Topic: Signs That He or She Isn't Into You...
Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 05/23/20 03:37 PM
When they give you the "It's not you it's me" routine.

mzrosie's photo
Sat 05/23/20 03:46 PM

When you ask, "when would be a good time to visit?" and he/she says, "let me think about it."

just found this, ((((((river)))))). flowerforyou drinker

OT: when they push you off a cliff by accident of course bigsmile

no photo
Sat 05/23/20 03:48 PM
When a man uses other women to test your reaction ....... not only is he not into you .. he belongs in hell pitchfork

no photo
Sun 05/24/20 07:39 AM
"DUDE!!!!! JUST GO AWAY!!!!"

tgrlccgr's photo
Sun 05/24/20 07:40 AM

no photo
Sun 05/24/20 08:31 AM

When you ask, "when would be a good time to visit?" and he/she says, "let me think about it."

just found this, ((((((river)))))). flowerforyou drinker

OT: when they push you off a cliff by accident of course bigsmile

laugh bigsmile

(((((rosie))))) flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Sun 05/24/20 09:31 AM
Waking up to find yourself being thrashed with stinging nettles :laughing:

cajunman59's photo
Sun 05/24/20 07:14 PM
When she sends you a wedding invitation.

no photo
Sun 05/24/20 07:19 PM
bunnies in a pot...

Mark Luis's photo
Mon 05/25/20 12:29 AM
He or she talks about his ex frequently :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

Mark Luis's photo
Mon 05/25/20 12:51 AM
He or she tells you that he or she is not ready for a relationship... :smirk::rolling_eyes::expressionless:

no photo
Thu 05/28/20 07:49 AM
When you go in for a hug or kiss and they get that look on their face like you are trying to hand them a grub worm

Amanykai's photo
Thu 05/28/20 09:22 PM
that stuff hurts :frowning2::frowning2:

no photo
Thu 06/04/20 04:28 PM

no photo
Thu 06/04/20 07:55 PM
When he just wants you for citizenship and a new country :banana:

no photo
Thu 06/04/20 10:52 PM
when he/she replied ur message shorter than ever

no photo
Fri 06/05/20 06:11 PM
They're actively dating other's!

no photo
Fri 06/05/20 06:18 PM
You know he has your number, but he doesn't call.

justaokguy's photo
Sat 06/06/20 07:02 AM

they bring a trick home and don't even try to clean up

cgero's photo
Sat 06/06/20 03:53 PM
They call you bro or dude you know she just likes you as a friend