Topic: All Lives Matter? | |
Want change? Stop voting Democrat! In order to perfect real change you have to vote. Local level as well. There is a president in the White House that wants to help. Use him. Police REFORM was rejected by the democrats. Marching and rioting gets zero done. Destroying the community gets zero. This movement needs to make an drastic change and those who can operate in an intellectual manner and not an emotional one need to stand up to Democrats who are jerking chains and get to the White House to get some real laws and orders put in place for real change. Instead of all this emotional nonsense that is getting zero done. In the meantime there is more shootings than ever because people want to defund the police like fools. Shootings are up and it's not the police shooting anyone.
These kinds of conversations are reundant unproductive, and with unrealistic solutions. Instead of black Panthers making a spectacle of themselves they should be policing the neighborhoods..Enough of this division nonsense. inflammatory topics and zero realistic solutions. |
If I might offer a different opinion...
One Life Matters ~ Yours. Considering nobody else experiences life from behind your eyes and the only life you actually live is from your own perspective, the only life that actually matters is your own. This is because when you die, the life you experience, ends. Empathy and compassion for others might make you socially accepted but what really matters is the life only you can live. Without you, you don't exist. Everything is life according to you. Since we humans are a social species, the next level of importance are people that matter to you personally. Your parents, siblings, children and personal friends matter much more than a stranger. The people who have a direct influence on the quality of your life matter to you because you matter to you. So...The second part of reality is... Lives Important To You Matter As we descend the stairway of influence on our own lives we find the actual importance of others wanes as we move further from the top. The reality is we have less concern for others lives the more distant the personal connection. The less influence someone has on our personal life experiences the less concern we actually have for their lives. Oh, we might act as if we actually care about the strangers we read or hear about but in reality it's a convoluted delusion of empathy or righteousness. We humans have the ability/curse of thinking we exist outside the natural order of life. We get so focused on being a "good" person we forget we are a person first. "All Lives Matter" until it requires a sacrifice of your own life. "Black Lives Matter" until it requires a sacrifice of your own life. If All Lives did Matter, there would be no poverty, no homelessness, nobody sick because they can't afford the medicine to make them healthy, no thirst from a lack of clean drinking water, everyone would have a full education, all fights would be interrupted and on and on and on. How many times have YOU told your children we can't eat today because we are giving our food to someone who is hungry? How many times have YOU picked up a homeless person and brought them to your home to sleep in your bed while you sleep on the floor? How often do YOU stop what you are doing and console a stranger who is in emotional pain? How many times have YOU faced life or death danger for a stranger? Are you a fireman all the time? Are you a police officer all the time? Are you a soldier all the time? |
Insects are one dimensional creatures, animals are two dimensional creatures and humans are three dimensional beings. We have as much in common with an oak tree as we do a dog. this is because we are subjected by the forces of reality being carbon based life form. A christian philosophy has it as, "After God made everything he ran out of ideas so he took pieces of everything to make people." Locus Effect is what I call it. There's to many people in this world of ours now. The friction of other locus causes a frenzy of destruction. We have many political factions trying to destroy and/or control the world. People like Trump are wrecking the plans of puppet masters so must be torn apart. Power corrupts and Trump would be as the puppet masters if he had power which they do. Bleeding Hearts make others bleed (suffer) so they feel better about themselves. Look at what happened in Seattle. It was perfectly fine for the mayor to let people get raped, murdered, robbed and the rest until the mob was at her doorstep. I'm glad I never had children. Which was a choice I made back when I was 16. Not sure if you are talking about the locus effect? Or the Locust effect? Could go either way, but your description sounds more like the locust insect that are definitely not a one dementional creature as they transform during moist periods and go in to a frenzy like the desert locust that are ravaging the east coast of Africa as we speak, threatening to wipe out at least 10% of the worlds food as we are already going thru trying times. Just when you think things can't get any worse all hell breaks out. |
