Topic: Return to love | |
When this whole worldwide event started I thought, what a great opportunity for people, for mankind, to go back to love!
What a beautiful thing to read on social media of a mother saying that after 3 months she's going to miss having her children around now that they're going back to school full-time again. And how odd are the reactions of people to this, "Oh well, then you finally have time for you again!" WTF??? What happened to praising a mother for loving her children and missing having them around? This event wasn't here to enhance individuality, we have had too much of that for decades! It was and is here to return us to love, to reconnect! Yet people don't think about love and connection when they read something beautiful like that but about having time to yourself? What an idiotic world. Apparently some need more lockdown and social distancing time as they still don't understand. The beauty of this pandemic is truly returning to love. At the very least being offered the opportunity. |
When this whole worldwide event started I thought, what a great opportunity for people, for mankind, to go back to love! What a beautiful thing to read on social media of a mother saying that after 3 months she's going to miss having her children around now that they're going back to school full-time again. And how odd are the reactions of people to this, "Oh well, then you finally have time for you again!" WTF??? What happened to praising a mother for loving her children and missing having them around? This event wasn't here to enhance individuality, we have had too much of that for decades! It was and is here to return us to love, to reconnect! Yet people don't think about love and connection when they read something beautiful like that but about having time to yourself? What an idiotic world. Apparently some need more lockdown and social distancing time as they still don't understand. The beauty of this pandemic is truly returning to love. At the very least being offered the opportunity. ![]() ![]() |
When this whole worldwide event started I thought, what a great opportunity for people, for mankind, to go back to love!
IMO this is like saying "when this whole being forced into internment camps thing happened I thought, what a great opportunity to reconnect with my community!" What happened to praising a mother for loving her children and missing having them around?
Well, in the current narrative: 1. Must not praise for things that need to be taken for granted. You must take for granted that all mothers love and miss and care for their kids. If you praise her and call too much attention to it, it implies that it is a rare event. People are "normally" praised for doing something above and beyond, somewhat rare and not expected. Praising one mother may be seen as insulting other or most mothers. 2. Women must always be seen as strong, independent, and, whatever they choose to focus on doing (whether it be raise kids or sell insurance), like John Henry and Rosa Parks. e.g. According to Oprah "mom's have the toughest job in the world if they're doing it right." If women/moms aren't constantly suffering and victimized, if it's not tough, or it's not recognized as such, then they must not be doing it right. So say "at least you'll get some me time" in order to identify her hardships passively. 3. The value of praise depends on informed authority and power disparity. Which has greater value: A teacher writing "A+ Great job!" on your paper? Or your friend giving you a random thumbs up? An olympic judge giving you a gold medal after seeing you perform? Or a random homeless guy giving you a bottle cap because you happen to walk by him? Praise can imply a dynamic people don't want to take responsibility for. If they offer praise, they may be saying (or it could be taken as) "I'm in a higher authority position than you (I know more about this than you), I have the power to judge and evaluate you to determine you deserve this social reward of praise." Sometimes people want to avoid that so choose instead empathy, sympathy, or distraction to silver linings, in an attempt to show equality. This event wasn't here to enhance individuality, we have had too much of that for decades! It was and is here to return us to love, to reconnect!
To me this is like saying: "Hey, I tested positive for gonorrhea. I know we had a ONS, or our relationship ended, 3 years ago, but this event happened to bring us back together, it's gonorreagreat time!" Yet people don't think about love and connection when they read something beautiful like that but about having time to yourself?
There is (or at least can be) a huge difference between what someone "really" thinks, and how they respond on the internet, or in person. The beauty of this pandemic is truly returning to love.
