars fell in my lap... I'd stand up and let it fall away. Money & power mean as much to me right now as they will after I'm dead. Who said anything about power? I don't want power, I just want the money, haha. Same for me. |
I'm weird, I don't want more money than I need and I certainly don't need any power over anyone. If billions of dollars fell in my lap... I'd stand up and let it fall away. Money & power mean as much to me right now as they will after I'm dead. Who said anything about power? I don't want power, I just want the money, haha. Commonly, those with a lot of money use that money to have power over others. No, that's not common at all, it's a misconception, at least in the Western world. When asked about being rich almost ALL people want that to be free. Freedom. Not power. Which goes to show that people do not feel free in the current system. I don't either to be honest. For me the only reason for wanting to be gloriously rich is also freedom. |
I'd be okay with being gloriously rich. I wouldn't keep it all for myself though. If I were to suddenly acquire billions of dollars, my sons would get a small portion, as would my sister and brother. Then I'd split the rest with my roommate. I thought about what I'd do if I won the lotto. Lots of things come to mind, mostly having to do with some sort of spiritual retreat that focuses on getting back to nature. Or a sustainable living farm. Those require a lot of work, and in all honesty if I won millions or billions of dollars, I wouldn't work. I would live comfortably on a lake and travel. I'd want a small cottage like home with lots of property between me and the neighbors, haha. I would give back to the community though, on a volunteer basis. Not having to work would give me the opportunity to help organizations that aid victims of disaster. I would also invest in some sort of nature reserve that helps protect natural life and wildlife. A spiritual centre is also what I'd want! Something I've been thinking about for over 10 yrs, on and off. I actually have made action steps towards it at some point, with someone else that owned a place where it could start. But she was VERY ADHD and her energy did me in after an hour of conversation. Her vibe could be felt and seen (decoration, colours) in the house too. I decided against it. A few years later I was approached by 2 women who were about to set up a huge centre near the ocean in an old ferry building. Very driven and were really going for it. But it would've meant moving to that island, investing, and since one woman felt really dark to the point it almost freaked me out, I decided to let it slide. That freaky woman isn't it in, but the other one DID get it going. Sponsors, getting council to invest in the building and so on. It's not really a spiritual centre, more of a wellness place. So in that sense good I withdrew cos that's not what interests me. |
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Thu 07/23/20 04:11 AM
a hell of a divorce settlement.... Amazon... Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos have made their divorce official in a $38 billion settlement, making the author the third richest woman in the world.Jul 6, 2019
I would not keep it all ... and would share ... |
I would not keep it all ... and would share ... I often wonder about that. I think the same thing, but so many people who say that find it to be different once they actually GET the money. So just in case my guardian angel is listening, I am ready for the test! |
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SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Thu 07/23/20 06:58 AM
I would not keep it all ... and would share ... I often wonder about that. I think the same thing, but so many people who say that find it to be different once they actually GET the money. So just in case my guardian angel is listening, I am ready for the test! People saying that always surprises me too. It makes me feel they don't feel worthy of treating themselves and having it good. I'm never one to say I would share. First and foremost I want to make my own dreams come true. If that P people O it only shows how much they love me. But if it would be incredibly much, I would make sure my mum is in a more comfortable place -she's not uncomfortable as it is, but just a nicer place. And I'd make serious reservations for both my kids, although they'd inherit the lot anyways. And give them a nice sum now. Not millions. But something like $10.000 and maybe a similar amount some years later. But I'd refuse having to end up being their personal piggy bank to lean on. And then I'd focus on manifesting my own dreams and goals in life. Travel is a big part of that! Oh, and I'd move house. Not to some huge fancy home, but away from these effing neighbours, and a better insulated and far more comfortable house, cottage like. Once I had things rolling and am making money with my money, I'd start considering giving to good causes. My main good cause is GreenPeace. Always has been, always will be. But I wouldn't start doing such things until I was making money with my money. I doubt very much I'd end up flat broke after a few years. |
I'm weird, I don't want more money than I need and I certainly don't need any power over anyone. If billions of dollars fell in my lap... I'd stand up and let it fall away. Money & power mean as much to me right now as they will after I'm dead. Who said anything about power? I don't want power, I just want the money, haha. Commonly, those with a lot of money use that money to have power over others. No, that's not common at all, it's a misconception, at least in the Western world. When asked about being rich almost ALL people want that to be free. Freedom. Not power. Which goes to show that people do not feel free in the current system. I don't either to be honest. For me the only reason for wanting to be gloriously rich is also freedom. The power I refer to is not the power of government or political influence. Its the power to decide who gets what and why. Kristi mentioned: if they choose to only make bad decisions with what they are given then they would be on their own
The power is, who determines what someone else's bad decision is. To decide not to give someone money because they do not fit into your predetermined expectation of who you think they should be is you exercizing your power over them. To get that money, they must change to fit your expectations of them. That's power. The power over people when you give 1% to one person and 3% to another. The power you possess to control how, who and why some get less and some get more. The power to keep most of the money for yourself. If there were no power at play, that money would be divided equally to all people at the same time. Nobody would need to qualify because everyone would be qualified. Money is about power. Wealth is about power. Money and wealth sets you above all who have less. It allows you to determine their fate. In most of the modern world, the bosses make more money than the employee and the bosses have power over the employee. Its like that all the way to the top. Its common. People will jump thru your hoops to get some of your money. They will be your best friends, do your bidding, go the extra mile to get a piece of it. When you say NO you have power over them. When you say jump thru this hoop, you have power over them. If you jire someone to dig a hole and they do not dig a hole, do you pay them anyway? Most people will not. They will withold the money till they dig the hole as you asked. That is power. |