Topic: My profile
jessicaseekinglove's photo
Fri 03/27/20 08:49 AM
Check my profile and rate me and say something

no photo
Fri 03/27/20 09:11 AM
Your username is off putting, jessica is normally a female's name. There's nothing in your profile that says anything about you other than your separated, wand the kind of woman you're looking for. Add some interests and something about yourself. I would also lighten up on what you're looking for in a woman. It comes across as wanting everything you didn't get in your marriage, hence being separated.

delightfulillusion's photo
Fri 03/27/20 09:11 AM
Firstly, your username gives the impression you’re female.

Secondly, you’ve written about who you’re looking for but absolutely nothing about yourself. Viewers of your profile also want to know about you so write something that tells us what kind of guy you are otherwise we won’t know if we’d be interested enough to contact you.

Good luck.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 03/27/20 09:18 AM
The name, as said. Unless that is your name.

I'd go for photo 3 as profile photo as it shows your face better on the thumbnails.

Leave out projections from the past on what you want. "Superficial golddigger" is likely how you see your ex. Don't incorporate that, it's off-putting and won't help you let go either.

And indeed some stuff about who you are, what makes you unique. And considering your marital status, also if you are truly emotionally ready or for now prefer to keep it more casual.
No one wants a rebound thing, just be honest, to yourself too.

Nancy's photo
Fri 03/27/20 07:03 PM
Ditto on the above. Perhaps the gold digger term can be replaced with confident, self reliant. Unless you're looking for somebody who just looks good on your arm.