Topic: Can Anyne Explain ? | |
What this is? I only get this when I log on to this site ( not all the time) but it has occured quite a number of times this past week.
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Oh Translation.....
beware and look for a good man. hehe!!! Sorry I really can't help you out. |
I am happy to say that I do have [b} THE best man
WIERD MESSAGE...................
a good man?..whats that?
something is not being processed right by your computer, couldn't tell you exactly where it's at but thats what it looks like.
It sure is, it is not even HTML or CSS, and this is just off the internet.
Well, well, Lady, where the devil have you been ? Wow girl, you are a sight for sore eyes, how have you been. And yes, there are STILL good men about |
a good man?..whats that? that is a man that is there thick and thin....... |
something is not being processed right by your computer, couldn't tell you exactly where it's at but thats what it looks like.
I only get this when I am on this site, anyone else here have this problem with this site? |
Hi Bonny..I've given up on the relationship stuff..thats where I've being sick myself and my brother being sick..and helping out in my friends chatroom I don't get here much anymore.
a good man?..whats that? One that's cooked medium rare? |
no, it's probably a bug in the java program your using or something of that nature.
it's the government mind control.....i'm tellin ya
it says: I think i'm turning japanese i really think so
Lady, you are far too young to give up ( I've always told you that)but it is good to see you here today and may I take the opportunity to wish you a Joyous Christmas and a peaceful New Year
it says: I think i'm turning japanese i really think so |
If your using internet explorer, try deleting/refreshing all your stored stuff like websites, cookies, and all that jazz. That usually fixes it.
Thank you Bonny..same to you..this is how I will be spending my christmas/birthday(they are the same complaining about I'm joking..I'm gonna do you all a favor and stay in chat that
If your using internet explorer, try deleting/refreshing all your stored stuff like websites, cookies, and all that jazz. That usually fixes it. Been there,done that, took the Tee shirt off and put it in the wash |
Little tiny creatures from a different planet are taking over your computer. Here is the translation:
Please do not be afraid. we are not here to bring you harm. Just to take over your computer. Do not try to fight us, fighting us will only cause harm to your motherboard. Besides there is no way to get rid of us. So just come quietly and all will be fine. This has been a message from the national broadcast system. |