So you're saying basically forced quarantine is a way to "return to love?" Awesome! That means if I lock my ex (or some random woman I'm attracted to) in my basement, for her protection from the bad in the world, and she doesn't fall in love with me then she's the bad guy for not taking the opportunity! |
When this whole worldwide event started I thought, what a great opportunity for people, for mankind, to go back to love! What a beautiful thing to read on social media of a mother saying that after 3 months she's going to miss having her children around now that they're going back to school full-time again. And how odd are the reactions of people to this, "Oh well, then you finally have time for you again!" WTF??? What happened to praising a mother for loving her children and missing having them around? This event wasn't here to enhance individuality, we have had too much of that for decades! It was and is here to return us to love, to reconnect! Yet people don't think about love and connection when they read something beautiful like that but about having time to yourself? What an idiotic world. Apparently some need more lockdown and social distancing time as they still don't understand. The beauty of this pandemic is truly returning to love. At the very least being offered the opportunity. ![]() ![]() Things are a lot better over here that's why schools are opening up again. I get that you will miss him! Suddenly an entirely different routine again, and away from loved ones. I bet he'll miss you too! ![]() |
I'm fortunate to be a teacher. My kids love being in my classroom, around the dining room table, books scattered everywhere, going for adventures. So I'll keep them home as long as possible. A few friends have asked if their kids can join my makeshift classroom. I love the beautiful chaos of learning.
I'm fortunate to be a teacher. My kids love being in my classroom, around the dining room table, books scattered everywhere, going for adventures. So I'll keep them home as long as possible. A few friends have asked if their kids can join my makeshift classroom. I love the beautiful chaos of learning. Sounds wonderful, Shelley! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 06/08/20 08:27 AM
I'm sorry, I just can't think of a worldwide pandemic as a beautiful thing.
No more than thinking a war (any war) is a beautiful thing. Focusing on my own individuality doesn't weaken the love I feel for others, it makes it stronger. I need no pandemic to make me appreciate those I love. I always rushed home from work to be near my family. Spending time around those I love is what makes my life complete. Sadly, many people have their priorities in life all mixed up. Many live in a world surrounded by superficial love displays. Trying to live a lie is difficult no matter the circumstances. In those situations, social restrictions which force people together can cause delusions of love to crumble. Eventually reality always wins. There are those of us who live alone with our loved ones living elsewhere, having families of their own. The social restrictions actually reduce the time we get to spend with those we love. We make due with facetime or a phone call. For some of us this...event, hurts and is anything but beautiful. |
To each their own, Tom.
Yes, there are many faces, each with their own story to tell.
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I'm sorry, I just can't think of a worldwide pandemic as a beautiful thing.
No more than thinking a war (any war) is a beautiful thing. Focusing on my own individuality doesn't weaken the love I feel for others, it makes it stronger. I need no pandemic to make me appreciate those I love. I always rushed home from work to be near my family. Spending time around those I love is what makes my life complete. Sadly, many people have their priorities in life all mixed up. Many live in a world surrounded by superficial love displays. Trying to live a lie is difficult no matter the circumstances. In those situations, social restrictions which force people together can cause delusions of love to crumble. Eventually reality always wins. There are those of us who live alone with our loved ones living elsewhere, having families of their own. The social restrictions actually reduce the time we get to spend with those we love. We make due with facetime or a phone call. For some of us this...event, hurts and is anything but beautiful. There's pros and cons to both situations. I'm fortunate that my kids are my true family and they are with me. It hurts knowing that there's people suffering but this isn't anything new. Suffering is part of being human. I chose to live in a bubble I created as time flies by. I'm carving out time for precious memories and making the most of a difficult situation. Trust me, it's not all roses, there are thorns. But it's what you make of it. |
Edited by
SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Mon 06/08/20 09:53 AM
I'm sorry, I just can't think of a worldwide pandemic as a beautiful thing.
