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Topic: Typical male
SunnyMike's photo
Mon 04/20/20 10:38 PM
One of my favorite Lee Evans jokes:

Why is it when your lost your wife says "Oh, let's just go home." "What? We're frickin lost!!"

no photo
Wed 04/22/20 12:56 PM

What is a map?


Awww :joy:

no photo
Wed 04/22/20 02:28 PM

One of my favorite Lee Evans jokes:

Why is it when your lost your wife says "Oh, let's just go home." "What? We're frickin lost!!"

well that's easy peasy perfesser

since home is where the heart is just stop the car and let her outpitchfork

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 04/22/20 03:39 PM

blondey in all my life i have only met 2 who could.

but neither could fold it back up afterlaugh

I can do both.

Me too! I'm very fussy about folding it back properly. Same with newspapers. I hate it when people mess that up because they can't browse through the pages normally then fold it into one mess.
Must be a childhood trauma, or maybe a kindergarten teach who gave me chit for it?

However, I do love GPS. Google Maps Go. Always updated, always current info on traffic jams and sending you via another faster route etc. And it doesn't cost anything.
When I need it I set it to speech so I can keep my eyes on the road.
The only bummer is it sometimes says something like "Turn north on XYZ". I don't frigging know where north is when I'm driving!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 04/22/20 03:41 PM

One of my favorite Lee Evans jokes:

Why is it when your lost your wife says "Oh, let's just go home." "What? We're frickin lost!!"

Erm... not sure I get that one... noway

Goofball73's photo
Wed 04/22/20 05:36 PM
Typical male also will scratch himself in front of his girl. laugh laugh

SunnyMike's photo
Wed 04/22/20 11:08 PM

One of my favorite Lee Evans jokes:

Why is it when your lost your wife says "Oh, let's just go home." "What? We're frickin lost!!"

Erm... not sure I get that one... noway

If you're lost, how do you find your way home? :smile:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 04/23/20 03:17 AM

One of my favorite Lee Evans jokes:

Why is it when your lost your wife says "Oh, let's just go home." "What? We're frickin lost!!"

Erm... not sure I get that one... noway

If you're lost, how do you find your way home? :smile:

I'm a woman, I ask directions :)

SunnyMike's photo
Thu 04/23/20 03:19 AM

I'm a woman, I ask directions :)

I'm sorry, I'm male, so although I understand the words, that sentence makes no sense to me. :smile:

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