Topic: Keep telling me brainwashing doesn't exist, Lollipop. | |
I was going to write a story about installing a computer chip in people's brains to control them. I figured there was a few of those out there already, so I passed.
Over the years lots of people claimed there's no way to brainwash people to control them. Of cause there is. The most common is propaganda which we are subjected to by the media right now which is mainly Progressive Socialism nonsense. Dirtballs are always looking for ways to control people and unfortuntionily I know a few of them. Seems it's never going to stop until they can just jam a eletroid up your as' and fry your brain that way. Here's some new and exciting developments from the world of brain f'ckery. The ‘Talented’ Harvard Scholar, Charles Lieber STEVEN W. MOSHER Professor Charles Lieber’s arrest on Jan. 28 made headlines on all the major U.S. media. After all, he was not only a Harvard professor, he was a world-class researcher in nanotechnology, working on highly sensitive research projects for the U.S. government. The FBI complaint alleges that he had been secretly participating in China’s “Thousand Talents Plan” since 2011, paid some $600,000 a year, plus expenses, to open and operate a lab at the Wuhan University of Technology (yes, that Wuhan). We know that China contracts with U.S. experts in this way in order to steal their research and gain commercial and military advantages over the United States. In fact, more than 7,000 U.S. scientists and other experts have been recruited in this way over the past decade, according to a Senate report made public last Nov. 18. But few were as well compensated as Lieber. What was it about Lieber’s research that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was willing to pay millions for? I’ve looked up some of his research in nanotechnology, and was startled by what I found. To begin with, the two-timing professor was doing cutting-edge research in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology— which is science, engineering, and technology conducted at a molecular or even atomic scale—is key to several of the 11 areas identified in the “Made in China 2025” plan to dominate the hightechnology high ground of the future. Robotics, IT, and medical devices, for example, would all clearly benefit from nanotechnology. But there’s more to it than that. Over the past decade and a half, Lieber has been working to develop nanoelectronics- enabled cellular tools to record and modulate neuronal activity in the brain. Lieber called his early work in using nanowires to connect neurons “revolutionary.” He suggested that it can be used to record and influence brain activity and “opens the possibility for hybrid circuits that couple the strengths of digital nanoelectronic and biological computing components.” That is exactly what he went on to do with his new Chinese colleagues from the Wuhan University of Technology over the past decade: integrate electronics in a minimally invasive manner within the central nervous system. Over the years, they have injected “macroporous electronics” by syringe into chosen regions of the brain. They have proven that these “injectable electronics” can be integrated with the brain and continue to function for at least a year. Nanotechnology is key to several of the 11 areas identified in the ‘Made in China 2025’ plan to dominate the high-technology high ground of the future. In other words, Lieber and the Chinese researchers he was training were implanting microchips in the brains of lab animals to monitor and affect their behavior. All of the research that Lieber has been involved with has involved rats and mice, not humans. But given the lack of ethical controls on research in communist China, one wonders if in the nanotechnology lab that he set up, parallel research is being done on humans there, or soon will be. Are you beginning to see why the Chinese regime would pay a great deal of money for the privilege of, shall we say, picking Charles Lieber’s brain? After all, it was the CCP which, back in the 1930s, invented what has become known as “brainwashing.” This is a literal translation of the Chinese term, xi nau, or “wash brain.” I still recall the anguish in a former political prisoner’s voice as he described being brainwashed by Communist Party officials. “They mess with your mind until you have no opinions whatsoever,” he said. Once your will to resist has been ground away, reality is defined not by your senses, or by your intellect, but by the Party. You have no opinions either, except those that the Party wants you to have. In other words, the CCP has long been engaged in a kind of crude kind of mind control, and perhaps saw in Lieber’s work an opportunity to take “brainwashing” to the next level. We aren’t yet at the point where a chip can be implanted in someone’s brain to read their thoughts, or affect their behavior. But even the possibility must be tantalizing to a political party bent on total control. It isn’t hard to imagine even a primitive version of Lieber’s devices serving as a kind of mental taser, capable of lashing people into submission remotely. Lieber faces up to five years in prison for selling his U.S. taxpayer-funded research to China on the cheap. If convicted, he will have plenty of time to reflect on the consequences of handing over to a one-party dictatorship the ability to invade people’s very minds. Steven W. Mosher is president of the Population Research Institute and the author of “Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream Is the New Threat to World Order.” |
The whole concept of sheeple is a real life example of brainwashing.
The advertising industry is based on the idea of convincing people to buy something they were not looking to buy. The weird thing is, many people are willing participants in their own brainwashing. |
Back in 1990 or so (time has a way of mixing things up), the advertising industry were trying to come up with different ways to sell to Gen X. Seems being subjected to thousands of hours of commercials and other ad made us immune to it. Gen X also made pop culture so the garbage today they put out is repulse to us and the entertainment industry is paying a stiff price for that. "Without respect we reject." But Generation Y only knows reality shows and other nonsense for the most part. They seem to be easily duped into believe things. Not sure about Gen Z though. |
I studied advertising in vocational school because I was stuying to be an advertising artist.