And by saying do something about it I do not mean riot, loot, and burn a city! Blacks are allowed to vote, blacks are allowed to own property, blacks can have high paying jobs, blacks can start their own businesses, blacks can control how many children they have and at what point in life they chose to have them, blacks are allowed to move from where they are currently at, blacks are allowed to chose roll models that do good for their community instead of bad. Their are many things that blacks are able to do if they take advantage of their rights, and take responsibility for their actions. They mostly want to live like anyone else, which is clearly not the case as they keep getting murdered. They are trying to get there rights now and fyi information there are plenty of planted instigators among the peaceful protesters. If you read that then yes black people need to quit murdering black people So at least that we can agree on, but after this past weekend in New York, Chicago, and many other communities around the country shootings and murder in the black communities seems to be on the rise not the decline. The ones that do want to live like everybody else are being brought down by the thugs and unmotivated blacks that do not want to live like everyone else, that is a problem. Have no clue what these "rights" are that you are talking about? The already have more rights then the rest of the population. You ever hear of affirmative action? Tell me that isn't racist! They have their own college funds, awards shows, all kinds of black only things going on, can you honestly believe that is not racist? And finally the "instigators"? Why is it I don't see white people looting stores but whether its riots or natural disasters the black people have no problem looting, they also don't seem to mind beating some innocent white people while they are at it. Go back to the Rodney King riots after the cops got off, they beat anyone who wasn't black. |
Edited by
Mon 07/06/20 07:34 PM
And by saying do something about it I do not mean riot, loot, and burn a city! Blacks are allowed to vote, blacks are allowed to own property, blacks can have high paying jobs, blacks can start their own businesses, blacks can control how many children they have and at what point in life they chose to have them, blacks are allowed to move from where they are currently at, blacks are allowed to chose roll models that do good for their community instead of bad. Their are many things that blacks are able to do if they take advantage of their rights, and take responsibility for their actions. They mostly want to live like anyone else, which is clearly not the case as they keep getting murdered. They are trying to get there rights now and fyi information there are plenty of planted instigators among the peaceful protesters. If you read that then yes black people need to quit murdering black people So at least that we can agree on, but after this past weekend in New York, Chicago, and many other communities around the country shootings and murder in the black communities seems to be on the rise not the decline. The ones that do want to live like everybody else are being brought down by the thugs and unmotivated blacks that do not want to live like everyone else, that is a problem. Have no clue what these "rights" are that you are talking about? The already have more rights then the rest of the population. You ever hear of affirmative action? Tell me that isn't racist! They have their own college funds, awards shows, all kinds of black only things going on, can you honestly believe that is not racist? And finally the "instigators"? Why is it I don't see white people looting stores but whether its riots or natural disasters the black people have no problem looting, they also don't seem to mind beating some innocent white people while they are at it. Go back to the Rodney King riots after the cops got off, they beat anyone who wasn't black. Affirmative action is not about 'more rights' it is about 'equal rights'. Yes, Crime should stop happening within or between races. White on white crime is as real as black on black crime. It is all CRIME though. Crime gets prosecuted sometimes and sometimes it does not. Yes. Those in authority should be held to the high standard to not abuse that authority in ways that end lives. BOTH THINGS ARE TRUE. Different groups also exist on both these issues. IT is not an either/or. I really don't know why you don't see white people looting. Perhaps it is tunnel vision. Looting is not race specific or exclusive. Crime, by definition, involves criminals. Determining who to treat as criminals, or not, should not be determined by their race or their position or job title. |
Want change? Stop voting Democrat! In order to perfect real change you have to vote. Local level as well. There is a president in the White House that wants to help. Use him. Police REFORM was rejected by the democrats. Marching and rioting gets zero done. Destroying the community gets zero. This movement needs to make an drastic change and those who can operate in an intellectual manner and not an emotional one need to stand up to Democrats who are jerking chains and get to the White House to get some real laws and orders put in place for real change. Instead of all this emotional nonsense that is getting zero done. In the meantime there is more shootings than ever because people want to defund the police like fools. Shootings are up and it's not the police shooting anyone. These kinds of conversations are reundant unproductive, and with unrealistic solutions. Instead of black Panthers making a spectacle of themselves they should be policing the neighborhoods..Enough of this division nonsense. inflammatory topics and zero realistic solutions. Change is not tied to political party. Political party platforms themselves have evolved and do evolve over the years. Marching is a significant impetus to other steps leading to change. I have not seen stats proving 'more shootigs than ever'. THat may be a matter of emotional instead of logical reality. It is difficult to 'police' your neighborhood from the police. |
