Topic: The division currently in America
no photo
Wed 06/17/20 01:49 PM

When I turn on the news I see things that I never thought I would see in
America. Having lived more decades than most on this site I am curious to know what is the end goal of this movement.

no photo
Wed 06/17/20 02:23 PM
Which movement would that be?

Rock's photo
Wed 06/17/20 02:39 PM
I'm having a bowel movement,
as I type this post.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 06/17/20 04:19 PM
Always a few smartazzes on here!!

cajunman59's photo
Wed 06/17/20 04:32 PM
The end result is to destroy this country as we know it.

no photo
Wed 06/17/20 10:35 PM
It's not a movement -but a pendulum with more than two sides -all trying to swing it at each other more powerfully when it swings their way -while unseen forces swing it every way. Stopping that pendulum creates peace -but the peacemakers cannot choose for the warmakers.

no photo
Thu 06/18/20 12:16 AM

When I turn on the news I see things that I never thought I would see in
America. Having lived more decades than most on this site I am curious to know what is the end goal of this movement.
hello mikewaving .., I am in New Zealand .. perhaps you can explain what division You are referring to ... do you mean with the protests ... covid .. or something else

no photo
Thu 06/18/20 03:33 AM
Until people smarten themselves and care about humanity and vote out the idiots in office the better off we will be.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 06/18/20 05:24 AM

Until people smarten themselves and care about humanity and vote out the idiots in office the better off we will be.

People always whine about the ones in office, but you mustn't forget that those were chosen by a majority of people who see things the same way.
Change has to start with the people. So that's slightly different, it's not about voting them out, it's about people having to change.

The US has a helluva lot of problems, one of which is the B & W issue that's been going on for as long as American has been founded. Lord knows how to change that. There's always a lot of good people on both sides, unfortunately the ones that aren't so nice to the other party are more powerful.
Both B & W would have to change and become willing and open towards the other party. Black people discriminate just the same, there's even whole areas where white people cannot go for their own safety. That chit has to change.

Another HUGE problem in the US, probably mostly in the southern states, is religion.

Then there's other major problems, like healthcare, proper housing for everyone so people don't live on the streets, in shambles, or caravans anymore.
Good minimum wages, automatically getting days off when you work etc etc. All arranged by law.

None of these are easy things to sort as everyone is use to how it is, feels entitled, is resistant to change, and so on and so forth.
I'm glad I'm not the one who has to sort it out.
But it's like I said before on here: the world won't get stable until the US sorts its chit out. Not because you are überpowerful like many Americans think, but because you are part of a whole, a cog. The whole cannot work properly if a cog is still stuck or broken.

Let's hope it'll work itself out, sooner rather than later.
And none of this btw is meant to be offensive. Just reality.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:00 AM

Until people smarten themselves and care about humanity and vote out the idiots in office the better off we will be.

People always whine about the ones in office, but you mustn't forget that those were chosen by a majority of people who see things the same way.
Change has to start with the people. So that's slightly different, it's not about voting them out, it's about people having to change.

The US has a helluva lot of problems, one of which is the B & W issue that's been going on for as long as American has been founded. Lord knows how to change that. There's always a lot of good people on both sides, unfortunately the ones that aren't so nice to the other party are more powerful.
Both B & W would have to change and become willing and open towards the other party. Black people discriminate just the same, there's even whole areas where white people cannot go for their own safety. That chit has to change.

Another HUGE problem in the US, probably mostly in the southern states, is religion.

Then there's other major problems, like healthcare, proper housing for everyone so people don't live on the streets, in shambles, or caravans anymore.
Good minimum wages, automatically getting days off when you work etc etc. All arranged by law.

None of these are easy things to sort as everyone is use to how it is, feels entitled, is resistant to change, and so on and so forth.
I'm glad I'm not the one who has to sort it out.
But it's like I said before on here: the world won't get stable until the US sorts its chit out. Not because you are überpowerful like many Americans think, but because you are part of a whole, a cog. The whole cannot work properly if a cog is still stuck or broken.

Let's hope it'll work itself out, sooner rather than later.
And none of this btw is meant to be offensive. Just reality.
In many ways you are correct. It is the people and their unwillingness to even talk and understand what the others believe. It takes strong, confident, and intelligent people to actually engage in discussion and problem solving. Unfortunately I think America is going to let these problems fester until they explode in nearly another civil war. I expect instead of north vs south it will be the 2 coasts against the middle of the country and instead of being over slavery it will be over socialism and taxes.

no photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:03 AM

...I am curious to know what is the end goal of this movement.

Doesn't that usually depend on which side of the fence you sit?

no photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:29 AM
Well, you had better hold on tight then! Much more to come...

no photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:32 AM
I was once asked if my butt hurt from sitting on the fence all the time.

It may not be comfortable, but you can see both sides.

cajunman59's photo
Thu 06/18/20 01:47 PM
No self governed country has survived 300 years from what I understand. Guess we just ran our course. Rome lasted close to a thousand but that was with constant war, once they civilized the barbarians took over rather quickly. PPL weird.

no photo
Sat 06/20/20 03:28 AM
I like this ending.....

And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 06/20/20 03:47 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sat 06/20/20 03:50 AM
well it is one side pushes the other ... that makes us divide like we do ...
some feel their is no justice for their race...and right now after all that I have kept up with ... they are right ... we can have official that seem like they are back in a war ... their judgment seems to be clouded from that ... and hurt many innocent people and children ...passably becouse they are racist...
and you can not live like that anymore with out the cooperation of the police unions an police forces ... to change some of their thinking and ways ...
to handle certain situations ... with out killing someone or a black person ...
the way they do and get off becouse of their unions ... again people are calling for defunding but that is not the answer... justice for their actions and taking some of that $ from the police and making places better to live in and not be afraid of the police ... it is definitely work in progress ... for many years ... you can not have white supremacists groups... starting trouble... for the unrest in this country to ...

no photo
Sat 06/20/20 07:09 AM
The effort is organized more than most proles realize and has little to do with racial justice or racial anything.

oldmandi's photo
Tue 07/14/20 08:13 PM
as an outsider looking on , all i would say is , GOD HELP AMERICA the day that BLACK people decide to fight instead of peaceful protest,( which get them nowhere ) check and see ,

no photo
Fri 09/11/20 06:00 AM

When I turn on the news I see things that I never thought I would see in
America. Having lived more decades than most on this site I am curious to know what is the end goal of this movement.

The leftist Radicals is trying to Rule America.

And the Leftist news media is helping, by feeding Fake news to the Citizens.

no photo
Fri 09/11/20 06:00 AM

The end result is to destroy this country as we know it.
