Topic: How do you view death?Enterthegates(I do philosophy) | |
Is death taboo to u?Out of bounds?Are you afraid to die?how do you justify nature for such a outcome?If you had the power of its course would you extend your lifetime with the course of age still current?Are you afraid to die and if you werent what fear anyhow would u fear your circumstance to dying?
I've 2 near death experiences, it wasn't fear of dying I felt. but concern for family and friends being told. death is probably nothing. And if it isn't, then I wont have this problematical carcus to fuss over anymore. Pesky thing...
i think it always comes to spirituality somehow.
the interplay of the soul and body. does the the soul cease to exist after death as the body decays. do we reincarnate or do we take new forms. i dont know but our actions in the now determines our readiness. we fear death because we feel there are some things that we have not yet done. so do everything now. fix all the things that you must fix for your family, friends and significant others. as we grow our circle of significant others changes grows or shrinks and how we want to be remembered and so does our consience.. if you do good your conscience is at peace and you are ready to go when you gotta go |
Questions are a burden and answers a prison for oneself.
Questions are a burden and answers a prison for oneself. I like that, very profound and so true! |
Fear of death often keeps us alive. It usually keeps us from doing things which would kill us. Its so common we do things to prevent death sometimes without even realizing it.
If you think about it, the older you are, the better you are at avoiding death. However, the human body is subject to the entrophic nature of the Universe and eventually dies. After puberty, living is the process of dying. Considering the fact 'sense of self' resides in the brain (a living chemical/electric process) when the brain dies, we die. The reason people often feel their center of being is in their heart is because our bodies are networked with sensors and actuators. We 'feel' like our chests are the center of us. This 'feeling' creates the idea of a 'soul'. A 'soul' is a false sense of self which we think exists outside the influence of the body. A separate process of life with its own ability to act and react. The idea when we die the soul leaves the body and continues to live gives us a sense of comfort but like all delusions, suspecting the reality of death might not be what we think, leaves us with a fear of dying. Once a delusion is lifted, it is extremely hard to reapply. Everything we are, from the simplest thought to the most complex action, is due to an dendrite and an axon firing a synapse. Every memory, dream, anticipation. Every heartbeat, breath, step. All happening in the brain as chemical electrical signals are created and absorbed. You can't cut the arm from a brain dead patient to have it sign a document. Contrary to movies, the heart will not continue to pump once removed from the body and the brain will not continue to function in a glass jar. If the body were the center of life, these things would happen. The brain requires the body, just as much as the body requires the brain. One without the other results in the death of both. The mind is the process of stimulation and memory from sensor data collected over the lifetime. A set of behavioral checks and balances which preserve or end life. Preservation of life is the core value and purpose of the brain. Our ability to reason, then apply that reason thru action is a basic life function. Our reasoning keeps us alive. It keeps us from doing things which would otherwise kill us. Some of us are better at it than others. I've had a few NDEs and one actual flatline during my existence. The difference is an NDE is a near death experience and the other is vital organ failure. Neither were actual death. The fact I am sitting here typing this is proof. Death is when all brain processes completely shut down (including involuntary ones) and you do not recover. Its permanent. You might read others accounts which seem like real death but how many people get revived a year after they are dead? We know it just doesn't happen because we know bodies decay. Well, bodies start to decay as soon as cell generation is interrupted. Axons and dendrites are made of cells. If axons and dendrites decay to the point of no longer being able to fire across a synapse, nerves loose signal and muscles thoughts and memories no longer function. This is why dead is dead. Just like stress can make your heart beat faster and your reactions quicker, the brain senses the deterioration (probably triggered by lack of oxygen to the nerve cells) and starts to fire everything to try to jump start the body when death is happening. When it is successful, we remember this 'emergency action' as set events we experienced while dead. However, with the brain being forced into overload, those events/sensations are hallucinations. They seem real because our brains have our memories and it is firing those too. I experienced this. OOB experience is felt when we sense ourselves outside our bodies. During death, we may experience OOB 'sensations'. Sensations is the keyword. We exist in a certain range of OOB sensations everyday we live. This is because our sensors detect things outside our bodies. We sense things around us. During dying, our brains fire everything it has to jumpstart us. Our sensors go into overload. Time seems to stop. Empathic sense/presence heightens. Depending on the conditions of death we are fighting, our muscles may extend or contract. Compared to living, the act of dying is when our bodies and minds are most alive because everything is firing beyond normal safeguards. If it is successful, you live to tell about it if your mind has the capacity. If it isn't, your body shuts down, your brain shuts down AND YOU DIE...FOREVER. |
Whilst it's true that most people are simply dead once the life processes have ended, it's not the case for Taoist immortals or Buddhist Rinpoche.
okay but I have yet to encounter either in reality.
end of story , end of lots life's acts
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SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Mon 04/13/20 03:39 PM
I have mixed feelings about the subject. I know life doesn't end when you die, the only thing that ends is life in this physical body as that body dies.