Insects are one dimensional creatures, animals are two dimensional creatures and humans are three dimensional beings. We have as much in common with an oak tree as we do a dog. this is because we are subjected by the forces of reality being carbon based life form. A christian philosophy has it as, "After God made everything he ran out of ideas so he took pieces of everything to make people." Locus Effect is what I call it. There's to many people in this world of ours now. The friction of other locus causes a frenzy of destruction. We have many political factions trying to destroy and/or control the world. People like Trump are wrecking the plans of puppet masters so must be torn apart. Power corrupts and Trump would be as the puppet masters if he had power which they do. Bleeding Hearts make others bleed (suffer) so they feel better about themselves. Look at what happened in Seattle. It was perfectly fine for the mayor to let people get raped, murdered, robbed and the rest until the mob was at her doorstep. I'm glad I never had children. Which was a choice I made back when I was 16. Not sure if you are talking about the locus effect? Or the Locust effect? Could go either way, but your description sounds more like the locust insect that are definitely not a one dementional creature as they transform during moist periods and go in to a frenzy like the desert locust that are ravaging the east coast of Africa as we speak, threatening to wipe out at least 10% of the worlds food as we are already going thru trying times. Just when you think things can't get any worse all hell breaks out. Yeah, I'm referring to the Grasshopper species. They've had a major locust swarms spread through Africa and into the Middle East. Don't know if the swarms have been contained yet. Real bad stuff going on in 2020. |
Some people look at the negative in everything That is true. If a child were starving and said they wanted something to eat, I would see the negative in the prick who responded, "Everybody wants something to eat." If someone came to a homeless shelter and said they needed a place to stay, I would see the negative in the prick who responded, "Everybody needs someplace to stay." I would see it as dismissive and uncaring, just like those people who respond to Black Lives Matter, with All Lives Matter. Some people look at negative things negatively. After a lifetime of it, it is all they can do. |
If I might offer a different opinion... One Life Matters ~ Yours. Considering nobody else experiences life from behind your eyes and the only life you actually live is from your own perspective, the only life that actually matters is your own. This is because when you die, the life you experience, ends. Empathy and compassion for others might make you socially accepted but what really matters is the life only you can live. Without you, you don't exist. Everything is life according to you. Since we humans are a social species, the next level of importance are people that matter to you personally. Your parents, siblings, children and personal friends matter much more than a stranger. The people who have a direct influence on the quality of your life matter to you because you matter to you. So...The second part of reality is... Lives Important To You Matter As we descend the stairway of influence on our own lives we find the actual importance of others wanes as we move further from the top. The reality is we have less concern for others lives the more distant the personal connection. The less influence someone has on our personal life experiences the less concern we actually have for their lives. Oh, we might act as if we actually care about the strangers we read or hear about but in reality it's a convoluted delusion of empathy or righteousness. We humans have the ability/curse of thinking we exist outside the natural order of life. We get so focused on being a "good" person we forget we are a person first. "All Lives Matter" until it requires a sacrifice of your own life. "Black Lives Matter" until it requires a sacrifice of your own life. If All Lives did Matter, there would be no poverty, no homelessness, nobody sick because they can't afford the medicine to make them healthy, no thirst from a lack of clean drinking water, everyone would have a full education, all fights would be interrupted and on and on and on. How many times have YOU told your children we can't eat today because we are giving our food to someone who is hungry? How many times have YOU picked up a homeless person and brought them to your home to sleep in your bed while you sleep on the floor? How often do YOU stop what you are doing and console a stranger who is in emotional pain? How many times have YOU faced life or death danger for a stranger? Are you a fireman all the time? Are you a police officer all the time? Are you a soldier all the time? Quite good points. I try to tell the finger pointers that they come into this world with only their soul, and they leave with nothing else. It is supposed to make them think. (Some are so self righteous I can tell they lack any self awareness, but all you can do is try...) |
Here in Norfolk va all of the protestors I have seen have been white folk. I have not seen for my self a single black Black Lives protestor.