No more than thinking a war (any war) is a beautiful thing. Focusing on my own individuality doesn't weaken the love I feel for others, it makes it stronger. I need no pandemic to make me appreciate those I love. I always rushed home from work to be near my family. Spending time around those I love is what makes my life complete. Sadly, many people have their priorities in life all mixed up. Many live in a world surrounded by superficial love displays. Trying to live a lie is difficult no matter the circumstances. In those situations, social restrictions which force people together can cause delusions of love to crumble. Eventually reality always wins. There are those of us who live alone with our loved ones living elsewhere, having families of their own. The social restrictions actually reduce the time we get to spend with those we love. We make due with facetime or a phone call. For some of us this...event, hurts and is anything but beautiful. There's pros and cons to both situations. I'm fortunate that my kids are my true family and they are with me. It hurts knowing that there's people suffering but this isn't anything new. Suffering is part of being human. I chose to live in a bubble I created as time flies by. I'm carving out time for precious memories and making the most of a difficult situation. Trust me, it's not all roses, there are thorns. But it's what you make of it. Yes, and this was also not a post meant to look at not so pleasant things, but to actually help see the beautiful things that come from this, which IS what it is all about, what life is all about. That's called 'the bigger picture'. The masses don't get that (yet) as they're too focused on the misery in their own life, what they do not have, watching the news and taking in all they're being spoon-fed. That's living in the old 3D of fear, lack, power, money, blababla. All that stuff that's on its way out, along with the patriarchal system that brought it to us, and thank goodness! Wars have been fought -and still are- by people with that old mindset, people who cannot see or think beyond their own little world of misery and feeling they're right regardless of what they do. You hurt me, throw bombs on my country? Okay, we'll invade you and hurt you! That's the old. What's becoming obsolete, and has to if we are to survive as a species. This message was more part of the new, of ascension, which has been going on for decades and that keeps accelerating. That is what this pandemic is part of as well even if most won't see that (yet) and only see misery. I knew my message was more suited for a Lightworker / Energyworker forum -which is why I posted the extended version on my own website too- but I chose to post it here regardless. If it's only one person I reach then I'm happy :) I'm a Lightworker, it's what I do, what I'm supposed to do. This is btw way not directed at you, Shelley, just taking both Tom's and your reaction and replying to it. And you are totally right: it is what you make of it, how you see it! ![]() |
Personally my life hasn't changed much due to this pandemic.
I've been away from my family for about a decade due to health restrictions. If I get to see all of them in a single year its a special year. I already suffered thru empty nest syndrome. Just because I have found the contentment I needed doesn't mean I can't identify with those who have not. I do have empathy for others. When I was surrounded by loved ones daily and my daily routine was ... routine, I always had a sense of fulfillment while with them. Family has always been very important to me. I've seen others who can't stand their families. I was always so amazed when I heard co-workers complaining about having to go home or want to hit the bar or go fishing after work. They put down their wives and kids and complain about having to do this or that with them. Me, I wanted to go straight home. I didn't go to bars. When I went fishing or hunting I wanted to take my kids. We spent weekends together always doing something like parks, picnics, camping, hiking, swimming...together. I realize some people can't stand but small doses of their own families and I feel sad for them. I'm sure there are many who feel as I do yet it takes a pandemic with social restrictions to force them to be as they should be all the time. My question is, what stops them? Why does it require a pandemic for them to cherish their time together? Doing otherwise, to me, is twisted insanity. |
I'm sorry, I just can't think of a worldwide pandemic as a beautiful thing.