Whether or not I will be afraid when that time comes will depend on where, when, and how it happens. I imagine that if I had a good life, feel fulfilled about it and my time to transition comes at an old age while I'm still in good health concerning, am surrounded by loved ones, it can be quite peaceful & beautiful. But there's also less pleasant scenarios of course and I can imagine that you get into fear then. The thing is the average person doesn't have much experience with death, and on top of that it has become a taboo in our society. In the olden days it wasn't and people didn't fear it the way we do. So I don't know. It's a good thing in that sense you don't know when your time is up. And also peculiar it is such a big deal as from the moment we can think we live with the knowing we are some day going to die. |
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Mon 04/13/20 03:52 PM
I can PHYSICALLY get out of my body.
If you learn how to get out of body, you'll know that there is no "belief" involved. It just is natural fact. We ALL are capable of this..... I have done this regularly, and I can also move stuff around, or go through walls, but occasionally get stuck in them, which will snap you back into your body... I can get into other bodies if I choose, BUT I DON'T. I COULD, but I NEVER do, slap the piss out of someone, or much worse.... but there's also natural laws of respect that should not be crossed, though I have seen many others out of body, cross those lines. One might pay dearly or ultimately for it, (possibly final death of the soul) If you want to explore this further, Robert Monroe, "Journeys out of the Body" "Far Journeys" "Ultimate Journey" William Buhlman, "Adventures Beyond The Body" (very well explained) So.... sorry to those of you that think you just go into the ground, and that's it, dead, final, finito, but....... Nope.... you still exist.... It's why I do suicide watch here... When you kill yourself, you will be standing over YOUR dead body, and no way to correct it. you get to watch all the things you could have changed, but the penalty is, that you cannot change it, because you did what you did. I can't explain how those things work, as it would be like explaining the things in this universe that defy our laws of physics. In the mirror, I look like glass or plastic, and I'm clear. every scar is there, and every detail. |
Well, given the ratio of mortals to immortals (ie several billion to not so many) that's perfectly normative. However, I think a few more people have met a Rinpoche, such as the Dalai Lama himself or Geshe Kelsang Rinpoche.
Topic: How do you view death?
I do not want to be there when it happens. |
Questions are a burden and answers a prison for oneself. I like that, very profound and so true! Brilliant. |
I can PHYSICALLY get out of my body. If you learn how to get out of body, you'll know that there is no "belief" involved. It just is natural fact. We ALL are capable of this..... I have done this regularly, and I can also move stuff around, or go through walls, but occasionally get stuck in them, which will snap you back into your body... I can get into other bodies if I choose, BUT I DON'T. I COULD, but I NEVER do, slap the piss out of someone, or much worse.... but there's also natural laws of respect that should not be crossed, though I have seen many others out of body, cross those lines. One might pay dearly or ultimately for it, (possibly final death of the soul) If you want to explore this further, Robert Monroe, "Journeys out of the Body" "Far Journeys" "Ultimate Journey" William Buhlman, "Adventures Beyond The Body" (very well explained) So.... sorry to those of you that think you just go into the ground, and that's it, dead, final, finito, but....... Nope.... you still exist.... It's why I do suicide watch here... When you kill yourself, you will be standing over YOUR dead body, and no way to correct it. you get to watch all the things you could have changed, but the penalty is, that you cannot change it, because you did what you did. I can't explain how those things work, as it would be like explaining the things in this universe that defy our laws of physics. In the mirror, I look like glass or plastic, and I'm clear. every scar is there, and every detail. There are quite a few beings such as yourself around, which I actually find reassuring ![]() |
Questions are a burden and answers a prison for oneself. I like that, very profound and so true! Brilliant. Not mine, I'm afraid to say but Bruce Dickinson. |
Thank you... very much... That humbles me greatly...
I'm more the low end on the totem pole of knowledge I'm afraid, so I can answer a few things, but the William Buhlman book not only answered things, but puzzled me further, as I lack the smarts to follow some of what he said. He goes into Steven Hawking territory, and the dimensions therin, and I didn't have time to finish. I believe with this C Virus, I might have time to finish the book. ![]() |
Questions are a burden and answers a prison for oneself. I like that, very profound and so true! Brilliant. Not mine, I'm afraid to say but Bruce Dickinson. When you carry it through, it becomes part of you. similar to ripples in the water... |
I regard death as peace perfect peace. It's not the state of death that worries me but how I transition from a state of being to one of non-existence and hopefully that won't involve a lot of pain or suffering to either me or the people who love me.
I regard death as peace perfect peace. It's not the state of death that worries me but how I transition from a state of being to one of non-existence and hopefully that won't involve a lot of pain or suffering to either me or the people who love me. Somebody should tell the Buddhists that Nirvana will be achieved at death, I'm sure that they will be delighted ![]() |