God ended who’s life mattered when he dieD on the cross for all of us. As a black person ur more likely to be killed by a black person than a white police man. If black lives matters why doesn’t it matter to black people?
God ended who’s life mattered when he dieD on the cross for all of us. As a black person ur more likely to be killed by a black person than a white police man. If black lives matters why doesn’t it matter to black people? No one is allowed to point this out. A white person who does is called racist, a black person who does is called all sorts of vile names. I have personally seen that the whites who do this used to be quite racist. They try to assuage the guilt they now feel by pointing fingers at OTHERS and calling them racist. It would be so much better if these people sought therapy for their problem, rather than resorting to the destruction and hatred they spread. |
God ended who’s life mattered when he dieD on the cross for all of us. As a black person ur more likely to be killed by a black person than a white police man. If black lives matters why doesn’t it matter to black people? BINGO !!! ![]() |
Political mumbo jumbo. What a waste of time. This all is just a diversion from what the government within the government is really up to. Next we are going to be told when we can and can't take a dump.
All lives matter? Really? Why are we so opposed to illegal immigrants? Their lives don't seem to matter so much to us. All lives matter? Really? Why are we so opposed to assistance for those without the money to have food and shelter? Their lives don't seem to matter so much to us. All lives matter? Really? Why are we so eager to get back to working and partying and raising risks for the elderly and sick? Their lives don't seem to matter so much to us. All lives matter? Really? Why is it God Bless America instead of God Bless the world? All lives matter? Really? Or is it just a clever nuanced way to dismiss the concerns of a movement that dares to call itself Black Lives Matter? The phrase All lives matter is certainly true. Using that phrase as a response to BLM is an intellectually dishonest tangent. This has been an OPINION only. The only ones who can answer "Why is it god bless America and not god bless the world?" Can only be given by Americans. NO ONE else in the world says that and many like me find it ridiculous to hear or read that. As for the rest, all lives matter... you are mixing issues up. Making into another tit-for-tat argument. All life matters means all life matters. You don't run over someone in the street, you don't stab or shoot them, you care and so on. It's an innate quality of being human. Why we don't want illegal immigrants, or maybe not even any immigrant, is an entirely different issue. We're not shooting immigrants are we? We got similar problems here, and simple thing is we cannot accommodate the whole 3rd world in our little country The Netherlands. We already have the highest population density. Resources run out. Space runs out. That still doesn't mean you don't care and that these people's lives don't matter. But we cannot take care of all, and to be honest, we also cannot be responsible for everyone in the world. Maybe 100 yrs from now it will all be different and there will be no borders anymore, but I doubt that very much. People have always had communities and one community cannot take on plural others to feed, house, and so on. Doesn't mean they don't care. But there's only so much you can do. Again, an entirely different discussion. |
“All lives matter” is the 2020 “don’t get uppity.”
