Topic: Global Warming | |
In the words of Albert Einstein " if it's not true then you're fine but if it is true then you're dead meat "
Global Warming: Is it real or is it propaganda? Temperature Patterns are Cyclical Whether one lives in Washington, Wellington or Walmington-On-Sea, the temperatures recorded through history fit within a range of highs and lows and periods that appear to run in cycles are warmer or cooler. Those who do not believe in global warming point to the historical records and therefore claim global warming is a fiction. Unfortunately, we do not have historical temperature records for the oceans and seas which are clearly affected by pollution and warming. It is claimed there is a continent of plastic and other waste, the size of Texas, which floats in the Pacific Ocean. Marine scientists tell us fine plastic particles can be found throughout the marine world, even at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Evidently the plastic pollution has affected ocean currents, directly, indirectly, or both, to the extent that many have slowed if not stopped . I do not know whether the currents in themselves influence water temperatures but there is ample evidence of melting polar ice and the resultant desalination which scientists claim has almost stopped the Gulf Stream current. The warming of the oceans has produced not only rising sea levels but hurricanes, cyclones, tornados , deluge rainfalls and cataclysmic flooding events throughout the world. These, along with earthquakes, are occurring with increasing frequency and increasing intensity. So does global warming exist? Does it depend on what you mean by global? Has warming occurred everywhere ? probably not. Has climate change occurred every where ? No. But then they don’t talk of global climate change. |
Global Warming: Is it real or is it propaganda? Why Propaganda? So why all the discussion or arguing? It is undeniable that “advances” in science have enabled man to produce “unnatural” natural events ; cloud seeding is an innocent example, earthquakes a much more sinister one. Man has used both within the last 10 years and one with devastating consequences. There are people who believe in “conspiracy theories” …. they suspect that global warming is a “beat-up”, a rumour started to instil fear and turmoil within society. They claim there is a world “elite” who plan to establish a one world government to govern and control all nations. They claim the “elite” realise people will only agree to this “New World Order” if there has been a preceding period of fear and turmoil. The conspiracy theorists claim global warming climate change are not real but have been used to produce fear and turmoil. I contend climate change is real even if they are not occurring all over the world. My question is the extent to which carbon emissions are causing the climate change. Surely combustion of wood and coal has occurred on a wide scale since the industrial revolution ? Besides maybe climate change will be less urgent now ? Has it been surpassed as the global threat ? I wonder if Miss Thunberg will have something to say about the new one ? |
Edited by
Sun 03/22/20 09:21 PM
Global Warming: Is it real or is it propaganda? Any Takers? |
I don't think many believe global warming and climate change is not happening.
I think its mainly that people are blowing it all out of portportion. Yes, humans and our way of life is contributing to global warming and climate change, how couldn't it? Global warming and climate change are gunna continue whether we do anything or nothing at all. Its probably good to realize global warming usually triggers ice ages. Plus, you might look into the information gleaned from ice core samples. Look up the words 'interglacial period'. If the mid-Atlantic conveyor shuts down, London will freeze, not burn. Its people making a big hoodoo about it that causes arguments. |
Global Warming: Is it real or is it propaganda? It is both. Humans have been harming life and the splendors of the Earth, by focusing on self sufficiency of their business and loyal friends. Private interest groups have also been trying to control other people by taking away their freedoms. There needs to be a wholistic approach, based on future economic impact of climate change and what people are willing to pay for. |
hi we as humans don't slow up the process of an ice age, but due to Global Warming we are potentially stopping one from happening...
basically the sun has gone into 2 stages of its cooler time... it has an 11 year cycle, of which were in year 1, and an approx 500 year cycle(can't remember exact amount) but like the post below yours mentions the grand solar minium.. every 11 years the sun goes cold to hot to cold every 500 approx, we get a GSMin, which should send the earth into a mini ice age, which should last around 70 years, until 2090. due to GW, the earth is much hotter than it would be, if we was not burning millions of tonnes of wood, coal, oil for energy etc, cutting down forests and putting so much extra carbon into the air, that nature cannot cope, the earth's sea grass is being destroyed, the sea and water are evaporating into the air, which eventually brings severe storms and high winds, polar ice caps are melting, and they have millions of years of dangerous bacteria frozen within them... the gulf stream has been pushed off its axis path, which has set the north poles arctic winds out of alignment, spreading over Canada & the United States bringing severe temperatures down.. the thing is, with the global temperatures higher than they should be, we might not get a mini ice age... thus as GW gets hotter over the next 70 years, when the sun comes out if it's cooler state, it will send solar flares to the earth, heating it up even more, sizzling the cr@p out of your great great grandchildren... it also means, with no ice, the earth might not get its resupply of water to last the next 500 years, the land might not get its soil replenished with nutrients, so we could try grow crops, just like in Africa and other countries, poor dry soil, no goodness to grow crops, too much heat, etc no water, no food, no life. it's a possibility, but who knows, none of us will be there, as people of this last century, don't care about the people of the next, they are too busy with governments that are greedy for gold and money, and not for the sake of the planet or the future of their families. be safe from the virus, user less energy, switch to nlow energy items, solar power etc, be well everyone bye. |
low energy* typo
well the weather is changing so fast i couldn't imagine what is going on thèse days is like the World is coming to an end.
