Topic: Things You Could Find in a Van... A to Z
cityblues21's photo
Sun 06/21/20 09:07 AM

no photo
Sun 06/21/20 10:52 AM
Ugly carpeting

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 06/21/20 11:32 AM

no photo
Sun 06/21/20 11:34 AM

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Sun 06/21/20 12:39 PM
Xanadu 8 track

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 06/21/20 08:33 PM
"Yeti" maps to use when traveling in Canada's wilderness.

no photo
Sun 06/21/20 11:49 PM
Zenyatta Mondatta cassette by the Police

cityblues21's photo
Mon 06/22/20 02:19 AM

notbeold's photo
Mon 06/22/20 03:38 AM
Burglars with balaklavas, and breaking in tools.

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 05:04 AM
Candy :candy::lollipop:

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 06:15 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 06/22/20 06:19 AM
Dingle balls

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 06:22 AM

Burglars with balaklavas, and breaking in tools.

I can never get the guy at home depot to tell me what aisle those tools are on

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 06/22/20 06:51 AM

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Mon 06/22/20 07:45 AM
fried chicken grease on the steering wheel

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 09:28 AM
Groovy posters

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 06/22/20 09:30 AM

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Mon 06/22/20 09:56 AM
Incense cones

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 06/22/20 09:57 AM
Jewelry from the 1960s

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 03:46 PM
Klondike bars, that are starting to melt! surprised

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 07:18 PM
Love bead curtains