Ever heard of Subliminal Advertising? Ever heard of Conditioning Advertising? Both exist and both continue to work. Have you ever thought of the reason you buy what you buy? Ever buy something, use it once and then it sits on a shelf or in the closet till you toss it or have a yard sale? Ever spend more money than you planned on something? You can thank television, radio and printed packaging for that. Do you remember back in the early 80 there was a generic craze? You could buy products in black and white wrappers for less cost. Ever wonder why that craze phased out? One must also realize advertising is not the only way you can be brainwashed. The music played at primetime on radios. The subject matter and associations formed from your favorite TV shows. The 'look' of big and small screen actors and actresses. The words of politicians which are supported by the TV shows, commercials and NEWS programs. Its all a form of subliminal conditioning. Ever try to tell someone not to watch TV or listen to the radio? Notice how they defend it? Yet, when someone does avoid it for longer periods, the less likely they are to go back to it. Because they find they can think clearer and make correct decisions without the subliminal interference. I'd rather watch paint dry than watch channel TV. I'd rather listen to crickets then listen to a radio broadcast. Brainwashing....more than most realize. |
I studied advertising in vocational school because I was stuying to be an advertising artist. Ever heard of Subliminal Advertising? Ever heard of Conditioning Advertising? Both exist and both continue to work. Have you ever thought of the reason you buy what you buy? Ever buy something, use it once and then it sits on a shelf or in the closet till you toss it or have a yard sale? Ever spend more money than you planned on something? You can thank television, radio and printed packaging for that. Do you remember back in the early 80 there was a generic craze? You could buy products in black and white wrappers for less cost. Ever wonder why that craze phased out? One must also realize advertising is not the only way you can be brainwashed. The music played at primetime on radios. The subject matter and associations formed from your favorite TV shows. The 'look' of big and small screen actors and actresses. The words of politicians which are supported by the TV shows, commercials and NEWS programs. Its all a form of subliminal conditioning. Ever try to tell someone not to watch TV or listen to the radio? Notice how they defend it? Yet, when someone does avoid it for longer periods, the less likely they are to go back to it. Because they find they can think clearer and make correct decisions without the subliminal interference. I'd rather watch paint dry than watch channel TV. I'd rather listen to crickets then listen to a radio broadcast. Brainwashing....more than most realize. I studied the same thing. I have a degree in it, and it absolutely works... comically so. Ridiculously accurate. When painting billboards, we'd be instructed to paint things in the ice cubes, or on a grill, in fire, in the sweat of a glass or bottle, and so on and so on. So.... America, you were right. some of those things you found were REAL. ![]() |
I studied the same thing. I have a degree in it, and it absolutely works... comically so. Ridiculously accurate. When painting billboards, we'd be instructed to paint things in the ice cubes, or on a grill, in fire, in the sweat of a glass or bottle, and so on and so on.
What is amazing is the predilection people have towards accepting brainwashing. |
Yes Indeed.... I'll never understand it.
(shakes head) |
I must be weird..
I can't be sold something I do not want, don't "impulse buy"... I have always compared things (larger purchases) before I spend any money, and usually have bought the cheapest alternative.. As an example, there is NO way I'd buy one of those goofy high dollar washing machines that claims it can clean a load of clothes with one gallon of water (or WTF-ever)... That they sell washing machine cleaner for... ![]() Think about that,...washing machine gosh, HOW did we with those top loaders ever manage without washing machine cleaner???????????? No thanks...I bought a top loader, that was 1/3 the price, and works just fine. Or, cars.. Hatchbacks...imminently useful, practical, and generally cheap on gas.... They seem to be put forth as "starter" cars, or low-end.. So what? If it is good, reliable., practical transportation without all the use;less bells and whistles I'll never use (much less being bigger and using more gas)..WHY would I buiy something more expensive? |
Tv? The idiots lantern...
Brainwashing is a weird term. It should be brain numbing or brain training. When I studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, they work by constant repitition of the same scriptures, over and over again. Your answers to their questions have to be their answers to their questions. Lol, no one could answer my questions. I was told I had to wait till an elder came over from USA to answer my questions.
He couldn't, but it was tragic to watch people be so gullible and 'taught' how to think ![]() |
I studied advertising in vocational school because I was stuying to be an advertising artist. Ever heard of Subliminal Advertising? Ever heard of Conditioning Advertising? Both exist and both continue to work. Have you ever thought of the reason you buy what you buy? Ever buy something, use it once and then it sits on a shelf or in the closet till you toss it or have a yard sale? Ever spend more money than you planned on something? You can thank television, radio and printed packaging for that. Do you remember back in the early 80 there was a generic craze? You could buy products in black and white wrappers for less cost. Ever wonder why that craze phased out? One must also realize advertising is not the only way you can be brainwashed. The music played at primetime on radios. The subject matter and associations formed from your favorite TV shows. The 'look' of big and small screen actors and actresses. The words of politicians which are supported by the TV shows, commercials and NEWS programs. Its all a form of subliminal conditioning. Ever try to tell someone not to watch TV or listen to the radio? Notice how they defend it? Yet, when someone does avoid it for longer periods, the less likely they are to go back to it. Because they find they can think clearer and make correct decisions without the subliminal interference. I'd rather watch paint dry than watch channel TV. I'd rather listen to crickets then listen to a radio broadcast. Brainwashing....more than most realize. I studied the same thing. I have a degree in it, and it absolutely works... comically so. Ridiculously accurate. When painting billboards, we'd be instructed to paint things in the ice cubes, or on a grill, in fire, in the sweat of a glass or bottle, and so on and so on. So.... America, you were right. some of those things you found were REAL. ![]() "STEP RIGHT UP, FOLKS. Step right up!" I came at it from "The Arts" point of views. Visual poetry and the Ol', "Rassamataz". Ads and such don't get me to buy crap. Guess being subjected to Petrocks in gumball machines when I was a kid made me immune. ![]() Doing research is a pain in the as' as well. Lots of people think the advertisements are the truth when it comes to history. Also, plenty of people parating each other. All these hacks today in entertainment never bothered to learn because being a real writer takes work. |