Edited by
Sat 04/11/20 03:46 PM
George Carlin said it best....
The earth needs plastic... It's why we are here. The earth can't produce plastic on her own, so she has us.... When she has enough plastic, she'll shake us off like bad fleas.... We become extinct, viruses and bacteria inherit a better earth. Dishes are done man, Game over, Sayonara,, Auf Weidersehen,, Adios,, Nochonyear',, Bysombus,, Dasvidaniya,, Zaijian,, Au revoir,, See ya later,, Bye bye.... Don't worry about all this... Just bury your head in the sand wwhile you's nakey, so somebody else can kiss your azz Guubuy. |
Global Warming: Is it real or is it propaganda? I see no reason for such widespread effort to deceive on something like the climate. It makes perfect sense that things we do affect the climate, just as the climate can affect us. There are things that promote a healthier climate (for us, which is what the concern really is), and things that promote a climate that is not as healthy. That seems like logic, with no need for propoganda. |
bravo! one who is not fooled! world wide hoax for control and power. true scientist will tell you the earth has gone thru many hot, cold, warm cycles over the eons, and the minute thing of animals and humans has so insignificance to this, is -0 to the 10th power. so if you think you should change the climate, do the earth a favor,
eliminate yourself ...... |
Politically motivated by the elite to get richer.
We used to have something like winter -barely get any freeze at all now -rarely need a coat.
Heat related deaths are increasing rapidly -and some inhabited places will soon become intolerable for humans. Heat is one thing, but the increased humidity makes sweating worthless as it won't evaporate and cool you. I can work in 120+ degrees all day long, but add humidity and it takes you out quickly. "The emergence of heat and humidity too severe for human tolerance" |
I thought I was just getting old and could not take the heat anymore, but things really are different now...
"Yes, Texas summers really are hotter, more humid today than 40 years ago" |
Edited by
Sun 05/17/20 08:42 PM
I'm still waiting for them to get 1 prediction right. They've been making them now for 35 years and there's yet to be one come true.
In the 80s we were told the seas would rise and NYC would be under water in 20-30 years. That one is yet to happen but the deadline when it will happen keeps getting pushed back further and further. In the 90s we were told in 20 or so years all of the polar ice caps would melt and all but the highest mountain peaks would be snow free year round. Moreover, the polar bears would be extinct. Today there are more polar bears than during any time in recorded history. In 2005, after that severe hurricane season, we were told that would be the new norm and we would be destroyed by constant super-storms...we didn't have a hurricane make landfall in the continental U.S. for a decade after that. How do the climate experts combat these inconsistencies? THE OCEAN FLOOR IS SINKING DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE I'd like to know where is it sinking to? The weight of the current water level can't be compressing the planet, especially since there have been times in history when there were no ice caps and water levels were higher. We even had a mid-continent sea in the middle of North America at one time. When Antarctic glaciers break off and form icebergs, that also isn't a sign of a warming planet. Calving glaciers are proof that the glacier is growing and the ice sheet goes out too far from the land and breaks off because of the increased mass. If the glaciers were receding, then that would be proof of a warming trend. Just remember, when the media talks about ice melting in Antarctica during Christmastime, it's Summer down there and it normally recedes then even though it's cold where you are. It might also help if the Climate Experts would stop having their data and internal memos acquired by outside sources that show data being purposely manipulated by placing thermometers in the middle of black-topped parking lots or next to A/C vent exhausts, ignored when it contrasts with their desired results or even fraudulently changed hoping no one will find out. Finally, if your only answer to stop all the new questions from popping up because of these issues is to recruit a 17 year-old girl to act as a human shield for your movement really screams desperation. Now, instead of having to argue the issue with actual facts, you now just have to claim your detractors are simply mean-spirited people because they attack a poor innocent little girl. |