Controversial me: let me interject this
With all of the lives lost in the Civil Going on as I speak Africa Sudan Syria, Yemen,wars, native Americans lands taken, the war on drugs, The holocaust, Billions,Billions,of ((Lives Lost)) over the Centuries Dose Anyone realy care about these lives lost I do because I'm a child of war and a army brat and my man is a Doctor without borders. and I have great respect for him.I pray daily for All of there safety!, Coldersky, ![]() ![]() |
God ended who’s life mattered when he dieD on the cross for all of us. As a black person ur more likely to be killed by a black person than a white police man. If black lives matters why doesn’t it matter to black people? No one is allowed to point this out. A white person who does is called racist, a black person who does is called all sorts of vile names. I have personally seen that the whites who do this used to be quite racist. They try to assuage the guilt they now feel by pointing fingers at OTHERS and calling them racist. It would be so much better if these people sought therapy for their problem, rather than resorting to the destruction and hatred they spread. I AM A WHITE MAN AND I FEEL ABSOLUTELY NO RACIAL GUILT !!! |
And by saying do something about it I do not mean riot, loot, and burn a city! Blacks are allowed to vote, blacks are allowed to own property, blacks can have high paying jobs, blacks can start their own businesses, blacks can control how many children they have and at what point in life they chose to have them, blacks are allowed to move from where they are currently at, blacks are allowed to chose roll models that do good for their community instead of bad. Their are many things that blacks are able to do if they take advantage of their rights, and take responsibility for their actions. They mostly want to live like anyone else, which is clearly not the case as they keep getting murdered. They are trying to get there rights now and fyi information there are plenty of planted instigators among the peaceful protesters. If you read that then yes black people need to quit murdering black people So at least that we can agree on, but after this past weekend in New York, Chicago, and many other communities around the country shootings and murder in the black communities seems to be on the rise not the decline. The ones that do want to live like everybody else are being brought down by the thugs and unmotivated blacks that do not want to live like everyone else, that is a problem. Have no clue what these "rights" are that you are talking about? The already have more rights then the rest of the population. You ever hear of affirmative action? Tell me that isn't racist! They have their own college funds, awards shows, all kinds of black only things going on, can you honestly believe that is not racist? And finally the "instigators"? Why is it I don't see white people looting stores but whether its riots or natural disasters the black people have no problem looting, they also don't seem to mind beating some innocent white people while they are at it. Go back to the Rodney King riots after the cops got off, they beat anyone who wasn't black. Affirmative action is not about 'more rights' it is about 'equal rights'. Yes, Crime should stop happening within or between races. White on white crime is as real as black on black crime. It is all CRIME though. Crime gets prosecuted sometimes and sometimes it does not. Yes. Those in authority should be held to the high standard to not abuse that authority in ways that end lives. BOTH THINGS ARE TRUE. Different groups also exist on both these issues. IT is not an either/or. I really don't know why you don't see white people looting. Perhaps it is tunnel vision. Looting is not race specific or exclusive. Crime, by definition, involves criminals. Determining who to treat as criminals, or not, should not be determined by their race or their position or job title. ![]() ![]() |
The original post mentioned immigrants. Strangely except for natives we are all immigrants. More specifically the aptly named msharmony was referring to illegal immigrants no doubt. And then segued into blm.
All hot topics. I had a stimulus check stolen and met people who didn't qualify for unemployment for no special reason. WE are currently in a world wide quagmire which magnifies everything. It's a good time to blow up in general and for picking a particular topic to blow up on. I find it strange that random suicide shooters appear to be locked down as well. Perhaps it is because there are no large gatherings or they don't think they would get the needed publicity competing with riots and the coronavirus updates. I was at a black lives matter protest a few weeks ago. I was one of the few old white guys there. Originally the paper passer outers avoided me as did the people gaining signatures on this and that. I felt like the 500 pound gorilla in the room. Some white women nearby noticed this and got me some pamphlets as i stood there stymied. They yelled **** the police occasionally and several hundred yards away were the mostly black policemen. It was in new orleans. The speakers said if they couldn't get what they wanted they would resort to violence. Honestly i am a retired white male. Middle of the road politically. I feel as left out as anyone and as left behind as anyone. I was blue collar my whole life and when people mention white sepremacists i think of hitler not donald trump. IN the past we would have considered poor people coming here as refugees. In case no one noticed the u.s. is on the way out and china and the european union are ascending in my opinion. To ask a flagging nation to do the right thing seems a little ludacrous to me at this point. Things are in a flux. We all need to be flexible and help each other out. And was Obama a great president and is Biden such a great alternative? America is divided politically and spiritually. I don't think we can reclaim our greatness until we fix that which we might not be able to do. |