Topic: I just want to date. Not find a new life partner.
Nancy's photo
Thu 05/07/20 03:33 PM
Older single men profiles (possibly women too) appear geared toward finding a new life partner. It seems I scared another one away when I included in message chat what is already in my profile. I'm not interested in long term or marriage.
I'm <1 yr widowed. I like my freedom and independence. But I do want to date.

I guess the older some people get, the less able they are to focus on living their life now, and are more concerned with not dying alone.

Any Missouri 50-60s out there not sitting around waiting to die?

no photo
Thu 05/07/20 03:45 PM
I know what you mean, Nancy.

Mike6615's photo
Thu 05/07/20 05:59 PM

Older single men profiles (possibly women too) appear geared toward finding a new life partner. It seems I scared another one away when I included in message chat what is already in my profile. I'm not interested in long term or marriage.
I'm <1 yr widowed. I like my freedom and independence. But I do want to date.

I guess the older some people get, the less able they are to focus on living their life now, and are more concerned with not dying alone.

Any Missouri 50-60s out there not sitting around waiting to die?

What? We're going to die? Need a second opinion!

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Fri 05/08/20 12:49 AM
Yes I get the same ,meeting someone once a week would be plenty and I would not want to live with anyone at the moment .

SunnyMike's photo
Fri 05/08/20 12:56 AM

Older single men profiles (possibly women too) appear geared toward finding a new life partner. It seems I scared another one away when I included in message chat what is already in my profile. I'm not interested in long term or marriage.
I'm <1 yr widowed. I like my freedom and independence. But I do want to date.

I guess the older some people get, the less able they are to focus on living their life now, and are more concerned with not dying alone.

Any Missouri 50-60s out there not sitting around waiting to die?

laugh laugh

Wish I lived closer. :smile: I feel the same, like my independence but it would be nice to have, for lack of a better term, "a standing date".

Best of luck Nancy, hope you find someone to play with. No, wait that doesn't sound right. :smile:

Nancy's photo
Fri 05/08/20 06:56 AM

laugh laugh

Wish I lived closer. :smile: I feel the same, like my independence but it would be nice to have, for lack of a better term, "a standing date".

Best of luck Nancy, hope you find someone to play with. No, wait that doesn't sound right. :smile:

Exactly. I want social time and romance with a male partner. I don't want a partner to consume my life or get attached. Not having an easy time finding someone who has the same goal.
I think I'm in the wrong part of the country. But I will fix that in about a year.

This IS my time to play. Though that word doesn't convey well on a dating site. :wink:

notbeold's photo
Fri 05/08/20 07:55 AM
Nancy I wish I was much closer too. Being 'mature' and wanting to really enjoy life how you like seems to be some sort of taboo; we're not supposed to do that anymore for some reason. My partner and I lived separately and we FWB for years happily, giving heaps of freedom, and together most nights.
But you are very attractive Nancy, and I can see why some would want to formally secure your affection long term. Best of luck finding.

Nancy's photo
Fri 05/08/20 12:25 PM

Yes I get the same ,meeting someone once a week would be plenty and I would not want to live with anyone at the moment .

Exactly. And I don't think I ever want to live with anyone again. Never say never, but that's how I feel now.

Nancy's photo
Fri 05/08/20 12:31 PM

Nancy I wish I was much closer too. Being 'mature' and wanting to really enjoy life how you like seems to be some sort of taboo; we're not supposed to do that anymore for some reason. My partner and I lived separately and we FWB for years happily, giving heaps of freedom, and together most nights.
But you are very attractive Nancy, and I can see why some would want to formally secure your affection long term. Best of luck finding.

FWB is what an aunt and uncle eventually settled on. They married and divorced twice. Loved each other, but could not live together. After 2nd divorce my aunt bought a home across street from uncle. They continued being in love for decades and he grieved as a husband when she died.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sat 05/09/20 07:04 PM
OK folks this is what works for me; I'm 63 1/2 been single for 3 1/2 years and I have 1 child, my 15 y/o daughter who lives with her mother a half hour away. Her mother and I get along really well and she has had a new man for 2 years now.
For 3 years now I've had anywhere from 1 to as many as 6 FWB mostly in our age bracket and I'm sure that it all has to be based on integrity on everyone's part.
I don't mince words and I make sure from the start that we all know what and how were going and doing AND that COMMUNICATION is key. Cover the possible situation(s) before they arise. It can be done successfully but about 3 is a more practical number.
Most importantly COMMUNICATION and INTEGRITY are the keys.

JohnE's photo
Tue 05/12/20 04:19 AM

OK folks this is what works for me; I'm 63 1/2 been single for 3 1/2 years and I have 1 child, my 15 y/o daughter who lives with her mother a half hour away. Her mother and I get along really well and she has had a new man for 2 years now.
For 3 years now I've had anywhere from 1 to as many as 6 FWB mostly in our age bracket and I'm sure that it all has to be based on integrity on everyone's part.
I don't mince words and I make sure from the start that we all know what and how were going and doing AND that COMMUNICATION is key. Cover the possible situation(s) before they arise. It can be done successfully but about 3 is a more practical number.
Most importantly COMMUNICATION and INTEGRITY are the keys.


Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 05/12/20 06:21 AM
I'm currently in a 'standing date' with a woman too.
We do weekends together (LOL).
The only difference is, I don't really desire more than one.

I've noticed the dedication and commitment is not as important as it was when I was married. Trust issues do not crop up because we are with each other because we enjoy being with each other. We exist in the moment.

We don't cling to expectation fulfillment. Not 'joined at the hip'. Honest acceptance is simple. I like her being her and she likes me being me.
We have honest communication and refrain from childish mind games and postures.
Its rather refreshing.

Nancy's photo
Tue 05/12/20 10:26 PM
I'm currently in a 'standing date' with a woman too.
We do weekends together (LOL).
The only difference is, I don't really desire more than one.

I've noticed the dedication and commitment is not as important as it was when I was married. Trust issues do not crop up because we are with each other because we enjoy being with each other. We exist in the moment.

We don't cling to expectation fulfillment. Not 'joined at the hip'. Honest acceptance is simple. I like her being her and she likes me being me.
We have honest communication and refrain from childish mind games and postures.
Its rather refreshing.

Sounds perfect

SunnyMike's photo
Wed 05/13/20 12:05 AM
Just realized "New Life" sounds like a cult.

Hi, Are you sad, lonely, depressed? Do you need a friend? Well we're from "New Life" and we can take the pain away. You'll never be alone again.


laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 05/13/20 02:02 AM
True feel same way

cajunman59's photo
Sun 05/17/20 07:47 PM
I'd ask ya out but I think Missouri is was up in north Louisiana, past Shreveport. LOL Good luck, hope you find that friend.

Nancy's photo
Mon 05/18/20 06:42 AM
I'd ask ya out but I think Missouri is was up in north Louisiana, past Shreveport. LOL Good luck, hope you find that friend.

Thanks but my dance card is full at the moment.

no photo
Sun 08/02/20 10:20 PM
Hi I'm a swm and I know we don't live close to each other but I was hoping you might be interested in chating. I'm looking for a female to share my special interest with and sharing with a woman online is a part of it. It could be something you didn't know you would enjoy, so please give me a chance to at least explain in more detail. Hope to hear from you soon.

no photo
Mon 08/03/20 05:14 AM
I quite understand your point of view Nancy. Not everyone can or wants to have the marriage/living together kind of relationship.

Joe (RhinoJoe)'s photo
Sat 08/08/20 10:39 PM
shame you not in Savannah I am having similar issues
We can chat or whatever you want to do