No more than thinking a war (any war) is a beautiful thing. Focusing on my own individuality doesn't weaken the love I feel for others, it makes it stronger. I need no pandemic to make me appreciate those I love. I always rushed home from work to be near my family. Spending time around those I love is what makes my life complete. Sadly, many people have their priorities in life all mixed up. Many live in a world surrounded by superficial love displays. Trying to live a lie is difficult no matter the circumstances. In those situations, social restrictions which force people together can cause delusions of love to crumble. Eventually reality always wins. There are those of us who live alone with our loved ones living elsewhere, having families of their own. The social restrictions actually reduce the time we get to spend with those we love. We make due with facetime or a phone call. For some of us this...event, hurts and is anything but beautiful. There's pros and cons to both situations. I'm fortunate that my kids are my true family and they are with me. It hurts knowing that there's people suffering but this isn't anything new. Suffering is part of being human. I chose to live in a bubble I created as time flies by. I'm carving out time for precious memories and making the most of a difficult situation. Trust me, it's not all roses, there are thorns. But it's what you make of it. Yes, and this was also not a post meant to look at not so pleasant things, but to actually help see the beautiful things that come from this, which IS what it is all about, what life is all about. That's called 'the bigger picture'. The masses don't get that (yet) as they're too focused on the misery in their own life, what they do not have, watching the news and taking in all they're being spoon-fed. That's living in the old 3D of fear, lack, power, money, blababla. All that stuff that's on its way out, along with the patriarchal system that brought it to us, and thank goodness! Wars have been fought -and still are- by people with that old mindset, people who cannot see or think beyond their own little world of misery and feeling they're right regardless of what they do. You hurt me, throw bombs on my country? Okay, we'll invade you and hurt you! That's the old. What's becoming obsolete, and has to if we are to survive as a species. This message was more part of the new, of ascension, which has been going on for decades and that keeps accelerating. That is what this pandemic is part of as well even if most won't see that (yet) and only see misery. I knew my message was more suited for a Lightworker / Energyworker forum -which is why I posted the extended version on my own website too- but I chose to post it here regardless. If it's only one person I reach then I'm happy :) I'm a Lightworker, it's what I do, what I'm supposed to do. This is btw way not directed at you, Shelley, just taking both Tom's and your reaction and replying to it. And you are totally right: it is what you make of it, how you see it! ![]() I know a positive mindset is wonderful. So many have negative mindsets lately. We all have a choice to see the beauty in our lives or not. However, no matter how much beauty you appreciate it doesn't change the fact there is ugly in the world as well. I've found pushing one agenda or the other in entirety often backfires. If someone is overly pessimistic or overly optimistic it doesn't align with how the real world exists. Many people call "foul". Reality isn't good or bad, its just reality and how we all experience reality is how we choose to see it. Ignoring the ugly in favor of the beauty or ignoring the beauty in favor of the ugly only gives you half a world. An unrealistic view of life. Wars do exist. Hatred does exist. Delusions do obscure the reality. Trying to make people adopt a positive mindset without acknowledging their negative reality labels what you say as pipe-dreaming. Granted, what you say may be right, may be noble and for positive change but can be seen as unrealistic to actual life. My GF tells me one of the things she loves about me is the fact I don't focus on bad things. I don't make a huge deal out of good things. She says since she has met me, she now has more control over her life and how she takes the world. Where she felt turmoil she now feels contentment. I didn't preach my positive attitude to her, I showed her in everyday life. Bad things still happen in my life but I have a better handle on them. I don't ignore them, I embrace them and it shows. I'm realistic living in a world of reality. Peace and beauty come from within but are not exclusive. The difference is, I choose which to feed. There are all sorts of people in this world. Each have their own concept of beauty and ugly and most have both at the same time. Changing to a positive mindset is something that must happen within. Its a personal choice to accept the beauty in a world filled with ugly. Trying to ignore the ugly is to exist in delusion ~ a lie. These forums are a world-wide communication portal and filled with many from many walks of life. Pushing positive to like-minded souls is easy but changes nothing. Acknowledging the ugly and showing how to see the beauty helps some but not all. Just as there will never be a true dystopia, there will also never be a true utopia. Perfect societies will self-destruct. Unity is the delusion but also the strength of society. There will never be a world of perfect beauty or perfect ugly. The Universe is chaotic and random. SparklingCrystal, you have a gift to touch the hearts of others. While it gives peace and tranquility to some, it also has the potential to make a terrible existence worse. Be careful. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 06/08/20 06:17 PM
"Return To Love" was also the name of the ill-fated June 16 to August 3 2000 tour by Diana Ross and The [New] Supremes; 13 concerts played and 16 cancelled.
Tom, I'd appreciate it if you don't project your beliefs onto me and who I am.
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"Return To Love" was also the name of the ill-fated June 16 to August 3 2000 tour by Diana Ross and The [New] Supremes; 13 concerts played and 16 cancelled. This is Return to Love, maybe it inspire you. It was used during Nelson Mandela's inauguration, written by Marianne Williamson RETURN TO LOVE: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" |
Tom, I'd appreciate it if you don't project your beliefs onto me and who I am. ![]() Ditto ![]() |